2015 Holiday Running Streak (Read 463 times)

    1/2 day off from work this morning. 11.1 on the home treadmill while watching Enemy at the Gates.


    Wow, is this your office desk? Cool.


    First run in December done.


      Meh. Just 1.3 yesterday. I suppose I'm technically still in this but it's pretty lame.

        I thought this streaking on Dec1 for some weird reason.  Zero last week, but have run 3 miles today, hopefully I can keep this up at-least through this month.


          12/1 - 7.1 miles

            I just noticed something- I topped my previous mileage in November, so now I need a new December goal. Joann, 281 km, please.

            Joann Y

              I just noticed something- I topped my previous mileage in November, so now I need a new December goal. Joann, 281 km, please.


              For sure. Hey, that's great!


              Consistently Slow





                Run until the trail runs out.

                 SCHEDULE 2016--

                 The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

                unsolicited chatter



                  I am out.  Another long day at work and I just found out a friend passed away.


                    5 mile tempo. 9 total w/ warm up, cool down and strides.

                      I am out.  Another long day at work and I just found out a friend passed away.


                      I'm sorry for your loss.


                      One day at a time

                        TJoseph, my condolences.  I've had a loss this year, also.  It's hard.


                        One day at a time

                          I've made it seven days in a row.  This is huge for me.  And I'm keeping my mileage low enough I shouldn't end up injured.  Smile


                            Slow, painful, rainy mile (1.3 actually) for me this morning. I even did a dynamic warm-up first.  Guess a run last night at 7 then another run 12 hours later isn't enough recovery time.

                            Joann Y

                              Sorry to hear it TJoseph.

                              Joann Y

                                Nice work Teresadfp and pygirl. Sometimes it's slow and painful pygirl and sometimes it's not.. and it's not always what you would expect in relation to recovery and how hard it was the day before. These streaks are really great for learning that about yourself. Anyway, keep at it :-)