3650 Miles in the Hurtlocker

Sucker Punches (Read 1095 times)

    Morton's neuroma?Damn painful DW had and needed surgery


    My wife had Morton's neuroma for a few years.  Even had custom orthotics with the bump in the middle.  Eventually she figured out getting a shoe with a wider toe box solved the issue and she was able to ditch the orthotics.


    I had a similar simple fix for a bad case of anterior tibial tendinitis.  After multiple flare-ups, ruling out shin splints, several othotics, and many weeks spent barely running, my podiatrist recommended lacing my shoes differently- basically not lacing them as tight.  It made an immediate difference.  To this day if I tie my shoes too tight I'll develop pain on the anterior tib tendon.  Not sure why the damn thing is so sensitive but you gotta love the simple fixes.


      My wife had Morton's neuroma for a few years.  Even had custom orthotics with the bump in the middle.  Eventually she figured out getting a shoe with a wider toe box solved the issue and she was able to ditch the orthotics.


      I had a similar simple fix for a bad case of anterior tibial tendinitis.  After multiple flare-ups, ruling out shin splints, several othotics, and many weeks spent barely running, my podiatrist recommended lacing my shoes differently- basically not lacing them as tight.  It made an immediate difference.  To this day if I tie my shoes too tight I'll develop pain on the anterior tib tendon.  Not sure why the damn thing is so sensitive but you gotta love the simple fixes.


      BOOOM!  Even though I don't think it's Morton's Neuroma (since that is usually between the 2nd and 3rd metatarsal head) it still could be.  But anyway, one thing I was thinking may have caused this problem was shoes.  I'm a wear-tester for Puma and I agreed to do a wear test on a new shoe that was too narrow in the forefoot for me.  From the beginning I felt 'something' in the ball of my foot (like maybe my sock was folded underneath or something).  Anyway, while running in this shoe this issue arose but that is NOT to say that 100% caused the problem.  I discontinued the wear test but it hasn't gotten much, if at all, better.  I guess if you 'bunch up' your foot with a too-narrow shoe you can cause the bones/tendons/etc in your forefoot to ride funny and cause an injury.  I'm hoping that's what caused it and it will get better.

      I may in fact hit up the ortho soon if it is not better in a couplethree weeks (I fear the GvilleKevin scenario!  Too funny and too true unfortunately).



        Yeah the side effects are mesmerizing to.  Hot dry mouth.  Worse than normal mood.  Change in sleep habits.  Kinda felt like my head was in a cloud.  I could not take it so i quit before I went to the higher dose.


        I was very puzzling that she prescribed that.  I know that it is used to treat chronic nerve pain among other things but cripes, I told her that the actual pain was only about 3 out of 10 and does not keep me from doing most everyday things,  I would have to be in absolute crippling pain to even consider ever taking that stuff again.


        Thank god you discontinued use of that stuff ...

        Did you have any of these?! Erection lasting longer than 4 hours,  persistent painful erections, swollen tongue, rash, rectal bleeding, anal leakage, etc. (<---- that's a joke by the way)    I would be so wary of ANY drug I ever saw advertised on television.

        Prince of Fatness

          Did you have any of these?! Erection lasting longer than 4 hours


          Sadly, no.

          Not at it at all. 

            Getting a cheap standup desk at Office Depot, tight hip flexors are no fun.  When I standup after sitting for more than an hour( sometimes I forget to stand and stretch while working) I have to walk hunched over for a few minutes, and everyone thinks I am walking like a 80 year old.

              Getting a cheap standup desk at Office Depot, tight hip flexors are no fun.  When I standup after sitting for more than an hour( sometimes I forget to stand and stretch while working) I have to walk hunched over for a few minutes, and everyone thinks I am walking like a 80 year old.


              How much are they? I was thinking about just building one - probably cheaper, last longer and can customize size.

              Come all you no-hopers, you jokers and rogues
              We're on the road to nowhere, let's find out where it goes

                Something around $150 I think.  Basically a surface to put my laptop on it, and moves up and down.  That's all I need. I think it was this one


                Standing Desk

                  Or you can go the other way and use that thing to work from bed.

                    Something around $150 I think.  Basically a surface to put my laptop on it, and moves up and down.  That's all I need. I think it was this one


                    So, I decided to build my own:




                    It's no shaker masterpiece, but only cost $6.49 for the pine top, $4.99 for the 2x2 spindles for legs/brace, plus leftover stain/poly. People already think I'm weird for running all the time, so this won't really turn any heads I think.

                    Come all you no-hopers, you jokers and rogues
                    We're on the road to nowhere, let's find out where it goes

                    Feeling the growl again

                      The only problem I have with the stand desks is no support for my elbows.  So with a lot of time on the keyboard it saps my shoulders and starts getting at my back.  So I don't use it as much as I should.

                      "If you want to be a bad a$s, then do what a bad a$s does.  There's your pep talk for today.  Go Run." -- Slo_Hand


                      I am spaniel - Crusher of Treadmills


                        Finally get over my hamstring and butt injuries (only 5 months to heal!) and have been so excited to have some pain-free runs while building up mileage. So I decide to join a nice, easy group that is doing a nice, easy trail run on the lower side of a mountain...the rain even stops for us for the duration that we're out there. We get halfway, which is only about 4 km and have done the hard tricky bits when I splat! right on a rock, gouging an actual hole in my knee.


                        4 stitches. Sigh.

                          Alright, everyone -- stop it!

                          "I want you to pray as if everything depends on it, but I want you to prepare yourself as if everything depends on you."

                          -- Dick LeBeau


                            Alright, everyone -- stop it!


                            OK, this is actually a <sigh> of relief, and NOT a sucker punch. I'm sitting at Shari's, drinking coffee and just finished a burger, and waiting for my extremely dilated eyes to return to some semblance of normal before I drive home in the bright mid-day sunshine. I'm about a block away from the optometrist's office where I had to go get a second opinion on my right eye.


                            Turns out everything is mostly OK with it. I had started seeing flashing lights in the periphery of my eye last Wednesday evening, and then twice on Thursday I saw what looked like a black spot form in my eye that then started flowing like a plume of oil in water, is the best way I can describe  it. I had that symptom plus other eye problems repeatedly over the weekend  Second doc says the plumes I see are just something going on with the vitreous fluid, and not a flow of blood as it appears to be to me. I had several symptoms of a vitreous separation going on, but no retinal detachment, and he says the symptoms should get better. Age plays a part in this but also I may have possibly triggered it by straining to lift a pair of UPS power supplys last week that weighed 125 lbs each. 


                            I still haven't fully recovered from running my first marathon last July, but I am running some and anyway, last year I stopped running until Mid-October and was able to get back into pretty decent shape for the late winter and spring racing season. I'm a little bit ahead of where I was at this time last year. 


                            The real sucker punch here, if there is one, is that those two UPS power supplies that I ordered for my small network server room have 30-amp plugs on them, which I didn't realize when I ordered therm. I don't have any 30-amp outlets to plug them in to, and the university electricians just quoted me a cost of over $3k to install two 30-amp outlets. Ouch! I don't have a budget for that. 


                            Hope everyone else is doing well or headed in that direction. 

                            Retired &  Loving It

                            Prince of Fatness

                              Getting a cheap standup desk at Office Depot, tight hip flexors are no fun.  When I standup after sitting for more than an hour( sometimes I forget to stand and stretch while working) I have to walk hunched over for a few minutes, and everyone thinks I am walking like a 80 year old.


                              Sitting, bad posture are issues for me.  The stand up desk is not an option.


                              I have experimented with using one of those large stability balls when working from home (not often).  I notice that I need to sit up with better posture as to keep my balance.  It is impossible to slouch on one of these.


                              I am going to try this in the office.  I need to make sure to find the correct size ball because you want to sit with your thighs a little lower than perpendicular.  It may take me some time to get this in place and gauge progress, but I will report back my findings.

                              Not at it at all. 


                              Will Crew for Beer

                                Went to see the sport Doc yesterday. He diagnosed me with Athletic Pubalgia. It's sometimes called a Sports Hernia, but it's not really a hernia. Treatment is rest until I can start PT to strengthen up the weak areas. Could be anywhere from a couple of weeks to several months.


                                The GP I had seen wanted to refer me to a urologist. I'm debating whether I should just to make sure I've covered all my bases and didn't overlook some other issue.

                                Rule number one of a gunfight, bring a gun. Rule number two of a gunfight, bring friends with guns.