3650 Miles in the Hurtlocker

Sucker Punches (Read 1095 times)

Feeling the growl again


    Just found out that my senior masters 100K relay team will not be running the WSU 100K relay race this month, due to inability to come up with a quorum of runners. One is going to Boston, one has family commitments, and a couple of us are injured. This will be the first time in the 30-odd year history of this race that our team has not participated... I've got a tibial stress fracture (self-diagnosed) but have determined that I can run uphill at a very easy pace without any pain, so I will try to find another team for this event that needs a runner for the 6 mile uphill leg.

    Roll eyes

    You're a f'ing animal, but seriously if you have a SF and your team is not waiting there on you, you are not a pansy for not seeking out another team by which to punish yourself and make the problem worse.

    "If you want to be a bad a$s, then do what a bad a$s does.  There's your pep talk for today.  Go Run." -- Slo_Hand


    I am spaniel - Crusher of Treadmills


      well back to physical therapy twice a week and vistibular therapy once a week.  "vampires" took 12 vials of blood today and I've been referred to a rheumatologist and possibly an endocrinologist. Summer seems to be here and my body is NOT happy. Husband turned on the air conditioning today so hopefully "this flower" doesn't die lol.   Anyway that's my update. Oh I am running, we'll see how it goes now that the heat is turned on.


      BTW Cecil you are freaken hard core (not that you don't know that)


      How are you feeling Andy?


      How about everyone else? I'm not good at getting on here and reading since my eyes are buggy and my hands burn so typing really sucks.

      Your toughness is made up of equal parts persistence and experience. You don't so much outrun your opponents as outlast and outsmart them, and the toughest opponent of all is the one inside your head." - Joe Henderson


        Rocken, I've got nothing to compare to what you seem to have to endure. My abs aren't even quite up to the standard you set. Close, though...


        And Spaniel, it takes one to know one, LOL. Seriously, you are correct, I know that I should back off and take it easy and let this thing heal up,  but what my mind knows, my heart doesn't want to accept.  The relay race is just for fun and bragging rights each year, and since there's no way I'm getting on a fast team this year, I really should just revert back to being a race photographer and enjoy it from the seat of my car... My most important race of the year is coming up the beginning of May though, and I either train for that or fail in my quest for an A/G place. Like everyone else, I'm trying to ride that fine line between doing as much as I can and doing too much... I tend to err on the side of doing too much probably. I think I'm in good company here...

        Retired &  Loving It

        Prince of Fatness

          I am rebooting......


          My hip - ass - hamstring problems started three years ago and I have not been able to completely shake them.  I would have some good stretches but then would have a setback.  The ensuing frustration would lead me into some unhealthy habits.  As much as I love racing maybe it is just not in the cards for me.  I think that the frustration is part of the reason why I am having a hard time losing weight.


          So I am giving up running in the training to race sense and refocusing on being healthy and fit.


          I'll be looking for something that I can do at home (biking, rowing, something).  I have a nice Cannondale bike that I haven't been on in several years so there is that when the weather gets nicer.  I will continue with core work (have not missed a session since mid November).  And I will still run a few days a week, especially trails.


          All this said I may end up signing up for more races going forward since there are no more ghosts to chase.


          Not looking for a pity party or anything.  This is a good thing.


          That is all.


          So I ended up buying one of those rowers that Rocken has (thanks for your help with that Pam).  I've been rowing for a little over a week and so far so good,  I was worried about boredom but with my iPod it isn't that bad.  This will work for me I think.  After just this short time rowing I now have an even greater appreciation for what Pam has done with the rower.  Different from running but it is work.


          I am going to spend the next couple of months building back up some fitness.  Mostly rowing, running here and there.  Eventually I want to try throw in some workouts, then give it a go in the 5K - 10K range (maybe in the fall).  I could make a game out of this and see what I can do on low mileage.

          Not at it at all. 


            This is good Finn.

            "He conquers who endures" - Persius
            "Every workout should have a purpose. Every purpose should link back to achieving a training objective." - Spaniel



            old woman w/hobby

              This is good Finn.




              And if you don't mind, which rower did you get?  And why?


              Full of questions aren't I?





                So I ended up buying one of those rowers that Rocken has (thanks for your help with that Pam).  I've been rowing for a little over a week and so far so good,  I was worried about boredom but with my iPod it isn't that bad.  This will work for me I think.  After just this short time rowing I now have an even greater appreciation for what Pam has done with the rower.  Different from running but it is work.


                I am going to spend the next couple of months building back up some fitness.  Mostly rowing, running here and there.  Eventually I want to try throw in some workouts, then give it a go in the 5K - 10K range (maybe in the fall).  I could make a game out of this and see what I can do on low mileage.


                So glad you are liking the Erg! I can't tell you how much it's helped me through the past 6-7 months.  You plan sounds a lot like mine! Good  luck Tim. Hope to see you out racing this fall (assuming I'm able to)


                MTA: You are very welcome!

                Your toughness is made up of equal parts persistence and experience. You don't so much outrun your opponents as outlast and outsmart them, and the toughest opponent of all is the one inside your head." - Joe Henderson

                Prince of Fatness

                  And if you don't mind, which rower did you get?  And why?


                  Don't mind at all.  I bought the Concept 2 Model D PM3 (PM3 is the cheaper of the two consoles available for the model).  This is what Rocken uses and there was also this thread where I noticed that others on RA were using it as well.  All comments regarding this particular machine were favorable.  I chose rowing because through research it appeared to be something that people with sciatica type issues can do.  In the short time using it I notice that it works the muscles in the lower back and hips, as on days that I am doing my core work I am finding that I am more fatigued in those areas and the core exercises are a little more difficult.

                  Not at it at all. 

                  Prince of Fatness

                    Hope to see you out racing this fall (assuming I'm able to)



                    Not at it at all. 


                    old woman w/hobby


                      Don't mind at all.  I bought the Concept 2 Model D PM3 (PM3 is the cheaper of the two consoles available for the model).  This is what Rocken uses and there was also this thread where I noticed that others on RA were using it as well.  All comments regarding this particular machine were favorable.  I chose rowing because through research it appeared to be something that people with sciatica type issues can do.  In the short time using it I notice that it works the muscles in the lower back and hips, as on days that I am doing my core work I am finding that I am more fatigued in those areas and the core exercises are a little more difficult.


                      Thanks much, Finn.





                      old woman w/hobby

                          Hope to see you out racing this fall (assuming I'm able to)



                        Hoping that is going well for you, Pam!




                          I chose rowing because through research it appeared to be something that people with sciatica type issues can do.  In the short time using it I notice that it works the muscles in the lower back and hips, as on days that I am doing my core work I am finding that I am more fatigued in those areas and the core exercises are a little more difficult.

                          Excellent news.  Enjoy it!

                          "I want you to pray as if everything depends on it, but I want you to prepare yourself as if everything depends on you."

                          -- Dick LeBeau


                            Black eye  ...<sigh> My goal race for the year tomorrow, and my left knee locked up on me while kneeling down doing yard work this morning. Seriously? I've been trying to walk it off for a couple of hours, plus rested for an hour. It's slightly better, as in I can limp around now, but running? Not possible right now. I was planning to do a 2x800 set this afternoon to loosen up for the race tomorrow, but that's not going to happen at the moment. Last time this knee bothered me like this, I was 12 miles into a 16 mile run, and was able to stop and massage it for a minute and it felt better. Coincidentally, that was also the run after which my left tibia was stress fractured, April 1st. I don't know if there's some connection here between these things. This time it's been 3 hours already, and still stiff and painful. Angry

                            Retired &  Loving It


                              Damn sorry to hear Cecil. Get better soon.

                              "He conquers who endures" - Persius
                              "Every workout should have a purpose. Every purpose should link back to achieving a training objective." - Spaniel


                                Black eye  ...<sigh> My goal race for the year tomorrow, and my left knee locked up on me while kneeling down doing yard work this morning. Seriously? I've been trying to walk it off for a couple of hours, plus rested for an hour. It's slightly better, as in I can limp around now, but running? Not possible right now. I was planning to do a 2x800 set this afternoon to loosen up for the race tomorrow, but that's not going to happen at the moment. Last time this knee bothered me like this, I was 12 miles into a 16 mile run, and was able to stop and massage it for a minute and it felt better. Coincidentally, that was also the run after which my left tibia was stress fractured, April 1st. I don't know if there's some connection here between these things. This time it's been 3 hours already, and still stiff and painful. Angry


                                That's a bummer, Cecil. Any chance it'll calm down overnight?