The COVID-19 Wild West Thread (Read 602 times)


Good Bad & The Monkey

    I mean, I am not sure the word "rumor" is correct. There is scientific evidence and a growing scientific consensus that microvascular inflammation and/or clotting is central to COVID-19 pathogenesis. As far as the implications? Well, this may lead to novel approaches to treating COVID-19 disease. For example, there is now a new trial of ibuprofen (an anti-inflammatory) starting in the UK. But we still have much to learn.


    This is the "wild west" thread, and it appears to be okay to ask any off-the-wall unrelated questions, so


    • Any updates on the rumors about coronavirus being a blood vessel disease?
    • Someone told me that autopsies show the virus infecting the cells lining the capillaries of the lungs with huge number of microscopic blood clots. Any interesting implications of that?

    RIP Milkman

      Given this is wild west, when do the duels start?

      5K: 16:37 (11/20)  |  10K: 34:49 (10/19)  |  HM: 1:14:57 (5/22)  |  FM: 2:36:31 (12/19) 




        Given this is wild west, when do the duels start?


        I believe the legend of "duels" in the Wild West is a creation of Hollywood (that is - media - just like it is happening for the last few years in this country where our current "VALUES" are totally dictated by the crowd/media) - I am pretty sure most of the potential duel-ants were shot in the back - for real, why would anybody give a 50/50 chance to an opponent?

        paces PRs - 5K - 5:48  /  10K - 6:05  /  HM - 6:14  /  FM - 6:26 per mile


        Good Bad & The Monkey



          for real, why would anybody give a 50/50 chance to an opponent?

          Running Problem

          Problem Child

            Then you have not remotely been paying attention.



            I haven’t. Too busy running and working to worry about a racist virus and cops. Guess I understand white privileged now. Im too busy with my day to day to have any time to learn what is going on around me that might be causing other people concern. I sometimes wish I had free time to spend worrying about what is going on all over the country. It would be a privilege to have that much free time.

            Many of us aren't sure what the hell point you are trying to make and no matter how we guess, it always seems to be something else. Which usually means a person is doing it on purpose.

            VDOT 53.37 

            5k18:xx | Marathon 2:55:22


            Mmmm Bop

              It's that goddamn Candace Owens clip, isn't it. Sigh.
              I've parted ways with more fb friends in the past few days over that clip than anything else.


              I’m sure they are devastated.

              5k - 17:53 (4/19)   10k - 37:53 (11/18)   Half - 1:23:18 (4/19)   Full - 2:50:43 (4/19)


              Mother of Cats


                I haven’t. Too busy running and working to worry about a racist virus and cops. Guess I understand white privileged now. Im too busy with my day to day to have any time to learn what is going on around me that might be causing other people concern. I sometimes wish I had free time to spend worrying about what is going on all over the country. It would be a privilege to have that much free time.


                As an observation, I believe that opinions like this (which I can sympathize with - I feel like I have very little time as well, though I keep posting here, so....) are the justification for some of the more disruptive protests - things like blocking highways without notice.  The idea being that if there is a group that does not have time to worry about these issues, then the protesters will force you to make it a higher priority.

                Everyone's gotta running blog; I'm the only one with a POOL-RUNNING blog.


                And...if you want a running Instagram where all the pictures are of cats, I've got you covered.


                   As for white privilege, there are a great many resources to explain what white privilege is. None of these are hard to find.


                  Agree. And within some of these resources are definitions which include descriptions of basic responsible behavior (well, my definition of responsible behavor). Things such as coming from a home where your parents were married to the same person all their life, being born after that marriage, finishing high school, etc. Its a challenging concept to begin with. These broad definitions, IMO put in there by various loosely connected groups with agendas, (1) make it easier for even sincere people to dismiss the whole topic, and (2) provides low hanging fruit for anyone looking for vindication of their preconceived notions.


                  Again, its a challenge.


                  For context of any response or comment you may or may not make, do you personally consider you have benefited or have been harmed?



                    I benefit from the privilege associated with being a dude in a society built on patriarchy.
                    I benefit in some situations from being a brown man who can pass as white (as long as they don't know my real name, aren't looking at my license, running my plates, looking at my record of government service, asking me about my mom and dad, etc etc etc).


                    I get biffed by privilege in lots of situations. 50+ years of it.


                    But this isn't about me. It's about the concept of privilege in general.


                    As for Candace Owens, she was suspended from gofundme. Here is their statement:
                    "GoFundMe has suspended the account associated with Candace Owens and the GoFundMe campaign has been removed because of a repeated pattern of inflammatory statements that spread hate, discrimination, intolerance and falsehoods against the black community at a time of profound national crisis. These actions violate our terms of service."


                    If all you know about her is that post regarding George Floyd, then you missed basically the exact same post a few weeks before about Ahmed Aubrey. Or the long list of whut she's being going on about for years.


                    You want an example of privilege? Ok here is a fun one.
                    I help manage a fancy wine store. This means I work the cash register sometimes.

                    I always ask "would you like your receipt?"

                    White people usually say no. Many times a day with the same joke: "I won't be bringing this back!"
                    99.9% of the time, black and brown people expect the receipt AND a bag.


                    Please understand that they aren't taking that receipt because ha ha they might need to make a return ha ha. They take that receipt so that when they get accused by a white person and/or a cop of swiping something, they have proof that they did not.


                    The privilege is that I guarantee you that many white people, and definitely all white people giving me the "I won't be bringing this back!" joke have never once thought about what ELSE a receipt would be used for. And when I bring this up, black and brown people knowingly nod, while a percentage of white people will try to argue that I'm wrong about it.


                    Interval Junkie --Nobby

                      Of all the (contradictory, and confusing) definitions of "Privilege", the easiest one to understand is this: I don't have to care about this issue -- it doesn't really affect me personally.


                      There are other people with just the same burdens on their attention and time, but they have no choice but to care about whatever issue.


                      Okay, small humorous aside for rlopez:


                      A friend of a friend owns a high end wine store in Chelsea, NYC.  A bunch of kids busted in to loot the joint.  Camera shows they busted in, took a look around and realized that it was just a bunch of bottles of old grapes.  Grabbed the cash in the drawer, a bottle of cognac, and left the many many many bottles of $100+ wines untouched.

                      2021 Goals: 50mpw 'cause there's nothing else to do


                      Mother of Cats

                        I personally think of privilege in terms of the unspoken rules of engagement that are different for each of us, depending on our background.


                        For example, a few years ago I was running on a local path when I really needed to go to the bathroom,  As luck would have it, there was an elementary school right next to the path, so I ducked in, waived to a few people and explained I needed to use the bathroom, and then did my thing before heading back out.


                        When I mentioned this to my boyfriend later (large imposing white male), he was totally shocked and lectured me for my recklessness.   By ducking into that elementary school I was opening myself up to all sorts of accusations of being there to take advantage of kids.


                        Except, as a petite white female, I wasn't.  I can go pretty much anywhere, and while I may myself be at increased physical risk, depending on the location, I am almost never at elevated risk of being accused of bad intentions or wrongdoing.  If I break a car window, the automatic assumption will be that it is my car and I lost my keys.  That is the privilege that I experience.


                        In contrast, my boyfriend and I had another discussion, revolving around use of the local track.  He was surprised that I wouldn't feel comfortable jogging on the track by myself late at night.  But that's his privilege, as a imposing white male - he doesn't necessarily worry about being out by himself after sunset the way I worry.  He doesn't avoid narrow streets with lots of bushes and other hiding places the way I do.

                        Everyone's gotta running blog; I'm the only one with a POOL-RUNNING blog.


                        And...if you want a running Instagram where all the pictures are of cats, I've got you covered.

                          my half-Hawaiian partner sometimes reminds me that I've squandered my white male privilege. Approaching 60, why aren't I in the top 10% of wealth and power? Sad. Meanwhile, she has to survive on eclairs and cigarettes like commoners and peasants.

                          Image may contain: 1 person

                          60-64 age group  -  University of Oregon alumni  -  Irreverent and Annoying


                          Interval Junkie --Nobby


                            Except, as a petite white female, I wasn't.  I can go pretty much anywhere . . .


                            Yes.  In more advanced discussions on Privilege, this is an example of Intersectional Privilege.  What Privilege you have depends on your intersectional identity (which I mean to include, not exclude, sis-white men).   It's facile to believe that only White Men have privilege in all contexts; sometimes they are the disadvantaged, as your example points out.

                            2021 Goals: 50mpw 'cause there's nothing else to do

                            Running Problem

                            Problem Child


                              As an observation, I believe that opinions like this (which I can sympathize with - I feel like I have very little time as well, though I keep posting here, so....) are the justification for some of the more disruptive protests - things like blocking highways without notice.  The idea being that if there is a group that does not have time to worry about these issues, then the protesters will force you to make it a higher priority.


                              They can TRY and force me to do something like pay attention to racism and police brutality or telling someone what types of benefits they receive due to the color of their skin in America, BUT I'm going to focus on COVID 19 in the COVID 19 thread and probably want to focus on running when I'm on RUNNING ahead dot com. Maybe if I was on police brutality and racism dot com I'd be a lot more focused on the top at hand...which would probably be me new marathon PR.


                              I will tell you this. I care MORE about the WEATHER in Sacramento at the beginning of December than I cared about how law enforcement treated LITERALLY anyone in the world. I was so involved with it me and about 12,000 other people all filled the streets and made everyone look at us. Just so they knew we cared about the weather.

                              Many of us aren't sure what the hell point you are trying to make and no matter how we guess, it always seems to be something else. Which usually means a person is doing it on purpose.

                              VDOT 53.37 

                              5k18:xx | Marathon 2:55:22





                                I will tell you this. I care MORE about the WEATHER in Sacramento at the beginning of December than I cared about how law enforcement treated LITERALLY anyone in the world. I was so involved with it me and about 12,000 other people all filled the streets and made everyone look at us. Just so they knew we cared about the weather.


                                I get that this comment is about CIM, but... what?