Stress Reaction? (Read 2706 times)


One day at a time

    Tchuck, I'm glad to hear that the ultrasound really works, because I've been shelling out for it for DS.  I kind of wondered about it.  (By the way, he ran his first race yesterday in three months - needed a 2:12 in the 800 to qualify for states, and ended up winning in 2:03. What a big relief for him!)

    I look my best blurry!

      Woo Hoo for your DS Teresadfp!  Very cool!

      SMART Approach

          I used it for my shoulder and had docs in awe!!! 



        TChuck - That is because you are awesome!


        Awe shucks!!



        Teresa, congrats on son. I am glad it is working out for him!

        Run Coach. Recovery Coach. Founder of SMART Approach Training, Coaching & Recovery

        Structured Marathon Adaptive Recovery Training

        Safe Muscle Activation Recovery Technique

        The shirtless wonder

          Here's a picture of my new best friend, Mr. Air Cast.


          I look my best blurry!

            You can run with that beast on your leg?  Crazy.

            The shirtless wonder

              You can run with that beast on your leg?  Crazy.


               I'm looking forward to a 100 meter jog this weekend.  Smile  It's actually very light and rather comfortable.  I walked for hours on it (wearing dress shoes no less) last weekend.  I realize that was stupid and I knew it was stupid before I chose to do it.  I was out of town with friends and I wasn't about to skip that.  Some things are worth a few extra days of healing.

              SMART Approach


                 I'm looking forward to a 100 meter jog this weekend.  Smile  It's actually very light and rather comfortable.  I walked for hours on it (wearing dress shoes no less) last weekend.  I realize that was stupid and I knew it was stupid before I chose to do it.  I was out of town with friends and I wasn't about to skip that.  Some things are worth a few extra days of healing.


                 It sure seems unorthodox to be running on this injury so soon - even a 100M jog. I wish you luck with your plan.

                Run Coach. Recovery Coach. Founder of SMART Approach Training, Coaching & Recovery

                Structured Marathon Adaptive Recovery Training

                Safe Muscle Activation Recovery Technique


                The shirtless wonder


                   It sure seems unorthodox to be running on this injury so soon - even a 100M jog. I wish you luck with your plan.

                   Well the initial injury was nearly three weeks ago.  When I saw the Doc two weeks ago I could hop on my heel pain free.  I then went out and ran on it which didn't go well (the Dr. recommended I test it by running on it).  Today should be the third day in a row that I can hop on it pain free which was the guideline for starting the "return to sport" plan. 


                  The return to sport plan is very conservative.  I'll walk 300 meters and jog (as opposed to run) 100 meters. 


                  I think that my symptoms are mild and that I'm either healing quickly, caught it early, or just have a very minor fracture.  Actually it's probably all of the above.  I haven't had a bone scan or MRI so it is possible that this isn't a stress fracture but I'm pretty convinced that it is.


                  I'm cautiously optimistic. 


                  mta: The onset of severe symptoms was about three weeks ago.  As you are certainly aware the injury was much longer in the making.


                    Don't run too much in that bootcastsplintsleeve, or you will develop one heck of a case of stinkboot that febreeze won't fix.


                    The shirtless wonder

                      Don't run too much in that bootcastsplintsleeve, or you will develop one heck of a case of stinkboot that febreeze won't fix.

                       It's worth it.  I only have two socks for that thing and I wear it during all waking hours.  It's particularly gross when I have to put a soaking wet sock on after showering from a ride.



                        Greg, I suggest a calcium supplement, if you're not taking one already.


                        Teresa, congrats to your DS!

                        I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.

                        I look my best blurry!

                          I can't believe that I haven't suggested my favorite piece of advice to you.  I badger everyone else with it, so, here goes.  Deep water running!!!   It's not just for little old ladies anymore!  If you want to come away from this cardiovascularly fit and fast, I am living proof that it works.  I did comparable workouts in the pool, to my running workouts.  Time, sprints, strides.  Seriously, I set a new 5K PR by 40 seconds after 6 weeks of pool running (my a$$ off) and only 2 weeks of minimal running on dry land.  It was probably stupid to run that fast and far so soon.  I'm not recommending that, but the pool running is a great workout.

                          TRY IT!  At first I felt like a dork, but eventually people at the gym started asking me for advice!  It's kinda funny but now I'm the aquarunning go to pro at the gym.  Ha! Thankfully, the weather is great and my pool at home is heated.  I had too many fans interrupting me at the gym pool.  (OK, I'm so full of crap at this point! )  I'm also logging a bunch of miles on an upper extremity bike, that I also started using to compensate for not running.  (You obviously already have the upper body workouts under control ) Between the pool running and the UE bike, I'm in much better shape than before.  That stress fx was a blessing in disguise!

                          The shirtless wonder

                            I tried deep water running last night and I think I did it wrong.  I was in the pool, running, for an hour and I couldn't get my heart rate up.  I had to really focus on running super fast to even get to the point where I had to breath through my nose mouth.  It felt like less of a workout than bike riding.


                            I had two float belts on because I was too low in the water using just one.  I had this fin sort of things on my ankles that were supposed to provide resistance but provided next to nothing. 


                            What did I do wrong?


                            mta: fixed nose/mouth mixup


                              There is nothing to see here. Move along.



                              Master of the Side Eye

                                I was completely sidelined with a stress fracture of the right ankle from February 13-June 1 of this year.


                                Even now, when I am cleared run a mile every day or two, I'm struggling. Yesterday was supposed to be a "go run" day. My ankle was so tender at the site of the fracture that it was a "go nowhere" day. Was I upset? - hell yeah - but if I push it too fast, I can bet it will be a "go nowhere summer" really quickly.


                                I also found deep water aquajogging to be awesome. I enjoyed it more than nowhere biking or the elliptical. Those were other options. However for a good long time, I was not to do any weight bearing - including walking or the elliptical. Walking only started at the end of May.


                                Good luck in your healing.

                                TRUST THE PROCESS