3650 Miles in the Hurtlocker

Who had a good workout this week? (Read 2359 times)



    I'm a fan of RaceReady shorts.  More than enough room for gels for a marathon.  Anything that straps around my race pulls tight around my hips and aggravates them.


    Thanks for the feedback, everyone, i'ts much appreciated. I have a printout of the Pfitz 18-70 plan at my desk and I'm sort of following the final 3 weeks of that, maybe a bit fewer miles. I'm currently planning to do an easy 2 hour run this weekend and then a 10-13 mile easy run the week  prior to the race. And some random shorter miles during the week, making sure that it amounts to some kind of a taper


    Spaniel, I've bought a pair of the RaceReady shorts based on lots of good user feedback, but they don't work for me. Two gels in the pockets, I can tolerate, but three or more = too much weight and the waistband of the shorts bounces around and starts to slide down just a bit, but enough to be a distraction. I bought an inexpensive running belt with loops plus a small pocket that will hold my race number and a few gels, and it works much better for me with 4 gels - 2 in the pocket on my backside and one on each side in the loops, and no bounce. I also have a sleeveless bike jersey with rear pockets that I can wear if the temps are ~60 F or lower, and that will carry 3 gels with no bounce or problems.


    Clive - thanks for the gel recommendation. I've tried the Powerbar gels and they're perfect for me, so I've ordered a box of them from Runningwarehouse.


    I'm planning to carry 5 gels for the race, and take one every 5 miles or so, unless I don't want it at that point. I only took 3 for my 23  mile long run and didn't feel hungry during or afterwards.  Only problem I haven't found a solution for yet is sweat dripping down into my eyes once the sweat band on my hat gets saturated. Any one got a good suggestion for that?

    Retired &  Loving It



      Can't comment on the sweat as it is just something I've learned to deal with.  With regards to shorts, I use North Face.  Inseam is probably 3 inches, 2 mesh pockets that can hold 2-3 gels each, plus a rear zipper pocket that can hold 2 gels or 1 gel plus heavy keyfob.  My last marathon I carried 5 gels, a thick keyfob, plus salt tabs and Imodium (preventative against the unforeseen GI issues).  This was probably overkill but I'm mostly training for ultras these days.  I like to take gels every 30 minutes, easier than tracking every X miles for me.


      Not saying it has to be North Face, but you can find a short with pockets that work for you.  Timing is everything, so get moving.  Smile


      BTW, my hands get really sweaty and even numb when racing all out.  Make sure you take into account how easy gels are to tear open.  Sounds silly, but nothing is worse than struggling to open fuel during a race...I use hammer gel, but there are plenty of options besides that.


          Only problem I haven't found a solution for yet is sweat dripping down into my eyes once the sweat band on my hat gets saturated. Any one got a good suggestion for that?


        When it gets real hot out i'll wear a wristband that I can then use to wipe the sweat off my forehead with.  Works great for me.

          BTW, my hands get really sweaty and even numb when racing all out.  Make sure you take into account how easy gels are to tear open.  Sounds silly, but nothing is worse than struggling to open fuel during a race...I use hammer gel, but there are plenty of options besides that.


          I've never carried gels in a pocket.  I always pin the top of the gel to the outside seam of the shorts and tuck them in.  This works well fro when your ready, you can just grab a gel and rip it off.  The tab stays stuck to the safety pin and shorts.  I've done up to 3 this way.  You just have to be careful where placement is so that the gel packaging doesn't rub the wrong way.  Otherwise I'll just carry what I can with my hands.


          Sweat...heh, deal with my fair share of that.  I don't like head bands or wrist bands so I just wipe away with the hands when necessary.  Because of how much I sweat, I have just realized that I should be trying salt tabs.  Bought a couple of containers after Boston so who knows when I'll get to try them and see if there is any difference when using them.

          Feeling the growl again


            I've never carried gels in a pocket.  I always pin the top of the gel to the outside seam of the shorts and tuck them in.  This works well fro when your ready, you can just grab a gel and rip it off.  The tab stays stuck to the safety pin and shorts.  I've done up to 3 this way.  You just have to be careful where placement is so that the gel packaging doesn't rub the wrong way.  Otherwise I'll just carry what I can with my hands.


            This is what I have usually done.  You have to make sure you figure it out so the pin doesnt wear a hole in your side though.

            "If you want to be a bad a$s, then do what a bad a$s does.  There's your pep talk for today.  Go Run." -- Slo_Hand


            I am spaniel - Crusher of Treadmills



              This is what I have usually done.  You have to make sure you figure it out so the pin doesnt wear a hole in your side though.


              Yep.  Might want to try it out on a long run first.  I did a 17 miler on Sunday and decided I didn't need my hat after a mile.  I put it in the back of my shorts so the bill stuck up on my lower back and the cloth was inside the shorts.  I am still recovering from the massive chafing on my lower back today.  I've done it many times before and never had a problem but I don't think I did it for 16 miles before, though.


              I eat one gel at the start line.  If I carry gels I only carry two and I carry them in my hand.  I always grab another two at the gel station (most marathons pass out gel packets on the course at around mile 17 to mile 20).

                BTW, my hands get really sweaty and even numb when racing all out.  Make sure you take into account how easy gels are to tear open.  Sounds silly, but nothing is worse than struggling to open fuel during a race...I use hammer gel, but there are plenty of options besides that.


                Yep. I had a really hard time getting my Gu gels open during a race. Not a big deal halfway in, but a real PITA after 20 miles. A sticky mess -- lucky I didn't get ants!


                  I hate screwing with gel packets. I carry a gel flask instead. It holds 6 gels, nominally two hours' worth, which works in ultras, but in marathons I find I can't quite consume it at that rate. I generally get through 4-5 gels. If you're not used to carrying something in your hand this might take getting used to, but as I run a lot of ultras with a 20-oz water bottle in one hand, holding a gel flask is not a big deal.


                    I hate screwing with gel packets. I carry a gel flask instead. It holds 6 gels, nominally two hours' worth, which works in ultras, but in marathons I find I can't quite consume it at that rate. I generally get through 4-5 gels. If you're not used to carrying something in your hand this might take getting used to, but as I run a lot of ultras with a 20-oz water bottle in one hand, holding a gel flask is not a big deal.


                    I actually have one of those, an "Ultimate Direction Gel Flask Clip-on  that I found on the trail here one day. Looks to be brand spankin new too. I imagine someone dropped it on it's maiden voyage. I haven't tried carrying it while running yet; I am of the clan of runners who hate to carry anything in my hands while running. Maybe I should give it a run on the belt and see if I like it . . .


                    Retired &  Loving It

                      Putting together two good w/o in a row.. 3x2 mile last week. Now, 8 hills at 40s+/- capped off with a 0.70 miles at 5k pace. Still working with very slow / walking rests between intervals, but it feels good to get the w/o complete.

                      And we run because we like it
                      Through the broad bright land

                      Feeling the growl again

                        Ask C-R about his old man speed.  I certainly would keep on my toes if I was taking him on in the 200m.

                        "If you want to be a bad a$s, then do what a bad a$s does.  There's your pep talk for today.  Go Run." -- Slo_Hand


                        I am spaniel - Crusher of Treadmills



                          I guess I can post in here for a change. Ran my noon 4 miler and then went to an all comers track meet which was my workout. 1500, 100,200 and 5000. I ran my ass off and slept well - so that was a good workout.

                          "He conquers who endures" - Persius
                          "Every workout should have a purpose. Every purpose should link back to achieving a training objective." - Spaniel



                            Ask C-R about his old man speed.  I certainly would keep on my toes if I was taking him on in the 200m.


                            Hah. The 200 was friggin hilarious. I end up in lane 8 and as I'm walking over I notice five other runners have starting blocks. Three were high school and part of some track club, another was in his twenties and a high school coach and an older guy I estimate in his 40s. I also notice I'm the only one wearing flats and not spikes.. The gun goes off and all I see are the backs of jerseys. I'm pretty sure the kid who won was showered up by the time I hit the line. Very humbling but I'm pretty sure I was the oldest one running. I will be back next week to throw down again.

                            "He conquers who endures" - Persius
                            "Every workout should have a purpose. Every purpose should link back to achieving a training objective." - Spaniel


                            Feeling the growl again


                              Hah. The 200 was friggin hilarious. I end up in lane 8 and as I'm walking over I notice five other runners have starting blocks. Three were high school and part of some track club, another was in his twenties and a high school coach and an older guy I estimate in his 40s. I also notice I'm the only one wearing flats and not spikes.. The gun goes off and all I see are the backs of jerseys. I'm pretty sure the kid who won was showered up by the time I hit the line. Very humbling but I'm pretty sure I was the oldest one running. I will be back next week to throw down again.


                              I should come with you to one of those and just do the short events.  FWIW I have never clocked under 29.X in my life...I've run that opening 800s, running 400s, and trying 200 all-out.  Just no top end.  30.3 for a master's LD runner is a legit time.


                              MTA:  Remember, if one of those speedy young punks is after your daughter, you only have to keep close enough to stay in range.  Big grin

                              "If you want to be a bad a$s, then do what a bad a$s does.  There's your pep talk for today.  Go Run." -- Slo_Hand


                              I am spaniel - Crusher of Treadmills



                                Hah. The 200 was friggin hilarious. I end up in lane 8 and as I'm walking over I notice five other runners have starting blocks. Three were high school and part of some track club, another was in his twenties and a high school coach and an older guy I estimate in his 40s. I also notice I'm the only one wearing flats and not spikes.. The gun goes off and all I see are the backs of jerseys. I'm pretty sure the kid who won was showered up by the time I hit the line. Very humbling but I'm pretty sure I was the oldest one running. I will be back next week to throw down again.


                                But how many of those can run 1500 in 5:43, 200 in 30 sec and then come back and run a 5K I'd say you did fine for any age.