2018 3:20 (and beyond) (Read 582 times)

Jim E

    FB - My normal display is distance and current pace. Second display is HR and average pace, but I hardly ever look at the second screen. Just two things per screen because of old eyes, although I normally wear reading glasses for racing now. Garmins are much better at showing current pace than they used to be. I used to use mile pace before I got this one. That's encouragng about the AG results, thanks. I plan to go out at around 7:45 (3:23 or so) and hopefully speed up a trifle. My fitness at present is not great, but experience should count for something, right? This is my 30th go at this distance. That hill at mile 20 is not really much of a thing. It's just that it's at mile 20!


    Dwave - There's no dictator like a usurper-dictator. Thanks, and good racing to all those people on your list, particularly McBen!


    Stay warm, all you folks back East!


      Hi, all

      Thanks DWave, good luck for everyone racing this weekend.

      My race is finally on, is in the Seacoast area of NH... And it got flooded with this Noreaster but only one area is still underwater hoping for it to drain before race time... Strong wind coming from the North, though.


      pie man

        Following along with indoor worlds and I'm craving Dairy Quuen.


        Hope the the spanish 400 guy gets reinstated, too.

        11:11 3,000 (recent)

        Jim E

          Apparently there is tracking. https://register.chronotrack.com/event/tracking/eventID/28787

          I am #584


          Just had a cheese plate at the expo, with a nice sparkling white to wash it down. Suck it, Botswana!


          Mother of Cats

            Apparently there is tracking. https://register.chronotrack.com/event/tracking/eventID/28787

            I am #584


            Just had a cheese plate at the expo, with a nice sparkling white to wash it down. Suck it, Botswana!


            No clams?


            Ran 10 easy today (8:36) plus drills, strides, then hit the gym for upper body strengthwork, core, and DIY yoga.

            Everyone's gotta running blog; I'm the only one with a POOL-RUNNING blog.


            And...if you want a running Instagram where all the pictures are of cats, I've got you covered.


            Pace Prophet

              FB - I set mine up to just show something meaningless, like altitude or directional bearing.  I'm guessing that's not a helpful answer for you....


              Altitude is not meaningless!


              Okay, maybe for you it is. :-)


              (still lurking.  Good luck to all the racers!)

              Jim E


                No clams?

                Pfft. My pre-PR feast at CIM consisted of pizza and beer.


                  Hey All!


                  Jim: best of luck tomorrow! A cheese plate expo is enough reason to sign up for a race!! My brother lives in Napa. He's short, portly, bald, with a beard...tell him high for me!  He's a chef and makes ridiculously good bacon!


                  Elizabeth: you're doing New Orleans, right? Do they give free beignets at that race?!? Best of luck!


                  Keen: nice job on the race! Crushed your goal! Are you compiling a RR?


                  Anybody else racing that I missed?


                  Had a good, but tough long run today. Planned workout was 15 easy, 4 GMP, 3 pickup (roughly 30s faster than GMP). Prefer to do these early morning. Ideally start at sunrise, but we threw a bday party for our oldest daughter today! It was great. We had a "Princess Pancake Party". Lots of pink and lots of carbs!.


                  Anyways, ended up starting my run around 2pm. It was sunny and 50 and a little windy. I forgot my HR strap, which was frustrating because I enjoy all the data! Tried not to look at the watch much on the first 15 and just keep the effort even, ended up being a little quicker than normal easy pace. Run was mostly on the marathon course and had many of the tough hills, which was good for practice. Total gain was 1100'ish.

                  First 15 - 7:47 avg

                  4 GMP - 6:53 avg

                  3 pickup - 6:33 avg

                  Pretty excited about this run, because it feels like a good indicator for possible race performance. Definitely got into the "late race feels" in those last 2 miles. Now recovering with plenty of fluids, college basketball, and leftover cupcakes. (and yes, we had pancakes followed by cupcakes)

                  Road Mile: 5:19 (2017), 5k: 17:09 (2021), 10k: 35:54 (2021), HM: 1:21:55 (2020), M: 2:53:18 (2021)


                    No 50K for me - the RD cancelled it at 4am today.  Good call, I think.  There was a lot of wind Friday and similar conditions predicted this morning, and 30 miles of the course is in the woods.  No one knew how it would be and if someone got really unlucky, our fire rescue service had been working all-out for 24 hours by the time the race was scheduled to start.  Also:  goddamnit.  This was my return to longer distance racing after four shitty marathons in a row, followed by a disastrous 50 miler and then a year of nothing longer than the half.  My stride was back, my feet & Achilles sound, and the last few trail 4 hour training runs felt great.  None of the 50k options for the next few weeks are possible, and switching to a roadie (RnR next week) somehow doesn’t seem like a good idea.  Perhaps time to move on to what I’d planned for after the 50k anyway ... adding road miles, adding speed.


                    Dad, do the Milla de Mayo.  I’ve run it every year (i.e., both) and it’s always great!


                      Hope everybody is having a great weekend of racing!


                      Duke -- well damn. That really sucks.


                      Jim -- Go Napa! Trying to make Live Tracking work here, but no luck yet. It only seems to send updates via Facebook, Twitter and SMS. Anyway, Go Jim! Go Racers!

                      m: 2:55:04 | 10k: 37:14 | 50mile: 9:35

                        OMR ~ We all have lifestyle imbalances; recognizing them is half the battle. It took many months to fix how I slept (extreme fetal position), which was causing  problems w/ my hip flexors. My biggest issues now are related to driving and computer use.


                        Not quite "apocalyptic" winds, but we did lose power, for 12 hours, and cable/wifi for *another* 24. Every time something like this happens, I realize how fragile modern life is.


                        Very disappointing race this am. 19:26, which is comparatively worse than 15K from December, which I didn't think I was quite ready for (and was in worse conditions). Can't figure out reason. At least splits were fairly even: 6:11 (which was 2-3 secs early), 6:16, 6:17, 45 for .14. Also saw DkW, just as I was passing her teammate (Jenn, who must've had a bad day or is in heavy training).


                        Hope other results are better!


                        RIP Sir Roger Bannister. Every one of us who has ever pinned on a race number has dug a little deeper b/c of him, even if we didn't know it.


                        pie man

                          D - I know that feeling, but I can't really figure out a reason when it happens.  With short stuff you can make of a lot of tries to get it right, at least?



                          M - 7 medium

                          T - 8 (ghost of residence past along the Potomac from Reagan National to Old Town)

                          W - 5 easy

                          T - 6 indoors (last 6 miles of Ballston program on the treadmill, fancy!)

                          F - 6 trail, staying off real trails from now

                          S - 8 easy

                          S - 13.1 (strava did a goofy sub 2 hour half marathon challenge so I did that)


                          T - 53 and now for real:


                          11:11 3,000 (recent)


                            Hi, all,

                            Quick update:. 1:28:58 for the half.  Not what I expected.  Wind played a role but it was me who didn't want to suffer enough.


                            Resident Millennial

                              jim is in with a 3:37! it looks like it might have been a painful way to do it - he was on pace for the predicted mid-3:2X until halfway and then average pace kept creeping up. hoping he enjoyed the process and is feeling ok now. at the very least, to be back from injury and able to run 26.2 miles fast is a big deal! and it was still a BQ-29857928349min. and an AG podium go jim!


                              sad about roger. Sad


                              been following world indoors a bit too. seems like a crazy DQ-fest. some great performances by the US though! wondering what happened with colleen quigley's race - she mentioned it on social media (she's big on instagram) but didn't give details.

                              mile, 5:26 /5k, 19:34 /10k, 41:00 /13.1, 1:31:49 /26.2, 3:12:58


                              Mother of Cats

                                Also saw DkW, just as I was passing her teammate (Jenn, who must've had a bad day or is in heavy training).


                                Not me - must have been my less-evil twin.  I was in the middle of my long run at the time, and was not near the race.  Sorry for the disappointment - from what I heard, it sounded like pretty much everyone was a bit slower than expected this morning at those races.


                                RLK - thanks for the update on Jim.  Good points on what an achievement it is just to complete a marathon post-injury.


                                Jaime - intriguing race report - I appreciate your honesty.


                                Duke - sorry about the race. I had wondered if that was going to happen, given the location of the race.  Why is RNR next weekend not an option?  I understand it's not a great course, but it's local and still open for registration until midnight tonight.


                                Ace - very impressive long run.  So basically 4 at marathon pace and then 3 at near-half-marathon pace?  Strong finish!


                                Keen - report in on the racing?


                                and yay for an Ilana sighting - excellent point on the altitude.


                                PJ - is a white rhino a more restful version of a taper?




                                Finished up my week with 21 miles this am.  Ended up with 76 miles on land plus 10 "miles" in the pool.  It looked like this:


                                M: 5.5 very easy to yoga (9:21), yoga, then 4.5 very easy home (8:54) plus drills and strides.

                                T: 11 miles, including a track workout of 1600, 2x1200, 2x800 in 6:12, 4:36, 4:30, 2:54, 2:49.  Also injury prevention work and recovery swimming.
                                W: 8 miles very easy to yoga (9:01), yoga, then another 4 miles (8:59) plus drills and strides.  Sports massage at night.
                                Th: upper body weights/core plus 10 "miles" pool-running.
                                F: 12 miles, including a tempo workout under the Whitehurst Freeway of roughly 4 miles in 26:12. Also injury prevention work and recovery swimming.
                                Sa: 10 miles easy (8:36 - slightly too fast) plus upper body weights and core.

                                Su: 21 miles progressive (first 7 averaged 8:41; next 7 averaged 7:37; last 7 averaged 6:46).  Also injury prevention work and recovery swimming.

                                Everyone's gotta running blog; I'm the only one with a POOL-RUNNING blog.


                                And...if you want a running Instagram where all the pictures are of cats, I've got you covered.