3650 Miles in the Hurtlocker

Who had a good workout this week? (Read 2359 times)

Feeling the growl again

    I managed over 14 miles today for the first time since mid-February.  Nothing notable other than I have not had enough confidence in my hip to attempt this since then.  It did act up a decent amount the last 3 miles, but it is nice to be back where I can challenge it like this at least once in awhile.

    "If you want to be a bad a$s, then do what a bad a$s does.  There's your pep talk for today.  Go Run." -- Slo_Hand


    I am spaniel - Crusher of Treadmills




        I managed over 14 miles today for the first time since mid-February. 


        Good to hear Spaniel.  Are you in buildup mode or still trying to figure out the root issue?

          That's a crazy workout. Nice work.



          Hah, if only a marathon were that simple but I have to run another 21.2 miles at that pace Big grin

          Feeling the growl again


            Good to hear Spaniel.  Are you in buildup mode or still trying to figure out the root issue?


            Pretty much.  I am letting the injury/pain dictate what I do and trying to add more every week (this week I had other things going on so ran less).  Time off did not help so I'm trying patience instead.


            Right now I am trying to be more consistent with the PT.  I'll give that a couple more months and if things are still not better, it will be time for an ortho or something.


            The current issue is basically the same thing that led me to discontinue the 50 last fall, it just doesn't take 34 miles to trigger it.

            "If you want to be a bad a$s, then do what a bad a$s does.  There's your pep talk for today.  Go Run." -- Slo_Hand


            I am spaniel - Crusher of Treadmills


            Ostrich runner

              Having the experience with hip injuries through my wife, I know that it takes an arthrogram to dx some kinds of hip injuries. If I were you, I'd still try to go a couple of different non-invasive routes before you see an ortho. Surgeons like to cut, and they'll often find something they think they should cut if you ask them.


              Feeling the growl again

                Having the experience with hip injuries through my wife, I know that it takes an arthrogram to dx some kinds of hip injuries. If I were you, I'd still try to go a couple of different non-invasive routes before you see an ortho. Surgeons like to cut, and they'll often find something they think they should cut if you ask them.


                Perhaps I misspoke.  There will be no cutting, period.  Just someone who may be willing to do an MRI or whatever necessary to get a firm understanding of possible structural issues if e working on imbalances brings no fix.

                "If you want to be a bad a$s, then do what a bad a$s does.  There's your pep talk for today.  Go Run." -- Slo_Hand


                I am spaniel - Crusher of Treadmills



                  I ran 8 glorious miles on the outdoor track this morning - with no shirt. Today was the first time this year that it was sunny and warm enough in the morning to do this (for ME - everyone else has been running shirtless for months) . Local sunrise today was at 4:56 AM, but the sky started getting light around 3:30 am, and I was up before 5, with nothing else to do, so what better way to celebrate National Running Day. Had the whole track to myself the entire time. Came dragging in to work 15 minutes late - that was the best investment of 15 minutes I can think of.

                  Retired &  Loving It

                  Ostrich runner

                    I just yaked up some bugs I swallowed on a dusk trail run.


                      I just yakked up some bugs I swallowed on a dusk trail run.

                      "I want you to pray as if everything depends on it, but I want you to prepare yourself as if everything depends on you."

                      -- Dick LeBeau


                        I ran 22 miles yesterday, with 3 short water stops but no walking breaks, which is my longest run ever. Actually ran for 3 hours exactly, 22.33 miles, and this is also the very first time I've run for 3 continuous hours.


                        I'm 4 weeks out from my very first marathon, and have been having problems getting my weekly mileage up to where I wanted it to be, and also don't feel like I've done enough long runs over 16 miles. I don't really like extra long runs, to be honest. I know that 22 miles is longer than is necessary to be able to finish a marathon, but I really needed to run long enough to be able to mentally "see" the finish line, and know that if I had to, I could keep going and complete 26.2. Yesterday at the end of the 22, I felt that way. I was uncomfortable, but still running, and could have keep going if it was race day.  I needed this confidence boost. I wasn't able to run for a couple of days prior to this run, so I inadvertently carbo-loaded and was rested. I also practiced taking Gu-type products for the first time ever, 1 every 6.5 miles with water, and that seemed to work well - no hunger or dehydration by the end in sunny 66 degree temps.


                        I'm feeling a little bit better about my prospects of at least finishing a marathon now. I'm more convinced than ever that I'm a short-distance guy however, and will never run an ultra, or even be slightly tempted to.

                        Retired &  Loving It

                          Great Job  Andy!



                          I had a few good workouts this week.  Rowed a half marathon in under 1:40:00, on Thursday, Biked 16 miles and ran 4 miles at an average of  8:30 pace on Friday and ran 10.5 miles today all of which was on  a track (today's run). I'm tired, but I am finally feeling like I have a fighting chance to get back to racing come fall

                          Your toughness is made up of equal parts persistence and experience. You don't so much outrun your opponents as outlast and outsmart them, and the toughest opponent of all is the one inside your head." - Joe Henderson

                          an amazing likeness

                            I had a few good workouts this week.  Rowed a half marathon in under 1:40:00, on Thursday, Biked 16 miles and ran 4 miles at an average of  8:30 pace on Friday and ran 10.5 miles today all of which was on  a track (today's run). I'm tired, but I am finally feeling like I have a fighting chance to get back to racing come fall


                            You are scary amazing, Pam.  I can only hope to  be 1/3 as tough as you are when I grow up...simply amazing.

                            Acceptable at a dance, invaluable in a shipwreck.


                            old woman w/hobby


                              You are scary amazing, Pam.  I can only hope to  be 1/3 as tough as you are when I grow up...simply amazing.


                              My thoughts exactly, Pam.





                                You are scary amazing, Pam.  I can only hope to  be 1/3 as tough as you are when I grow up...simply amazing.


                                I don't know about scary amazing just either just really determined or really stupid. Thanks for the compliment!

                                Your toughness is made up of equal parts persistence and experience. You don't so much outrun your opponents as outlast and outsmart them, and the toughest opponent of all is the one inside your head." - Joe Henderson