More Science of Sport discussion on barefoot running (Read 2796 times)


    I well understand this isn't a sprinting board, and that's my point.


    As to a distance race, I'd be up for it...


    I live in Portland. Are you running hood to coast by chance?


    No. And if I was, I'd have a team of people who wouldn't be happy if I ditched them. But I'm not so okey doke.


    I will, however, be in Portland on Monday for the Foot Traffic Flat Marathon.


    I could use some extra miles.


    sport jester


      Fourth of July is a little too quick to plan for me as my day is already scheduled and I can't change them on such short notice for that kind of competition.


      If you'd like to meet, then I'd be honored, and we can find a mutual time to figure out how to do it. And barefoot of course.

      Experts said the world is flat

      Experts said that man would never fly

      Experts said we'd never go to the moon


      Name me one of those "experts"...


      History never remembers the name of experts; just the innovators who had the guts to challenge and prove the "experts" wrong


        You edited your post to add the "barefoot of course" qualifier.  That's kind of fun.  A bit manipulative too.


        No, doing it barefoot was not part of the initial proposal.  If you'd like to run 100 miles barefoot, have at it.  I'll run in shoes.


        If 7/4 won't work, then I'm busy for the rest of July preparing for the White River 50 miler on 7/30.


        However, I could do something during one of the first 3 weekends in August.  Not Hood-to-Coast weekend.  My friends are running the Cascade Crest 100 and I like to help out.


        sport jester


          The thread is barefoot running....

          Experts said the world is flat

          Experts said that man would never fly

          Experts said we'd never go to the moon


          Name me one of those "experts"...


          History never remembers the name of experts; just the innovators who had the guts to challenge and prove the "experts" wrong

          sport jester


            And of course we'll agree to how many calories in additional energy will be allowe as well as water supply right???

            Experts said the world is flat

            Experts said that man would never fly

            Experts said we'd never go to the moon


            Name me one of those "experts"...


            History never remembers the name of experts; just the innovators who had the guts to challenge and prove the "experts" wrong


              Nice try.


              I realize the thread is barefoot running.  Mostly it has been several of us saying, basically "shut up about the seals, we don't care" or somesuch.


              You put the challenge out there... perhaps to spaniel, perhaps to the group... that you could beat us in running 100 miles.  I take you up on that.  Your whole point is that barefoot is better than shod, so, well, don't suddenly change the pretext that the shod runner has to run barefoot.  That's a douchey way to play because you think that either I'd 1) take you up on it and fail or 2) I'll push back and that will make you look good and me look bad.




              I run in shoes.  I have said that throughout this thread.


              Two years ago, you came and blew a bunch of smoke about barefoot running.  Then you disappeared.  Then you reappeared yesterday with a bunch of stuff about ostriches, SEALS, and football.


              You want to race me, you do it on mutually acceptable terms.  I run in shoes.  You can run barefoot, in a dress, carrying a dildo, or however you choose.  I don't really care.


              Or not.


              Your choice.



                 Given a football field is only 100 yards long, its the sprinting and agility skills I'm teaching...


                And I'll gladly race you. Minimum 100 miles...


                The original proposal directed toward spaniel, captured for posterity.


                I'm your huckleberry.


                Johnny Ringo: My fight's not with you, Holliday.
                Doc Holliday: I beg to differ, sir. We started a game we never got to finish. "Play for Blood," remember?
                Johnny Ringo: Oh that. I was just foolin' about.
                Doc Holliday: I wasn't.


                  The original proposal directed toward spaniel, captured for posterity.


                  I'm your huckleberry.


                  Johnny Ringo: My fight's not with you, Holliday.
                  Doc Holliday: I beg to differ, sir. We started a game we never got to finish. "Play for Blood," remember?
                  Johnny Ringo: Oh that. I was just foolin' about.
                  Doc Holliday: I wasn't.


                  Val Kilmer was great in that movie.

                  Imminent Catastrophe

                    Popcorn Eating - Waiting to See what happens next

                    "Able to function despite imminent catastrophe"

                     "To obtain the air that angels breathe you must come to Tahoe"--Mark Twain

                    "The most common question from potential entrants is 'I do not know if I can do this' to which I usually answer, 'that's the whole point'.--Paul Charteris, Tarawera Ultramarathon RD.


                    √ Javelina Jundred Jalloween 2015

                    Cruel Jewel 50 mile May 2016

                    Western States 100 June 2016



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                      Why don't you just race spaniel for 100mi. Only instead of all that crap about adding special handicap rules because you're afraid to man up and really race, you should say that the rules are neither guy can fall behind more than visual sight distance -- so you can always be watching to make sure the other guy doesn't jump in a taxi or anything.


                      If either of you falls out of sight range you lose.

                      It's a 5k. It hurt like hell...then I tried to pick it up. The end.


                      Good Bad & The Monkey



                        Nobody can run 100 miles.



                          Nobody can run 100 miles.


                          And if you walk it doesn't count. Joking

                            I challenge everybody to a pedicure contest. That's right, break out your nail clippers and bring it.


                            Options,Account, Forums

                              I challenge everybody to a pedicure contest. That's right, break out your nail clippers and bring it.


                              We only have to do the toes with nails, right?

                              It's a 5k. It hurt like hell...then I tried to pick it up. The end.