Minimalist shoe question (Read 1167 times)


    Is it ok for overweight runners to run in "minimalist" shoes?


    I've been looking into the Kinvaras which I've heard described as "introduction into minimalist". I wasn't sure if that light of a shoe would be bad for someone who might be running with some extra weight. I'm trying to find a good everyday trainer and was wondering if I should open up the world of minimalist shoes, or just stick to the regular. 

    Oh roo roooo!

      I don't know if I can actually answer your question, but as you likely know, if you do go the minimalist route, ease into it very slowly.  Your body will need lots of time to adapt.  I'm talking about stuff like running a mile or 2 in the minimal shoes maybe once or twice a week to start and doing other runs in your other shoes.  Starting at a time when you don't mind dropping your mileage a little bit  is a good idea.  Also pay very close attention to your body and if you start to feel sore, back off even further on your minimal-shoe mileage.  Maybe you'll adapt fast, but better to not risk an injury--take it slow.


      I'm sure you'll get an answer here.  Hope it works out for you--I have been running in much lighter and flatter shoes than I used to and really do like it better.

        Here's a post from a larger-sized barefooter you might find useful:



        Anybody at any weight can move gently. I recommend going barefoot first. The soles of your feet tell you immediately if you're in the ballpark or not, form-wise.




        Marquess of Utopia

          At your current mileage you should be fine running in the Kinvara. I bet you will enjoy how free they make your feet feel.


          If you are going to greating increase your miles you could wait and try this shoe it will be a little more durable for you:



          The PowerGrid Cortana has a predicted weight under 11 oz in a men’s size 9.0 and is scheduled to arrive at Running Warehouse in July 2011 with a full retail price of $135.  Although not first to market, the Zoot Kane and Kalani are maximum featured shoes under 11. oz, the Cortana does add a new twist to the premium class of shoes by not only being light weight, but also having a low heel-toe drop. Will it be a success? Only time will tell, but if it feels anything like the Kinvara then Saucony is about to turn the industry on its ear.

          SMART Approach

            Saucony Progrid Mirage. Awesome minimalist shoe and light. Only 4mm difference from heel to toe.  My Saucony A4 and Brooks T5 racing flats have even more heel drop than these. I think these are even better than the Kinvara and will last longer. Very comfortable and with a touch of stability.

            Run Coach. Recovery Coach. Founder of SMART Approach Training, Coaching & Recovery

            Structured Marathon Adaptive Recovery Training

            Safe Muscle Activation Recovery Technique
