The Booze and Waffle Thread, Long Live The Wild Wild West (Read 401 times)



    But on the other end of the spectrum, it has become a thing to use TONS of bitters in drinks and/or as a flavor for carbonated water. And yes, at that level, the differences are apparent. Not my thing to put full shots of angostura in a drink. Yuck.


    I come from a neck-of-the-woods where bitters shots are a thing (not IN a drink, but just a shot...a shot of bitters). And I kinda like 'em.

    Getting the wind knocked out of you is the only way to

    remind your lungs how much they like the taste of air.    

         ~ Sarah Kay




      I think this film is a "film geeks'" film.  If that's not you, then all it really offers is a duel with Bruce Lee and Brad Pitt shirtless on a roof-top.  And my what a scene.


      Yeah, clearly. I know a lot of people loved this. I enjoy movies and see a lot of them, but the sort of inside-baseball movie about moviemaking did not do it for me. It just felt like 2.5 hours of nothing happening and then 10 minutes of a Tarantino movie (you know which part I mean). Diff'rent strokes. And of course the Bruce Lee scene was not much loved by the Bruce Lee family.



      It's Tuesday every day

        >If you want to watch a Scorcese gangster movie, just watch Goodfellas.


        And, we have a winner! I've not seen that. Thanks, DavePNW.


        I saw neither Roma nor The Irishman: felt no attraction for the first and while I was interested in the second, I was put off by the length. Sounds like I lucked out! Now, I did watch and like Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. Don't know if I'm a movie geek, but I definitely have a taste for unusual films, e.g., The Lobster. (Which of course was followed the next weekend by Sausage Party.)


        Lesbian tacos. Seems like that ought to be a passphrase of some sort.


        It's Tuesday every day

          (Oops, incorrect post here and can't delete. Sorry! --CH)


            Goodfellas is a classic. Enjoy.


            I definitely have a taste for unusual films, e.g., The Lobster


            Same. A movie gets extra points for me if it is unlike anything else. That takes some doing these days. The Lobster, that was something. When it was over, I couldn’t decide whether it was an insightful commentary on human nature, or a complete waste of time. But the fact was I couldn’t stop thinking about it. And Colin Farrell is pretty good in everything. Which reminds me you should also watch In Bruges.



            It's Tuesday every day

              >A movie gets extra points for me if it is unlike anything else. That takes some doing these days.


              Exactly! BTW: did you see Get Out? The first few minutes of that, I remember thinking, "Whoa, I don't think I've seen anything like this before."  I think I thought that about Isle of Dogs, too, though to a lesser extent.


                Goodfellas is a classic, and way better than Casino (which is fine) or goddamn Scarface. 

                But Road to Perdition is way more fun.


                It's Tuesday every day

                  Okay, Goodfellas was awesome! Sat in one chair and watched the entire thing in one sitting, which is highly unusual for me.


                    Okay, Goodfellas was awesome! Sat in one chair and watched the entire thing in one sitting, which is highly unusual for me.


                    Now go get your fuckin’ shine box!



                    It's Tuesday every day

                      Ask me anything in this thread, and I will answer it.


                      1. If this were a normal 4th of July, what are the chances you'd be running in a race?

                      2. So, how was your run today (or yesterday, if today's hasn't happened). Where'd you go? What did you see? (etc)

                      3. What food item do you always most hope will be at the 4th of July food fest?

                      4. When hosting a large party, what's the deciding factor between keg vs individual beers?



                        1. If this were a normal 4th of July, what are the chances you'd be running in a race?

                        2. So, how was your run today (or yesterday, if today's hasn't happened). Where'd you go? What did you see? (etc)

                        3. What food item do you always most hope will be at the 4th of July food fest?

                        4. When hosting a large party, what's the deciding factor between keg vs individual beers?


                        1. As I haven't participated in a race since November 2018, probably zero. Interestingly, the last race that I actually "raced", was on July 4th, 2018. And I placed in my age group.

                        2. I ran 4.5 very slow miles in my neighborhood this morning. Since covid, all my runs and walks are in my own neighborhood so I saw a whole lot of nothing.

                        3. I'm not big on the 4th of July (my mom died on this weekend, my dog died on this weekend, and random explosions trigger my ptsd and make me very punchy). Also I am a vegetarian. So, hmmm. At festivals in general, I eat sweets like Buddy the Elf.

                        4. As I work at a brewery and am the assistant beer manager at a store that sells such things, this is a fun question. If you are having a large party with not much space to keep beer cold, you go keg. However, this severely limits variety. And some people, especially those without kegerators, don't like fooling around with a keg.


                        These days, most people get sixth barrels (the little skinny kegs that are 1/3rd the size of the fat boy keg we got in college.. AND NO, SIXTHS ARE NOT "PONY KEGS" - THOSE ARE QUARTERS). A sixth is only going to net you 40-50ish beers depending on how high people fill their red solo cups and how much you spill. For most people? Dude, just buy two cases of beer.

                        Prince of Fatness

                          4. As I work at a brewery and am the assistant beer manager at a store that sells such things, this is a fun question. If you are having a large party with not much space to keep beer cold, you go keg. However, this severely limits variety. And some people, especially those without kegerators, don't like fooling around with a keg.

                          The thing with kegs for parties I’ve hosted is that some guests are craft beer people and others just want the mass produced stuff. Not many care too much about variety. So when I go keg it’s usually a craft Pilsner or lager and nothing too hoppy. Something that anyone would drink. 

                          That said now that most craft beer is available in cans I go the case route. With bottles it’s a pain dealing with the empties (and glass in general) but cans not so much.

                          Not at it at all. 

                            for gatherings involving alcohol aficionados, I would forgo the keg in favor of many types of beer.


                            I get those "mix pack" half cases with 3-4 kinds in them from Stone, Firestone-Walker, Sufferfest, Sierra Nevada.


                            BAM! 16 different beers.


                            Bottles and cans? No big deal. We have recycling here in The People's Republic.

                            60-64 age group  -  University of Oregon alumni  -  Irreverent and Annoying

                            Prince of Fatness

                              Bottles and cans? No big deal. We have recycling here in The People's Republic.

                              Yeah of course both can be recycled but cans are lighter and can be crushed. Much easier to deal with. Plus you don’t have the potential for breaking glass.

                              Not at it at all. 


                              Good Bad & The Monkey

                                And you got those fat boy kegs at that very race as well. Four of em. Al full of easy drinking craft beers that everybody loves. Local beer, at that!


                                I haven't participated in a race since November 2018 ... the fat boy keg we got in college