Running Resolutions for 2009 (Read 1158 times)


    Double the posts, double the fun. Please ignore me. Nothing to see here. Move along.
    This is about me, isn't it?

    Runners run

      Run more consistently Run more 5k's Run at least 2 10k's Run 2 Half Marathon's Start weight training again I WILL NOT GIVE UP DIET COKE!!!! Don't make me please. (whimpers) Unless it will help my running.
        I WILL NOT GIVE UP DIET COKE!!!! Don't make me please. (whimpers)
        Or my CoffeeMate with my morning cup either......cant give that up.....

        Champions are made when no one is watching

          Do a Sprint Tri in the late Summer ... join a running club and run more weekday Summer race series ... work on hills and speed ... I also want to learn to surf [technically I learned last Summer but I really suck.] I like being in the water so the swimming / surfing would help with the Sprint Tri. Would like to get my oldest daughter surfing as well ... maybe running too ... basically just spend as much time with the kids as possible doing things we both enjoy. [She's a ballet dancer so that's out for me unless they have a Clydesdale division.]

          2012= under-goaled

            Relax my shoulders

            - Anya

            12-week layoff

              Do another half and NOT wish I were dying at mile 9. Note to self: do not do all long runs on the treadmill. Kid is old enough to ride the bike for 12 miles. iPod will drown out complaints. Not get vertigo again, thus missing a year of serious running. Be nicer at work. Be nicer at home. And I would in fact like to be purple.

              Feeling the growl again

                Stop being such a make excuses wuss. I really suck.

                "If you want to be a bad a$s, then do what a bad a$s does.  There's your pep talk for today.  Go Run." -- Slo_Hand


                I am spaniel - Crusher of Treadmills


                  In order of fitness goals, financial goals, and personal goals. 1. Run 2000 Miles (This will be the MOST difficult fitness Goal) 2. Run 3 Marathons and 3 10k's or lesser distance 3. Lose The Last 15 lbs 4. Be DEBT FREE besides school loans - so we can finally build a house and get back in debt Big grin 5. Be more patient Father 6. Be more attentive Husband
                  2008 GOALS GET BELOW 175 (at 175 now) RUN 6:00 MILE (at 6:29) RUN BELOW 25:30 5K RUN BELOW 55:00 10K RUN A MARATHON (DEC. 6TH - MEMPHIS - ST JUDE)
                    *Increase running mileage to 30 mpw *Run 3-5 half-marathons *Beat PR *Strength-train 3X week

                      * Run a minimum of five times per week * Do my stretch routine after every run Smile * Strength training routine three times per week after the easy runs.

                      The process is the goal.

                      Men heap together the mistakes of their lives, and create a monster they call Destiny.

                      Another Passion

                        Run healthy Run more races Meet up with some RA peeps at races, or thereabouts Big grin

                        "The will to win means nothing without the will to prepare." - Juma Ikangaa
                        "I wanna go fast." Ricky Bobby

                          Consistency: 85 miles or more each and every month in 2009.


                          Ex-Smoker turned Runner!

                            Run a road race at least once a month Run the Hartford Half in October Increase milage to make above plans reasonable! Big grin
                            2010 Goals! Get back into running after having my son miles miles miles!

                            Half Fanatic #846

                              Defeat PF!

                              "I don't always roll a joint, but when I do, it's usually my ankle" - unk.         "Frankly autocorrect, I'm getting a bit tired of your shirt".                  I ran half my last race on my left foot!                                  

                                Yesterday, my resolution was "do what it takes to cut my marathon and HM PR". Today, I scratched that and replaced it by a slightly modified version of last year's: 2 cups Enjoy running. 1 cup Run by feel. 1 lb Listen to my body. 4 tsp Leave the GPS in the drawer (year 2). 6 oz Core strength exercises 2 Cycling workouts a week 2 Swim workouts a week Speed workouts for seasoning. Which I hope will be the right ingredients for: - No injuries - Consistency - Marathon and HM PRs - Sprint and olympic triathlon and maybe a half Ironman in September.