What are your "goal miles" "races to run" for 2009? (Read 924 times)

    This year my goal was to run one marathon, and I have run three. I do not know what I can do next year to top that, gonna run houston marathon in january, and probably try to run a marathon in Europe. I was hoping for Rome in March, but it does not look good right now.

    12-week layoff

      I am running a half on Saturday...my first since my pregnancy, mold-induced allergy attacks (darn hurricanes), sprained ankle, sprained ankle, sprained ankle, and eight months of vertigo. I'm happy just to be out there! But...it is my dream to run a marathon. I had hoped to achieve this when I turned 40. It's going to have to wait for 41. I'd like to run a fall marathon in 2009. Or, one in early 2010, as there is one locally in January. I'll miss it this year. Health to you, HappyDuck.

      Driver, Runner, Bestie

        I would like to run 1500 miles. I have my first race coming up in May--a half marathon. We will see about a marathon after that experience.

          I want to run 1000+ miles this year Run a 1/2 Marathon in the spring and A full Marathon in the Fall.
          Same here Smile

          My legs are killing me

            I my goals for the year are 1400 miles and the Marine Corp Marathon. I'll also work on PR's in the 1/2 and 10k.
              Goal mileage: 2009 miles in 2009 Goal races: - Moab 100 (Mar) - Hardrock 100 (July) - Bear 100 (Sept)
                I want to log over 1000 miles this coming year. I am also planning to run my first 10 mile race and my first half-marathon. If things go really well, I may try for a full in the fall.



                "I aim to misbehave."

                  2000 miles. 3 or 4 5ks 2 10 ks a half 2 marathons and begin tinkering with the idea of an ultra I got 1 5k lined up in June, a both 10k's lined out, a half lined up, and least one marathon lined up.
                  2008 GOALS GET BELOW 175 (at 175 now) RUN 6:00 MILE (at 6:29) RUN BELOW 25:30 5K RUN BELOW 55:00 10K RUN A MARATHON (DEC. 6TH - MEMPHIS - ST JUDE)

                  Right on Hereford...

                    In order from easiest to hardest... - Go on a 3-month streak of running every day - Run 2500 miles - Sub-60 15k - Sub-39 10k - Sub-3 marathon - Qualify for the "A" wave at the Bolder Boulder (http://www.bolderboulder.com/Assets/_assets/pdf/comparechart08.pdf) - Sub-18 5k
                      My 2009 goals are listed below......have a few time goals (for shorter races) and a goal of one Marathon (Baystate Marathon in Massachusetts in Oct)......and in the arena of 40 MPW....

                      Champions are made when no one is watching

                        Mileage Goal: At least 2,500 Miles.... but I'd sacrifice the total for week to week consistency. Race Goals: Finish a 50K Finish a 50M 3:30 Marathon 18:00 5K 36:00 10K Health Goals: 165lbs No Smoking or dipping at all. HR of 50 or less Strength Goals: 150 pushups w/o stopping 25 pullups w/o stopping 120 situps in 2 min .... and what kind of a goal is to be injury free? that's kind of implied at all times is it not?

                        Right on Hereford...

                          3:30 Marathon 18:00 5K 36:00 10K
                          Whoa...if you can get either of the latter two goals, a 3:30 marathon should be a walk in the park. A 36-minute 10k is equivalent to a 2:46 marathon, ya know!
                            Whoa...if you can get either of the latter two goals, a 3:30 marathon should be a walk in the park. A 36-minute 10k is equivalent to a 2:46 marathon, ya know!
                            Yes thats true... but keeping the same pace for 26 miles that I have for a 5K or a 10K is the trick
                            Roses Revenge

                              I was a bit over 1000 miles on my feet in 2007 and am a smidge under 1200 for 2008 as of yesterday. 2009 Goals 1500 miles or more Run more/walk less BQ or 50 miles of 50K by fall Half Marathon in January Marathons starting in April.

                              Marathon Maniac #991 Half Fanatic #58 Double Agent #22  It's a perfect day and I feel great!



                                2009 Goals 1250 miles (stretch goal of 1500 miles) Run two marathons (Lincoln in May and Marine Corps Marathon in October) PR in all distances

                                PRs: 27:26 5k/ 49:52 5mi/ 58:17 10k/ 2:09:24 half/ 5:13:17 Full

                                Post-Bipolar PRs: 38:35 5k/ 1:09:34 8k/ 1:09:39 5mi/ 1:33:03 10k/ 3:20:40 Half


                                2022 Goals

                                Back to 10k

