Belch when running? (Read 1534 times)


    hi all, im still new to running. However i realise that whenever i run, i will belch(burp) when i reach around 2km. Is there any explanation for this? How can i counter this problem? Thanks

    Jazz hands!

      Do you start going downhill when you hit 2km? Downhills always make me burp. It's probably not really a problem. It's only a burp.
      run run run AHHHHHH run run run

        Happens to me all the time. Depending on what I ate that day, I might even enjoy it. Truth be told, a burp isn't the worst thing I let fly while running.
          I burp through out the entire run. I've never farted. If I get the urge I'll hold it. Too scared a hostage might get released at the same time. Don't want that to happen.

            I watched UFC 94 last weekend. Clay Guida was fighting Nate Diaz and between the first and second rounds they brought the camera right into Clay's corner. Just after he sat down he turned his head and let out a terrific belch! A real bejorker! Then he turned back and they put his mouthpiece back in. I guess it happens to more than just you!


              Yep, I belch, too. Though mine are quite ladylike. Wink

              Getting the wind knocked out of you is the only way to

              remind your lungs how much they like the taste of air.    

                   ~ Sarah Kay

                Don't worry about the burping, it is the farting that can have more serious consequences! Burping is normally air you have swallowed whilst drinking or eating and all that bumping up and down is just your tummy settling down....better out than in as they say.

                A runners blog-updated daily

                Neil Gunn

                Gandalf the Grey

                  My only contribution to this thread is ... a) It is natural b) Check the wind direction and relative position of fellow runners ... and remember that in some cultures a burp/belch is considered very polite. Big grin Neil

                  Running ... just keep running!


                    Yahoo. Perfect timing, I was really ripping them out on my 5 miler yesterday. And they were loud! And none of them came from my mouth. I was running fast at the time and didn't dare look back, but thankfully I don't think anyone was around. Blush

                    Ostrich runner

                      Sometimes I've found that I can burp out a stomach cramp.



                        My expulsions usually start around mile 4 or 5.
                        [1]Is there any explanation for this? [2]How can i counter this problem?
                        1. I always figgered that exertion steepens the internal->external gas pressure gradient and this is nature's way of restoring some measure of homeostasis to the system and preventing explosion. An ancillary benefit of this process is that it greatly enhances physical comfort and mental harmony. (Then again, I know very little about either anatomy or chemistry.) 2. "Let go and let God."

                        Certifiably Insane

                          It's just your body adjusting the blood flow away from some of your organs to your muscles. Your stomach settles and changes size a bit. I notice it much more if I've just eaten or drank something before heading out the door. And of course, it never fails that the loudest ones always come just BEFORE I notice the attractive female within earshot... Tight lipped Now, farts are a different story. Running doesn't normally cause them for me. I do notice, though, that usually you can never get the whole thing done all at once. It's more like a piece with each step. And of course, it never fails that the loudest ones always come just BEFORE I notice the attractive female within earshot... Tight lipped Get Gone: I'll be laughing about that for days!
                          On the road since 1978! "To be good is not enough when you dream of being great." I am not obsessed! I'm just INTENSE! "Nothing is foolproof to a talented fool." Why? Because race results stay on Google forever! (Reasonably recent) PR's: 5K - 16:40 10K - 35:04 HM - 1:18:30
                            In the interest of high quality science I checked my Garmin, first belch this afternoon was at 0.38 mile. It was not the last.

                            Greater Lowell Road Runners
                            Cry havoc and let slip the dawgs of war!

                            May the road rise to meet you, may the wind be always at your back, may the sun shine warm upon your SPF30, may the rains fall soft upon your sweat-wicking hat, and until you hit the finish line may The Flying Spaghetti Monster hold you in the hollow of His Noodly Appendage.

                              hi all, im still new to running. However i realise that whenever i run, i will belch(burp) when i reach around 2km. Is there any explanation for this? How can i counter this problem? Thanks
                              No burps, just toots. Yes
                              Sam Edmond, Oklahoma 2009 Goals: 1. 1/2 Marathon (DONE Jan 2) 2. Hike to the top of Horn Peak, CO (13,450 ft) in July 3. Run a full marathon by the end of 2009 4. Keep running and no significant injuries 5. Run at least 1500 miles for the year 6. Play more golf with a stroke average in the 70's

                              Gotta TRI

                                Yep, I belch, too. Though mine are quite ladylike. Wink
                                I find that hard to believe Zoomy Big grin I just tell myself it's the bad toxins being forcefully ejected from my body.
                                2010 Dec. California International Marathon 2011 Jan. Disney Marathon