3650 Miles in the Hurtlocker

Who had a good workout this week? (Read 2359 times)

    30 minute tempo today. No numb leg. Keeping fingers crossed.


    Good to hear. Bigger pink bars....


      I continue to have a very good - not great period of training


      Solid workouts

      Twingey Hamstring

      Decent mileage


      But I continue to keep pace and total hard workout distance only in the moderate range.  My biggest concern is I am not dropping a pound.  The real speed pickup will come from a combination of speed work and weight loss.  I feel like I am 3 months and 20 pounds from being in the best 5k - marathon shape of my life.  But without the 20# PRs will not be bountiful in 2012.  I really could lose 30-35#, but all I need for PR shape is 20#.

      Long dead ... But my stench lingers !



      Just a dude.

        I've been struggling to lose weight too DB.  Stuck for a couple weeks on 206, after losing a decent amount... For me it happens to coincide with cooler weather, but I don't know if that's it...  I'm hoping to get back on the downward trend again. I think nothing will help me go faster than dropping another 30+ pounds...



        Getting back in shape... Just need it to be a skinnier shape... 


          I have been Floundering between 215-225 for an eternity (6 months) ... Everytime I am solidly back at 215 - I just can not make the jump down to 210.


          On the other hand, I am gaining speed weekly in my intervals and tempo runs


          This time of year is perfect running weather for us in WI ... But not perfect running light ... Light between 7am-6:30 pm ... soon with daylight savings fall back to be 6:00am - 5:30 pm.  

          Long dead ... But my stench lingers !



          Feeling the growl again

            Set point are a pain to weight loss.  Lacking running, even with a controlled diet I think my body wants to weigh around 160.  I was 159 a couple months ago, it sucks for running.


            I'm down to around 152 now.  That's about as low as I can go without a) extreme dieting that screws my ability to run half decently, or b) really amping up the volume to the point where I can never be hungry yet still lose weight.


            I'm hoping to get into B territory...November has some committments that will make it hard to be totally consistent, but come December I hope to drop the last 5-7lbs I need to lose pretty quickly.


            I had to more or less cut out beer to drop from 155 to 152.  Talk about sacrifices.

            "If you want to be a bad a$s, then do what a bad a$s does.  There's your pep talk for today.  Go Run." -- Slo_Hand


            I am spaniel - Crusher of Treadmills


            Just a dude.

              I'm probably pretty similar here in Northern Nevada.  I am now doing about 80-90% of my runs with a headlamp. I get frustrated that I really can't get off the roads and onto the dirt/trails.  


              My morning runs (5:30 am) are in the high 30s / low 40s, and my afternoon runs (6pm or later) are around the 60's lately...


              Unfortunately, with my commute, I'm at work 11 hours a day, leaving at 7 am and returning at about 6... We don't have showers or anything at work, so a lunch run is not really feasible.  I sometimes go walk for a couple miles just to stretch the legs out some...


              Sucks about your weight plateau DB.  Not sure on that one... I know last year I got stuck at 185 for a few months. With my ankle problem I never really found an answer to the problem... Let me know what you come up with...



              Getting back in shape... Just need it to be a skinnier shape... 

              Prince of Fatness

                Weight's been an issue with me as well.  I haven't stepped on a scale in weeks.  This Friday I will start up my weekly weigh-ins again.  When I took 3 months off from running last summer I fell into some bad habits and I have been having a hard time getting out of those habits.


                I had to more or less cut out beer to drop from 155 to 152.  Talk about sacrifices.


                I'll starve myself before this ever happens.

                Not at it at all. 


                  That is just it - To lose weight I need to not drink and significantlly cut calories - making me edgy around my co-workers and worse around my family.  I have to eat a samll evening meal and then either be crabby or get out of the house and walk or lift weights - Something.  My family is very seditary - When I sit I snack or want to so I get crabby.



                  I had to more or less cut out beer to drop from 155 to 152.  Talk about sacrifices.

                  Long dead ... But my stench lingers !



                    I, Clive Fenster, ran hill repeats yesterday.  That's my first "workout" since 19 FEB 2011, aka The Day I Tore My Achilles.


                    (Happy to see that I ran up the same hill as earlier this winter in about the same time/pace and with about the same HR.  Very happy that I'm feeling no ill effects from doing it!)


                    Baby steps.

                    "I want you to pray as if everything depends on it, but I want you to prepare yourself as if everything depends on you."

                    -- Dick LeBeau

                      Awesome!  Welcome back and looking forward to seeing the progress beyond those baby steps.

                        Great news, Clive. 

                        "If you have the fire, run..." -John Climacus


                        old woman w/hobby

                          excellent!  good for you!  





                          Options,Account, Forums

                            Used an actual marathon to finally get in a decent long run weekend -- seems the only way I can go over 20 is with a "race" of some type. Got 15 on Fri, 8 on Sat, 28 on Sun, just in time to call it taper from now til my 50m in 3 weeks.

                            It's a 5k. It hurt like hell...then I tried to pick it up. The end.


                              Used an actual marathon to finally get in a decent long run weekend -- seems the only way I can go over 20 is with a "race" of some type. Got 15 on Fri, 8 on Sat, 28 on Sun, just in time to call it taper from now til my 50m in 3 weeks.

                               Just do that every weekend and you can be one of those unobtanium marathon maniacs.


                              Clive - just saw the post. That's good news.


                              Accidental good workout today. Just wnated a decent 6/7 miler and felt good enough to run a progressive with the last mile at 7 flat and it felt great. Still had lots left in the tank. I need to do more of these.

                              "He conquers who endures" - Persius
                              "Every workout should have a purpose. Every purpose should link back to achieving a training objective." - Spaniel


                              Feeling the growl again

                                  Accidental good workout today. Just wnated a decent 6/7 miler and felt good enough to run a progressive with the last mile at 7 flat and it felt great. Still had lots left in the tank. I need to do more of these.


                                Hmm.  A few more weeks and you will be ready for me to ridicule you to 6:30 closing miles in Eagle Creek long runs.


                                Excellent.  Your consistency is starting to make me look like a lazy slob though.

                                "If you want to be a bad a$s, then do what a bad a$s does.  There's your pep talk for today.  Go Run." -- Slo_Hand


                                I am spaniel - Crusher of Treadmills