finally a defeat for urban fast "food" industry (Read 1459 times) Awesome! Maybe 1 less person will die of a heart attack for every month they keep this grease delivery system off the street corner. In a sentence that is clearly designed to provide "balanced" reporting they add this: "The decision also means one of the city's poorest areas will not get an investment of up to $500,000 and miss a business that would have created about a dozen jobs at 1635 W. North Ave." I work out at the YMCA on 13th and North and my business is about 2 blocks from that proposed slow poison restaurant. I guess I will have to find a way to hire a few people for more than the $7.00 an hour they would have been paid. Good riddance. For people who think urban communities are oblivious to being healthy check out this great organization... This is probably one of the worst communities in America in terms of economic opportunity and education. According to city tracking data 50% of the people over age 25 do not have a High School diploma or GED. And the people running this organization manage to do some real good. If only we could get something half as good going in my middle class suburb. Well... I just wanted to give some props to an urban organization that deserves some recognition. Way to go Walnut Way!






      That's great to see. Thanks.

      Why is it sideways?


        Good Bad & The Monkey

          Kick it to da man.
          I'm not trying to be a nut job about it but I am frustrated about how easy it is to make money selling crap for people to injest. If you spend as much time as I do in an urban blight neighborhood you would be frustrated as well. Even if those kids don't understand all the aspects of this issue they are seeing this: 1. they see african american adults talking about eating right 2. they get the message about negative association to fast food 3. they feel empowered While it may seem corny I don't see those things happening often around here. Small victories are victories nontheless.






          Good Bad & The Monkey

            I work at a hospital. In the heart of the hospital, there is a McDonalds. I just don't think it gets worse than that in terms of mixed messages. What the community did on North Ave is awesome!

            flatland mountaineer

              I work at a hospital. In the heart of the hospital, there is a McDonalds.
              Ya I never figured that one out. Never been in a hospital with a Mc D's but seen plenty of not so healthy choices on the cafeteria menu and plenty of guys in sugical greens ordering such and have seen lots of nurses smoking outside. I guess its like when I first started farming and would sacrifce my bod to get the job done and do what it took to get through the day.

              The whole world said I shoulda used red but it looked good to Charlene in John Deere Green!!

              Support Ethanol, drink the best, burn the rest.

              Run for fun? What the hell kind of recreation is that?  quote from Back to the Fut III

              Imminent Catastrophe

                Ya I never figured that one out...

                "Able to function despite imminent catastrophe"

                 "To obtain the air that angels breathe you must come to Tahoe"--Mark Twain

                "The most common question from potential entrants is 'I do not know if I can do this' to which I usually answer, 'that's the whole point'.--Paul Charteris, Tarawera Ultramarathon RD.


                √ Javelina Jundred Jalloween 2015

                Cruel Jewel 50 mile May 2016

                Western States 100 June 2016

                  Church's chicken is one of my favorite fried chicken restaurants. Big grin It's up there with Chicken Express and Bush's. "Church's Chicken gotta love it!"



                    I saw a Ronald McDonald House next to the hospital near where I live. McDonald's sucks.

                    Good Bad & The Monkey

                      Do not confuse Ronald McDonald House (a wonderful charity) with McDonalds.

                      I fly.

                        I work at a hospital. In the heart of the hospital, there is a McDonalds. I just don't think it gets worse than that in terms of mixed messages. What the community did on North Ave is awesome!
                        I always thought that was a weird place to put one, but I admit, I have eaten at that very McDonalds. Shhh.

                        Bring it on.

                          Do not confuse Ronald McDonald House (a wonderful charity) with McDonalds.
                          Right on. R.M. House is awesome. When we were in our early twenties and our dd was little, we took her to Texas Scottish Rite Hospital in Dallas frequently. We would have had no place to stay if not for RMH. We sure could not have afforded a hotel at that point in our lives.
                            Church's chicken is one of my favorite fried chicken restaurants. Big grin It's up there with Chicken Express and Bush's. "Church's Chicken gotta love it!"
                            I did not notice the stuff they serve was "freshly prepared". It must be healthy then. I take it all back. Smile





                     In a sentence that is clearly designed to provide "balanced" reporting they add this: "The decision also means one of the city's poorest areas will not get an investment of up to $500,000 and miss a business that would have created about a dozen jobs at 1635 W. North Ave."
                              Well, maybe if they would built a damned grocery store *grumbles* Food availably in urban areas is a huge pet peeve of mine. I wish cities had the funs to help attract them to poorer areas. I think it would go a long way to the heath crisis. or maybe do like they do for low income housing and say, "if you want to built a McDonalds here it has to be connected to a grocery store and bank.
                              You may find my running Vlog at Run Cast TV and my running log here