finally a defeat for urban fast "food" industry (Read 1459 times)

Why is it sideways?

    Me, too! Now get some dadgum work done. Wink MTA: Mmmm. Beer and chicken wings.

    My legs are killing me

      Me, too! Now get some dadgum work done. Wink MTA: Mmmm. Beer and chicken wings.
      Yeah let me get back to being a capitalist. lol
        Some kinds of commercial enterprises are no longer cost effective in the city. I have a good friend who works for Organic Valley Foods. (I was pimping his "I love milk" song back around election day). His parents owned a city grocery and it is now passed down to his brother. There are only a few of them left. It becomes more cost effective to run grocery stores on major freeway exits or in suburban mega stores. We all know that eating fresh is among the healthiest ways to eat. But if it becomes very inconvenient to get regular fresh food, then the temptations to supply you and your family with cheap and accessible calories becomes even greater. Too bad there is not a tax break for a produce market. Our government is somewhat involved in encouraging businesses to be located where people live and in providing access to those jobs. The government also tries to step in and make sure people don't lose heat in their homes. But pretty much the most basic need of the human species is food. It does seem like society as a whole would get a huge return on the investment if there was a way to make eating healthier a more attractive option. I don't have all the answers... I'm just a liberal who thinks the free market system could use a little push. Cash as the sole motivator isn't always the best thing for everyone.





        Go Pre!

          I work at a hospital. In the heart of the hospital, there is a McDonalds. I just don't think it gets worse than that in terms of mixed messages. What the community did on North Ave is awesome!
          wow - I mean the food at our hospitals is shady at best, this is a horror.

          A Saucy Wench

            Unless someone is shoving a piece of fried chicken down someone's throat, I have no problem with Churches opening a restaurant (a legal enterprize) anywhere it is lawfully zoned. I would propose that the organizers of this protest put their effort into creating a more healthy choice for the residents so they may exercise their free will in choosing what THEY want to eat. I'm very uncomfortable with people limiting free (legal) will and it comes across as elitist.
            And as I read the article, it wasnt about poor only having poor food choices that they objected to as much as their neighborhood getting yet another set of minimum wage dead end jobs and turning their neighborhood into the sort of place that would only attract OTHER minimum wage dead end jobs. The point was to sacrifice a few jobs now in the hopes of building something with a brighter future to attract better jobs in their neighborhood.

            I have become Death, the destroyer of electronic gadgets


            "When I got too tired to run anymore I just pretended I wasnt tired and kept running anyway" - dd, age 7

              I would propose that the organizers of this protest put their effort into creating a more healthy choice for the residents so they may exercise their free will in choosing what THEY want to eat.
              I missed this quote earlier. I know some of these people who organized the opposition. If you click on the Walnut Way link I provided in the first post you will see some evidence of them doing excatly what you propose. Look for 2 minutes and then tell me you think the people at Walnut Way don't do something. I'm not trying to be hostile... I'm being honest. Just 2 minutes and I think you'll take back the criticism. It would be worth your time to look.





                I missed this quote earlier. I know some of these people who organized the opposition.
                Dude, where'd your prior SlowFoodFolks link go? Are they working with rural communities to keep Dairy Queen out? I hope not cause I like Oreo Blizzards. Big grin modal (who is currently thinking about opinions expressed here blended with stereotypes of mountain people and those in the boonies)


                  Dude, where'd your prior SlowFoodFolks link go?
                  I took it out because as I understand they were not the main player here. But they are a great organization as well. I edited that post about 8 times. I had to try and remove my prickishness. As you could probably tell I am a little too emotionaly involved in this issue to be comming across very well. When a person is somewhat pasionate about something and they happen to have a poor internet filter to begin with... well I have to read my posts sometimes and pull out the things that make me sound like a bigger jerk than I am.





                  Ben Running

                    I love McDonalds - it's called moderation. I think it is terrible that most of you are rooting for a business to be shut down. If you dont want to eat it then dont eat it. Whatever happened to common sense and responsibility for one's actions. McDonalds made me FAT!!! NO NO NO, you made yourself fat from eating too much McDonalds.

                      Ok then.


                      Why is it sideways?

                        I love McDonalds - it's called moderation. I think it is terrible that most of you are rooting for a business to be shut down. If you dont want to eat it then dont eat it. Whatever happened to common sense and responsibility for one's actions. McDonalds made me FAT!!! NO NO NO, you made yourself fat from eating too much MCDonalds.
                        Dude, go back and read the article. Common sense and responsibility means creating the sort of community that you would like to live in. That's what the people were doing--taking PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY. Your version of personal responsibility is pretty thin if all it demands is not eating too much.
                        Ben Running

                          Dude, go back and read the article. Common sense and responsibility means creating the sort of community that you would like to live in. That's what the people were doing--taking PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY. Your version of personal responsibility is pretty thin if all it demands is not eating too much.
                          Dude, are all of those fast food restaurants keeping the people down in that area? Is it their fault? How is that? Maybe if their parents took their responsibilty as a parent serious then they would know better then to eat that crap everyday. So seriously, answer my questions - how does living near fast food restaurants hold you down or make you fat against your will?????

                          Why is it sideways?

                            Dude, are all of those fast food restaurants keeping the people down in that area? Is it their fault? How is that? Maybe if their parents took their responsibilty as a parent serious then they would know better then to eat that crap everyday. So seriously, answer my questions - how does living near fast food restaurants hold you down or make you fat against your will?????
                            How do you know what the experience of the people in that community is? Obviously, they didn't want another fast food place and so they decided to work to make what they want happen. What's wrong with that? This is democracy: people getting together to make some changes in their local community. Changes that they wanted. Now you want to say that they shouldn't have wanted those changes? Weird.
                            Ben Running

                              How do you know what the experience of the people in that community is? Obviously, they didn't want another fast food place and so they decided to work to make what they want happen. What's wrong with that? This is democracy: people getting together to make some changes in their local community. Changes that they wanted. Now you want to say that they shouldn't have wanted those changes? Weird.
                              Hmmm rejecting a legitiment business that would provide jobs. Not sure i see how that is a good thing in a community that is obviously hurting.

                              Good Bad & The Monkey

                                Lessee, it would have given maybe 5 people jobs in the restaurant and several nurses at the local ED jobs treating the increase in heart attacks. Opening a porn shop in your neighborhood would also be a legitimate business that would employ people. Would you be in favor of that?