Sugar (Read 1109 times)

    What foods, besides pop, are heavy in hfcs? Just curious..I doubt I'll be able to change my eating habits to drastically but it would be nice to know what foods I should be avoiding..

    Half Fanatic #846

      My DD loves tartar sauce on her fries. And wasn't there Mayonnaise in "The Dirty Dozen"? Wink

      "I don't always roll a joint, but when I do, it's usually my ankle" - unk.         "Frankly autocorrect, I'm getting a bit tired of your shirt".                  I ran half my last race on my left foot!                                  


      Good Bad & The Monkey

        Ennay, tell me more about the sugar-containing Coke at Costco, please. I have not seen this.
          When at Hooters, I discovered dipping my fries in Ranch dressing. mmmm.... Haven't had'em in awhile, but I really like fries and A1 steak sauce.


          —our ability to perform up to our physiological potential in a race is determined by whether or not we truly psychologically believe that what we are attempting is realistic. Anton Krupicka


            Ennay, tell me more about the sugar-containing Coke at Costco, please. I have not seen this.
            I'm not ennay, but I can describe the sugar coke here in three words: "Bottled in Mexico".



            Good Bad & The Monkey

              They have Mexican Coke at Costco? Really? (Serious question)

                I'm not ennay, but I can describe the sugar coke here in three words: "Bottled in Mexico".
                They have sugar there. Sounds good enough to me. It's not like Coke is the healthiest product in the first place. Might take a little while to adjust to the water in there is all.

                  They have Mexican Coke at Costco? Really? (Serious question)
                  Yes. I know this firsthand. But also: http://www.google.com/search?q=coke+sugar+costco (I actually just checked some of those links... seem to be from 2007... we still have it here at Costco Central...)


                  A Saucy Wench

                    They have Mexican Coke at Costco? Really? (Serious question)
                    Yes really, in old fashioned curvy glass bottles for an obscene price. Sometimes here it is in the coke aisle, sometimes its over by the good beer. Could be regional, we have a large mexican population here. And really awesome beer in our beer aisle. (Deschutes and Bridgeport are heavily featured local brewers) MTA: wow, that sounds like I am saying we have awesome beer because of the Mexican population. Not what I was driving at. Just saying costco has significant regional stocking based on local products (the beer) and local population (mexican coke)

                    I have become Death, the destroyer of electronic gadgets


                    "When I got too tired to run anymore I just pretended I wasnt tired and kept running anyway" - dd, age 7

                      What foods, besides pop, are heavy in hfcs? Just curious..I doubt I'll be able to change my eating habits to drastically but it would be nice to know what foods I should be avoiding..
                      ShockedOh, Skeeter....where to start. Ketchup, worstershire sauce, barbeque sauce, canned cranberries, salad dressings, sodas, granola bars, cereal, bread, crackers, gatorade, fruit juice, chocolate milk, soup, cookies, canned fruit cocktail, frozen meals(except Kashi, Healthy Choice), muffins, etc. Basically anything processed and even some stuff you'd never think of(ketchup??) Here is some food for thought. http://www.westonaprice.org/modernfood/highfructose.html http://www.menstuff.org/issues/byissue/highfructose.html To my understanding, HFCS is not metabolized by the body the same way as an 'unprocessed' sugar. The insulin reaction goes something like this(please correct me if I'm wrong): ingest HFCS, insulin responds, insulin can't transport HFCS into cells like it is supposed to, body says Hey- I just released all this insulin and there's nothing to transport! Help, eat something I can bind this insulin with! Because of this reaction, HFCS does not satisfy the appetite control in the body. Therefore, more food is desired. Hunger. Over consumption of calories.

                      The Crap Whisperer

                        The Mexican Coke is delicious...made with real cane sugar...'round these parts it can be found in the aisle with the other Mexican food stuff Smile

                        Being the best tiny spec that I can be!


                        One day at a time

                          We used to like Mexican vanilla, until we found out it contained something horrible - was it arsenic? Oh, well.

                          Good Bad & The Monkey

                            To my understanding, HFCS is not metabolized by the body the same way as an 'unprocessed' sugar. The insulin reaction goes something like this(please correct me if I'm wrong): ingest HFCS, insulin responds, insulin can't transport HFCS into cells like it is supposed to, body says Hey- I just released all this insulin and there's nothing to transport! Help, eat something I can bind this insulin with! Because of this reaction, HFCS does not satisfy the appetite control in the body. Therefore, more food is desired. Hunger. Over consumption of calories.
                            Maybe. Maybe not. This is the speculation, but there is little (if any) science to support it.
                            We used to like Mexican vanilla, until we found out it contained something horrible - was it arsenic? Oh, well.
                            Huh? "Mexican vanilla", unlike Mexican coke which is produced by a single monolithic company, is produced by lots of different producers, companies, farmers, etc. That would be like saying, "California wine has arsenic in it". There is just too much diversity to make a blanket statement like that.
                              Mayo is actually really good on fries.
                                They have Mexican Coke at Costco? Really? (Serious question)
                                Heck yeah!!