I am SO done with 2008, already! (Read 908 times)



    What I am looking forward to is the hours of daylight increasing again. It'll start next week, but I'm looking forward to more runs in the light.

    Half Fanatic #9292. 

    Game Admin for RA Running Game 2023.

    TRIing to beat the heat!

      Yep... I'm with you. '08 ended for me with the Turkey Trot... no races on the agenda until January 11th. I'm SOOOO ready for 2009! Woot! bring in the New Year and bring on the bubbly!! Evil grin

      2012 Goals

      Sub-1:42 for half marathon √ (1:41 at Disney, Jan '12)

      Sub-22 for 5k √ (21:51 in Sept '12)

      BQ for marathon- FAIL

      an amazing likeness

        Close...but not just yet ready to call it a year. 40 miles to go to hit the 2008 goal for 2008 miles.

        Acceptable at a dance, invaluable in a shipwreck.


          And I was dating Psycho Hose Beast.
          You dated Lara Flynn Boyle?! Sweet!

          an amazing likeness

            You dated Lara Flynn Boyle?! Sweet!
            Or was it Sean Young SRL was hanging with back in '86 ??

            Acceptable at a dance, invaluable in a shipwreck.

            SMART Approach

              I am with you Zoomy. I am so tired of my lingering upper hammy/glute discomfort which affects my running. Cry Hammys and sit bones are always sore and sitting makes it worse, which I do in my car all day. It is no where near as bad as last year when I needed cortisone and time off but it is chronic. Getting a biomechanical analysis done tomorrow by physiotherapist/athletic trainer using Dartfish software to analyze my gait, pelvic tilt, muscle balance, stride, alignment, flexibility etc. to see if I am firing my hammys too much causing greater stress in the area. Just want to know a reason for my issues and then work on correcting it. Certainly it is not weakness, I am really emphasizing strength work and doing one legged squats with weight and back up to walking lunges with 30# dumbbells. Here is to a healthy 2009.

              Run Coach. Recovery Coach. Founder of SMART Approach Training, Coaching & Recovery

              Structured Marathon Adaptive Recovery Training

              Safe Muscle Activation Recovery Technique




                Todd, I hope you get some answers. Definitely report back when you find something out. What does it cost to have that kind of assessment done?

                Getting the wind knocked out of you is the only way to

                remind your lungs how much they like the taste of air.    

                     ~ Sarah Kay

                Prince of Fatness

                  I had a good 2008, but it is finishing on a sour note. I ran the most miles for one year ever, and not by coincidence ran PR's in 4 different distances. I was about 40 miles ahead of the 2000 pace bunny when November started, then the shin splints hit. I won't get to 2000 miles. So yeah, I guess I am looking forward to 2009. I have some unfinished business to take care of.

                  Not at it at all. 

                  Menace to Sobriety

                    Anyone else feel this way? I hit my mileage goal a couple of weeks early...time to '86 this shit and get on with '09... Tongue
                    Compared to 2007, 2008 was a cakewalk for me, but bring on '09.

                    Janie, today I quit my job. And then I told my boss to go f*** himself, and then I blackmailed him for almost sixty thousand dollars. Pass the asparagus.

                      At the risk of sounding pollyannish I enjoy every day I have on this planet. Big grin We have 14 more days available to us in 2008. Running is the icing on the cake. Let's enjoy every one!

                      Suffering Benefiting from mature onset exercise addiction and low aerobic endorphin release threshold. Hoping there is no cure.


                      One day at a time

                        At the risk of sounding pollyannish I enjoy every day I have on this planet. Big grin We have 14 more days available to us in 2008. Running is the icing on the cake. Let's enjoy every one!
                        Yeah, I was thinking about that as I ran past my elderly neighbor today while he was slowly shoveling his driveway. His wife passed away from cancer last month. He lives with his daughter, so at least he's not alone, but it must still be hard. I was so thankful to be out running in the blowing snow!
                          Zoom- Chin up, girl! You finished a marathon and ran 1500 miles. You are the backbone of our LLR and orchestrated an amazing Secret Santa exchange. You lost 9 pounds and will do it again. This time of year is tough. Everyone's motivation is down, and since we are so emotionally wired to accomplish things through our running, it's hard on us. There is a thread on Nashville Striders to the same effect. I hit my 1500 miles on Monday- 1 mile into my run. It's drizzling and gloomy right now and has been for days, but I keep thinking about you and all the others who run in much worse conditions and it helps me HTFU!

                          Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth


                          Go Pre!

                            Don't wish your life away!
                              I think I am looking forward to setting goals for the upcoming year. But that being said... I am going to not make 100 miles this month... well 11 out of 12 aint bad... I am excited to see what next year brings!
                                I think I am looking forward to setting goals for the upcoming year. But that being said... I am going to not make 100 miles this month... well 11 out of 12 aint bad... I am excited to see what next year brings!
                                My goal this year was also 100 miles per month. Was sick for over a week and now I will have to push myself t make it. I had counted on a nice easy December to kind of coast into the new year. Zoom-zoom, you inspire more people than you'll ever know so keep up the good work and keep on posting.