Goal of sub 1:40 half. (Read 3802 times)

    My 1st half marathon.

    I woke up at 6:10 feeling good. Ate a granola bar and a peanut butter sandwich.


    Race started at 8:30.

    I met my pacers (7:30 per mile) they were dressed as Magic Johnson and Larry Bird.

    We started off what seemed a little fast so I just settled a couple seconds back of my pacers.

    They had a large group of about 15 runners so I was still in the group back here.

    We came to the mile mark in 7:46 and I was like No that is way off pace...but I cannot get flustered.

    I must try to get some time back slowly and trust the pacers. Maybe it was just the crowded beginning.


    Mile 2 seemed just a touch faster but the 2nd mile clocked in at 7:02 for a 2 mile split of 14:49.

    I knew I hadn't run that fast for mile 2 and was relieved that the mile markers were just a little off so far.

    But it would be tough trusting the markers the rest of the way.


    The Mile 3 split I still felt good and my split was 7:28...thats more like it. Elapsed time 22:16 (14 seconds ahead of pace).


    Mile 4 went up a hill then down a hill...I let gravity pull me down the hill but I still wasn't near enough my pacers to pass them. I was content that they were ahead of pace so far with a nice cushion. We hit the 4 mile split in 7:23 so I was really feeling good now.

    I was feeling so good I looked up and saw my pacers were about 5 seconds ahead. Why are they running so far ahead of pace? Oh well I feel good. A large noisy crowd was at mile 5 clanging bells and yelling so that helped until I saw the split time of 7:48! I was like I can not trust any of these mile markers! I started to feel bad for the 1st time now and was only 2 seconds ahead of my goal time.

    Mile 6 split was 7:13 so it was clear I just had to run an even effort and hope the pace averaged out to be good.

    I grabbed my 1st drink of water just before the halfway mark sipped a little and dumped the rest on my head.

    Mile 7 split was 7:28..I could still see my pacers about 15 seconds ahead.

    Mile 8 split was 7:44...I was 7 seconds ahead of pace. Pacers now getting smaller about 20 seconds up.

    Mile 9 split was 7:24 (15 seconds ahead of goal and was looking good now. I knew I could rally some time in the last few miles so if I just kept this cushion I was golden).


    I suddenly passed a few runners and was running alone. The pacers group was about 20 seconds ahead but I did not feel bad. I felt strong and tried to reel them in. There was a long downhill stretch (not steep) and I could feel myself gaining a few seconds on them. I grabbed a water around the 9.5 mile mark,

    After sipping it I felt worse as I had to slow and lost my ryhthym. No matter I felt I was going to earn a great split on this 10th mile.


    10 mile mark ..... where is it?? I finally hit it in 7:43 (even steven at 1 hour 15 minutes or 7:30 pace)

    I was like NOOO NOOO!!! Well only a 5k left I can pick it up a little for a 5k so here goes nothing.


    The 11th mile split was 7:08 (another mismarked mile I suppose) so I was happy again but must not lose focus for who knows how they marked these now?


    12th mile split was 7:23...ok I think I got sub 7:30 now...and tried to fight for more speed.


    I saw 1 hour 34 minutes on my watch and a runner pulled even with me and saw me glancing at my watch. "Half mile to go?" he asked....I said "about 4 minutes".. he said "we can do this"

    One of those touchy moments posters always talk about but I was glad to have this friend. I met him after (Matt was his name)...


    So I tried to get some more speed as I knew Matt had a little more in him than I.

    We slowly but surely picked up the pace and Magic and Bird were getting closer to us.

    1 hour 37 minutes. OK I was hoping for sub 1:38 but for sure wanted sub 1:38:19 or whatever 7:30 pace is.

    This last mile was way long....I saw no marker but I heard a guy call the 13 mile mark and my split was somewhere in the 7:50s.


    Up the finish chute...Matt took off and I finally passed Bird and Magic without about 100 feet left and was sure to take off my watch so I could click it in my hand without looking like a watch geek at the finish. I raised my arms as I crossed the finish in 1:38:04! I believe that is 7:29 pace.


    I wish I could have beat 1:38 but as it was the mile markers were bad news all day.

    I ran hard to the finish and felt awful like I would never run again but that feeling passed within about 45 seconds.


    So it was a great 1st race...a lot different than a 5k...I wouldn't say any easier or harder right now I don't know. Its comparing apples and oranges. Now I guess I graduated from the sub 1:40 club.


    Mile Splits
















    8:33 (last 1.1) approx mile time 7:53

      Congratulations Michigan. Sounds like you paced yourself very well to feel strong the whole race.


      I'm sure you must be feeling great right now.

        6 Need to rethink Marathon strategy of sub 3:45.  Really NEED to get sub 4:00 as only 2009 goal outstanding.   may run 8:40 -45 and see how it goes.  Willit to see what last full training week brings and how respond to taper.

          I think this is very sensible thinking at this point.  Better to ease off the target at little bit and still get sub 4 than to continue to blindly pursue your target and end up struggling in and maybe even missing the sub 4 as well.


        Good luck with your last full training week.

          congrats michigan - very nice work!!

          The Limping Jogger

            Great job MichiganFlyer!  Looks like a very well run race despite the mile marker placement (or lack thereof).


            So, what's the next goal?  Sub 40 10k?   Also, I really think you should try your hand a 10 mile race. 

            "Only a few more laps to go and then the action will begin, unless this is the action, which it is."

              Congrats Michigan. Nice race.

              Current Goals: Run and stuff

                CONGRATS FLYER!! Job well done.


                  Excellent M'Flyer.  Sounds like you were in control start to finish.  Enjoy your accomplishment!!




                    You can watch some of my race footage. I finish in 1:38:11 by the clock just ahead of Larry Bird and Magic Johnson.


                    Oh yeah I almost forgot I raised my arms in triumph at the finish for the 1st time ever. This was for the photo finish but I really felt excited that I had beat my time as well.

                      Sorry to hear you did not quite make it Mr.I, but from what Buckeye says it sounds as though this course was not doing you any favours!

                      Congratulations on a fine performance, Michigan, I agree its a very different race from a 5k, the first 10 miles you are holding back, just setting things up for the last 5k.


                      I have done very low miles the last couple of weeks, though with more speed work and hills. Nice 10 miler this week at 8:00 pace. it was a hard effort but thanks to cool temps and low humidity it was not race effort.


                      PBs since age 60:  5k- 24:36, 10k - 47:17. Half Marathon- 1:42:41.

                                                          10 miles (unofficial) 1:16:44.


                        Well, I almost did it today, running a 1:40:08 in the pouring rain.  My goal was only 1:42:30, (my PR was 1:43:00)but suspected I had a 1:42:00 in me.  For the most part, had a great run. 


                        If you want to see the complete race report, come on over to the Half Marathon Training group and read it under the Sept thread. 




                        "Today I broke my record for most consecutive days lived!"

                          Great job MichiganFlyer!  Looks like a very well run race despite the mile marker placement (or lack thereof).


                          So, what's the next goal?  Sub 40 10k?   Also, I really think you should try your hand a 10 mile race. 


                          I am not very fast at the 5k and sub 20 has been elusive this year. So I decided to try a half.

                          Next I may try a 10k just to set a new PR at different distances.


                          SMART Approach

                            Good job Michigan. Way to stay strong. Come on no sprint finish???  Maybe you had a few extra seconds there. That is the coach in me talking! It was a great experience for you. Next race you will be stronger and know what you are up against and will be better for it. Nice accomplishment and very rewarding!

                            Run Coach. Recovery Coach. Founder of SMART Approach Training, Coaching & Recovery

                            Structured Marathon Adaptive Recovery Training

                            Safe Muscle Activation Recovery Technique


                            Prince of Fatness

                              Nice work, Flyer.

                              Not at it at all. 

                                Good job Flyer !


                                I told you that watching your 5k videos that you were a natural distance runner. 


                                Spring 2010 Marathon?? Come on

                                "It's supposed to be hard. If it wasn't hard, everyone would do it. The hard... is what makes it Great!