2018 3:20 (and beyond) (Read 582 times)


    jamie and McBen - windy races provide a special kind of challenge. Good job on fighting through regardless.

    The taper has started. 'Only' 58 miles last week. The plan suggested a 8-10k race on Saturday, but I opted for some MP miles instead. I have an 11 mile route that I don't do very often, but enjoy the country roads it takes me on. I ran 2 miles easy and then went for about a 6:50 pace, but settled on anything sub 7. A couple of uphills were 7 & 7:02, but the downs were in the low 6:40s. I averaged 6:55 overall for 8 miles and felt pretty good during.

    Wednesday was a 12 miler and Sunday's long run was 15. The rest of the week was mostly easy miles. This week will be in the low 40s with some strides and mile repeats.

    Speed Surplus

      Jim - Ouch! But congrats on finishing and the 2AG.


      RLK - 60 is a beastly vo2Max! My Garmin has me at 55-56 usually, and the race predictor is still beyond what I've been able to do.


      Max - What, no triples in the first 2 weeks of training?


      Ace - Gawdamn, that's a hell of a run.


      Dad - What was the goal time?


      My week, reduced to 4 days of running by a cold. We'll, uh.... call it a cutback.


      I have a 5k in less than two weeks, so I figured I should practice running at 5k pace at least once, hence the 5x1k repeats yesterday. I'm guessing I'm in about 19:30-19:40 shape based on that workout - it was hard but controlled. Not as hard as a race effort. I was hoping to maybe see a max heart rate or close to it by the end of the workout, but about halfway through my HRM decided that I was only going about 135 bpm when I was running 6:15 pace 


      <tfoot> </tfoot>
      Day Miles Pace Description HR Egain Link
      Thu 3.5 8:53 Recovering from cold. Bleurgh... 139 0 strava
      Fri 10.0 8:25 Making up for URDs 144 243 strava
      Sat 6.9 8:15 Beautiful day, but I didn't have much juice 145 238 strava
      Sun 1.2 8:21 Warm up 137 0 strava
      Sun 4.8 7:41 5x1000 - 3:54, 3:55, 3:57, 3:56, 3:54. 600m jog rest (equivalent to interval time) 143 0 strava
      Sun 1.2 9:07 Cool down 136 90 strava
        27.6 8:18

      5:27 / 18:49 / 40:32 / 88:12 / 3:12


      Cobra Commander Keen

        Sorry for the Wall O' Text


        FB - I typically have one screen with pace, lap pace, average pace, elapsed time. HR, 3 sec power (from Stryd), distance on another, then the custom "Race Screen" CIQ app on the last. It's far more than I typically look at during a race, but if I happen to want to check something it's there to look at.

        Ilana! - Nice to see you're still lurking at least, and putting up some activities on Strava. Do you do your Pace Prophet thing for HM's as well? I might have need of that in about 6 weeks.


        Ace - Thanks! Your LR was an absolute monster. Happy belated bday to your DD1.

        Duke - Bummer on the race cancellation, even if it was warranted.

        PJ - Good week. Nifty rhino info. Too bad the last white rhino male isn't doing too well these days.

        Jim - Congrats on the podium. Bummer about the muscle pull. Hopefully that recovers quickly.

        DWave - Yet more solid work from you.

        RLK - Good on the test results. 60 ml/kg/min is very impressive for anyone, man or woman, regardless of age. "Wow" level good. Fun comparison time: what does your Garmin estimate your V02 max to be?
        One of these days maybe I'll do such a test (I'm curious!), or maybe a true LT. Again, curious.

        Max - Good to see you around here as well. Looking forward to that RR if you write it, yours are always entertaining. And that first plan is absolute insanity, and not in a good way.

        Clever - Nice cutback week. Feeling better?

        Sir Bannister - RIP

        Not a full RR, but: The 15k went really well! 1:00:35 chip time, 4th overall. I went out at 1:01:40 pace (based on then-current VDOT) and just wanted to push things as I was able to. I never once looked at HR, which was unusual for me, and I wish I had. My HR was a good bit lower than it should have been and I could have pushed more since I had quite a bit left in the tank at the finish- I felt like I could have kept the pace for another couple miles at least. Despite ending up knowing I could have run faster, I'm still pretty thrilled with the result and had a solid reason to update my training paces. Also: I freakin' LOVE running at/near LT. So much fun!

        The new course (due to construction on the dam around the lake) was really nice. Instead of being dead flat it had a few sections with slight elevation change and was overall a much prettier route. Definitely hope they keep this for next year.


        After the race I got to talk a bit to our local Kenyan transplant (yes, he's literally from Kenya), a guy who is quite likely to win the OKC Marathon this April (his 1st marathon). Apparently he and his brother (who I've never met) sometimes run the same dirt roads and hills I do. Only they do it at ~5:50 /mi. He's super-nice from what I could tell, and I've seen him at group long runs putting in 8:30-9:00 minute miles to stay with running buddies.


        Today's tempo run (2x 2mi, 2x 1mi) just about sucked. Not the running itself, but the wind. 25-30mph from the NW - with almost all of the T sections heading either west or north. I know it's not what those on the right coast have been putting up with, but still. Tomorrow supposedly could be quite a bit worse, in which case I may well retreat to the treadmill.


        Monday, Feb 26, 2018 thru Sunday, Mar 04, 2018

        <tfoot> </tfoot>
        Day Miles Pace Description HR Link
        Mon 10.5 7:32 Daniels' I, 4x 3 min, 2 min reco, 4x 2 min, 1 min reco. Not particularly feeling it. 147 (75%) strava
        Tue 9.8 8:03 1 rabbit, 2 geese, and out running a skunk. 141 (72%) strava
        Wed 9.8 8:12 One rabbit, one crane, and a little rain. No, I didn't plan on rhyming today. 145 (74%) strava
        Thu 7.3 8:02 4 deer in the country, 5 quail in my front yard. 145 (74%) strava
        Fri 6.3 7:52 If the wind would be this calm for the Beacon Run tomorrow we'd all be sitting pretty. 142 (72%) strava
        Sat 2.1 7:51 Warm-up 135 (69%) strava
        Sat 9.3 6:32 Panera Beacon 15k. 4th OA. 167 (85%) strava
        Sat 5.2 8:59 Extended cool-down, and rounding to 60. 140 (71%) strava
          60.3 7:47

        5k: 17:58 11/22 │ 10k: 37:55 9/21 │ HM: 1:23:22 4/22 │ M: 2:56:05 12/22


        Upcoming Races:




          Not me - must have been my less-evil twin.


          DkW ~ Well, I'm going to blame this mis-ID on being at mile 2.9 of a 5K and associated oxygen deprivation.


          Duke ~ Frustrating to have a race cancelled last minute; must be agonizing to be an RD having to make that call. I did La Milla last year; I wasn't recovered from Boston and it showed/was felt.


          SMax ~ God lord, that's stoopid. And, wait, Girl Scout cookies get stale? You think they'd stay fresh for more than 24 hours ...


          Jamie ~ Getting that close to a PR in the middle of marathon training on a less than great day is good news for days ahead. Despite not feeling it was 100%, respect recovery this week.


          CDR K ~ Excellent 15K!


          JimE ~ You're a beast! Hope it's just a minor strain.


          SC/FB ~ I didn't have a set time goal. My 15K in Dec suggested just slightly faster, but w/ less-worse weather and, I thought, much better fitness (based on workouts), I hoped I'd much closer 19, w/ a shot at 18Tight lippedx. Like PJ said, at least you get more chances w/ shorter races.


          That said, I think my disappointment is partially Greg McMillan's fault. The 5K actually age grades better than the 15K even if it is not quite the equivalent on McMillan's calculator. Something to ponder.


          My week:

          M) 7.5

          Tu) 7.5

          W) 8 w/ 6x200m (400m recovery, so just getting turnover in)

          Th) 4.5

          F) 5.3 (I wandered a bit checking out downed trees ...)

          Sa) 4.7 w/ strides

          Su) 2.5 w/u, 5K, later 4.5 recovery

          Total: 47.5


          Mother of Cats




            SMax ~ God lord, that's stoopid. And, wait, Girl Scout cookies get stale? You think they'd stay fresh for more than 24 hours ...


            I'm not sure whether I should be embarrassed or proud to note I still have 3.5 boxes left. They are gluten-free toffee-tastic cookies, and so have a very distinctive taste that you either like or hate (I like).  I'm not sure if I could tell if they were stale.


            9 "miles" pool-running this morning.  Next hard workout is Wednesday morning.  We might be getting snow Tuesday night.  Of course.


            Updating race chart now.

            Everyone's gotta running blog; I'm the only one with a POOL-RUNNING blog.


            And...if you want a running Instagram where all the pictures are of cats, I've got you covered.

            On the road in MN

              This thread moves so fast!!!! LOL!  Great race efforts this weekend!  Makes me wish I had a race coming up - my last one was back in october.  Nothing planned until June... :-/


              Duke - that would must be tough, I've never experienced that!


              Keen - that is one heck of a way to get to 60 miles!  with a race on top of things... ugh!


              Matt good luck on your Taper - I think your MP miles make sense to me!   good call.


              Clever - hate when the HRM jacks up during key moments... could be like Ace... and just forget to have it, lol..  but I guess bad data is almost worse then no data.


              JimE - sorry to hear things went rough for ya, hope that legs heals up fast!


              Dad - yes, definitely McMillians fault 


              Myself - not sure how to get the fanncy summary fromStrava... but, Thursday workout I went ~5.5x3min vo2 max , then friday was a rest day it had been a while and things were feeling slow/sluggish in Thursdays workout a bit.

              Had a nice minnesota early spring day on Saturday sun and 45degF - so took advantage of it and added a couple to my LR - went 18 mostly easy and a little faster easy.  Felt good to be out for a good long outdoor run!  Last couple had been 2hr on the treadmill! lol.  Powering through the snow pack in spots was a little tough on the legs and toes - but things held together.

              Followed it up with 3 easy Sunday with DW, and later a good strong 95min bike trainer ride - since family was out of house, moved my trainer to living room - sure helped with staying entertained!  My legs were shot by the end... well really, by the middle (18miles stuck with me!).  4x10min undulating tempo plus shorter stuff at end... been a while since i've biked, sure lose it quck!

                      5k: 19:29  Oct'17      26.2:  4:03 Oct'15  3:22 Grandmas June'17       Upcoming: Grandmas Marathon June'18 


                Jim - Sorry about the muscle pull -- hope that recovers quickly. Nice job on the race!


                FB - sometimes the calm is where you need to be on a LR - I don't know that I've ever regretted taking it easier than I anticipated.


                Rlk - that's a pretty impressive V02 max. According to my Garmin mine is 47, but I have no idea what kind of accuracy that has.


                Smax - sorry to hear you're going through that. Life can get messy sometimes.


                Matt - I've done ok on lower mileage training, but I'm with you on I wouldn't attempt sub 3 on a RLRF plan either.


                McBen - sounds like it went ok, or at least you accomplished what you wanted.


                DW - that seems like a heavy duty LR, but nicely done. Gotta love March for surprise snow and the random days it hits 60.


                Mr week:


                M: off

                T: 7.4@7:45

                W: 5.3@9:15

                Th: 2.8@8:43

                F: 4.5@8:56

                Sat: 18.2@8:27

                Sun: 3.6 on TM at 11ish


                Total: 41.8


                I've officially ran more miles last week than I have since 2013. It's been odd at how randomly my body seems to be handling it.. Friday's run felt really sluggish, and then Saturday's 18 miles felt great and easy in the morning and I wasn't pushing it at all. I just got back from a lunch run that felt more sluggish than I expected and made me wonder if I should do a planned tempo workout tomorrow or maybe later in the week. but I can decide that later.  Other than a few miles usually, I'm not pushing pace in favor of a "more miles" approach because I don't think my body is particularly suited for ramping up both. Planning on 45ish this week, and if things go well I'll be able to build up to 50.

                PRs: HM: 1:32:59 (2015); FM: 3:18:36 (2017)


                  Jim: Congrats on your AG finish, but that sounds like a really painful marathon. Hope you heal up quickly.  And thanks for the info on the Garmin screens -- it never even occurred to me that I could change my 3 data fields to 2 and the numbers are bigger! I can actually see them now - big improvement.


                  matt: Enjoy the taper. What was your peak mileage?


                  SC: Nice 5k workout.


                  Keen: Congratulations on the 15k! That's a great time!


                  Dad: Nice week, and sorry the 5k didn't end up going as you hoped. It seems fast to me.


                  Bikeand:   I guess I know why your name is what it is -- nice long run followed up by the long trainer ride.


                  My week went well. I ended up around 39 miles, which felt fine. I did hill repeats Monday and 600s Wednesday, then 10 miles on Saturday (easy runs the other days, one day off).  I need to start bumping up my Saturday miles though.  This weekend I moved up an age group. I was looking at some results from races around here in that age group and there are some fast old people around here!


                  Cobra Commander Keen

                    Nick - Use this to get the Strava summary.


                    DWave - Maybe put the export generator in the OP? And you're cheating me out of a minute off my 15k time!  Thanks for the blog report links in the race chart; I had missed reading several of those RRs.

                    5k: 17:58 11/22 │ 10k: 37:55 9/21 │ HM: 1:23:22 4/22 │ M: 2:56:05 12/22


                    Upcoming Races:





                      Great weekend of racing guys.


                      RLK -- I completely missed your faint at CIM, and am glad to hear you are doing OK and got a clean bill from the cardio guy. And that your VO2max is high and real. Blood sugar crash makes sense, but ending up in the medical tent is pretty serious. Take care over there in SFO.


                      Max -- really sorry to hear about your family stuff. Hope you are doing OK and staring to feel better. It's pretty much why we're all here, but running makes a lot fo things feel a little bit better.


                      Keen -- that is a super 15K. Well done.


                      Thanks for the comments on watch screens. Very helpful. It seems as though a lot of us like to see current pace, though there is some clear support for elevation. :-) Two displays on a Garmin 235 is interesting -- my eyes suck, and I can't read three screens without bi-focal contacts, and I can't run with reading glasses.


                      People with Garmins -- what do you do for podcasts and music?

                      m: 2:55:04 | 10k: 37:14 | 50mile: 9:35

                      On the road in MN

                        Keen - I get a 404 error on that page with Chrome or Explorer.  I seem to remember having issues iwth a few months ago as well.


                        Katia - great job getting back up to some high miles!  Sure helps to keep things chill pace when ramping miles!


                        Oregon - I have always found that once I get a couple 10 milers under my belt - the ramp from there goes pretty smoothly!  Keep it up! Smile


                        FB - I typically do music outside, inside it is a mix of Netflix or Music from my phone (w/virtual run view on screen of TM).  I use my phone most of winter for phone (bluetooth headphones) - once its summer I switch to my little ipod shuffle since I don't have good pockets for phone.   My watch faces I typically just look at lap pace, lap HR and current HR.   Occasionally switch screens to view current '90sec' current pace.   Using the Configurable Pace widget that allows for a customize-able window of averaging for 'current pace' to help remove noise.

                                5k: 19:29  Oct'17      26.2:  4:03 Oct'15  3:22 Grandmas June'17       Upcoming: Grandmas Marathon June'18 


                        Cobra Commander Keen

                          Keen - I get a 404 error on that page with Chrome or Explorer.  I seem to remember having issues iwth a few months ago as well.




                          For some reason the forum is wanting to put its own URL ahead of the one I linked to. Here it is without that: rwol-weekly.appspot.com/weekly/


                          FB - I only listen to music or podcasts when on the treadmill as I don't like carrying my phone. When I do that I like listening to Ten Junk Miles. If you don't want to carry a phone you could always upgrade to Garmin's new FR645 (with music!). I'm sure the full bluetooth stack required to stream music kills battery life...

                          5k: 17:58 11/22 │ 10k: 37:55 9/21 │ HM: 1:23:22 4/22 │ M: 2:56:05 12/22


                          Upcoming Races:






                            Swinging by to drop my week:

                            M - 5 w/ strides

                            T - 9 on hills

                            W - 45min on the bike

                            T - SRD

                            F - 4E + 8ST + 3E

                            S - 45min on the bike

                            S - 10 w/ 5 @ "mp"

                            total: some 30 running miles, some bike miles, whatever.

                            Mile 5:24 3k 11:01 5k 19:01 10k 38:34 hm 1:26:57 fm 3:02:33


                            Mother of Cats


                              DWave - Maybe put the export generator in the OP? And you're cheating me out of a minute off my 15k time!  Thanks for the blog report links in the race chart; I had missed reading several of those RRs.


                              Done.  And fixed.

                              Everyone's gotta running blog; I'm the only one with a POOL-RUNNING blog.


                              And...if you want a running Instagram where all the pictures are of cats, I've got you covered.


                              Pace Prophet

                                Jim - sounds like a tough day.


                                Dad - hah, yeah, sometimes it just takes looking at the data differently to feel better about it!


                                Nick - I do like getting a bit of biking (mountain biking for me) into my weeks!


                                Keen - sure, I'll pace prophet you for a half, though that's usually more straightforward - more calculation and less art.


                                Katia - woohoo on the mileage!  2013 was my last great year. 


                                Oregon - alas, getting older is never a guarantee of an easy AG win...


                                FB - I don't like current pace, but I like to see average lap (1 mile, or if I am doing a workout whatever interval), as that evens out the instantaneous weirdnesses.  I listen to audiobooks on a tiny SanDisk Sansa Clip+.  I rarely run with my phone - usually only on trail runs where I might want to take photos (or call for help).


                                PJ  - impressive restraint.  I can't do that in races. (Not on purpose anyway).


                                Smax -  at that plan.


                                Jaime - congratulations on your half. Sounds like interesting conditions.


                                Running is beginning to be no longer miserable, yay. Still not even close to contemplating racing again.