3650 Miles in the Hurtlocker

Who had a good workout this week? (Read 2359 times)



    I feel like I'm only getting speed stuff, and not nearly enough MP. Getting tired of winter, I guess.


    Good.  Get that sub-5 mile!!!

      'Nother tempo.. 624, 626, 620, 618, 618 and 619.

      I was running well a few months ago. Had to take 6-8 weeks off. I'm filing it under "Shit Happens".

      The dog thing was stupid and the owner deserved a good kick.

      And we run because we like it
      Through the broad bright land


        Hey Ben - there was a guy with the handle of "Parklife" from Sacramento posting on the RWOL CIM marathon thread.  I thought it was you doing some secret marathon training and you were gonna spring this big marathon on us!  Guess it wasn't you?!  RWOL Parklife ran 2:59 at CIM.

          Thats awesome. Never knew I had a doppelganger!

          And we run because we like it
          Through the broad bright land


            There are other running sites besides RA where people post? Who'd a thunk and you can have fans too.


            So Patrick and I met with my geezer running team to run indoor track this morning. Thought I might get done in time to run my 5k but that was a bit, shall we say, ambitious. So here was the workout 4x100 @ 20, 6x200 @ 40, 1200 time trial, 4x300 @ 60, 6x200 @ 40 and 4x100 @ 20 with active 400 recovery after sets and 2 minutes of rest (2 mile warm up and 1.5 mile cool down). I managed to do these with an average of 41 and kid in 42.


            Got that good sore leg feeling now. Now way I could have raced after but damn that was fun.


            Oh and we were sharing the track with IUPUI and Marian University track teams. Yeah, those boys were fast but they gave us some props for hammering out some laps which really excited Patrick and I thought was classy.

            "He conquers who endures" - Persius
            "Every workout should have a purpose. Every purpose should link back to achieving a training objective." - Spaniel



            Will Crew for Beer

              Nice C-R. That sounds much better than running a 5K.

              Rule number one of a gunfight, bring a gun. Rule number two of a gunfight, bring friends with guns.

              Just a dude.

                Oh and we were sharing the track with IUPUI and Marian University track teams. Yeah, those boys were fast but they gave us some props for hammering out some laps which really excited Patrick and I thought was classy.


                I agree: Classy. Don't always find that.


                Good job on a nice workout!



                Getting back in shape... Just need it to be a skinnier shape... 


                Options,Account, Forums

                  Had a good workout today, I think. Entirely unplanned, as many of my good ones are.


                  Ran course to check it before trail race, then raced the trail race, then ran the course again to pull the markings, then ran it again w DW.


                  Then went to a paved trail so DW could run on a nice surface. As we got there, a horse & buggy drove off along the road. I've always wondered how fast they go, so I hopped out and ran to the road to chase it. DW couldn't be talked into joining this silliness. It was out of sight when I got to road, and I ran 2.2mi and never caught sight of it. On the optimistic side, maybe it turned off somewhere Smile


                  So I got about 4mi steady-state in, there and back for that, plus that trail race early. Ran some more later, to make a disjointed 30mi day.


                  Plus I just watched the video from Karlsruhe, which suggests that it's possible for someone to chop over 2sec off their 1500 time, even if they're running near the top of their age group Smile


                  Not a great video - they cut away to field events. But it is here: http://www.letsrun.com/news/2014/02/video-genzebe-dibaba-355-17-world-indoor-1500m-record-karlsruhe-germany-world/

                  It's a 5k. It hurt like hell...then I tried to pick it up. The end.

                  Feeling the growl again

                    30 mile day?


                    Dude.  That streak of yours is producing some serious results.


                    Yes, that 1500m time was quite shocking.  I think she's pretty young, and one thing I will say about the runners from over there is that compared to a lot of the Americans they are not afraid to run fearlessly.


                    MTA:  Good riddance to the old record, as it was set by a known doper.


                    Had a good workout today, I think. Entirely unplanned, as many of my good ones are.


                    Ran course to check it before trail race, then raced the trail race, then ran the course again to pull the markings, then ran it again w DW.


                    Then went to a paved trail so DW could run on a nice surface. As we got there, a horse & buggy drove off along the road. I've always wondered how fast they go, so I hopped out and ran to the road to chase it. DW couldn't be talked into joining this silliness. It was out of sight when I got to road, and I ran 2.2mi and never caught sight of it. On the optimistic side, maybe it turned off somewhere Smile


                    So I got about 4mi steady-state in, there and back for that, plus that trail race early. Ran some more later, to make a disjointed 30mi day.


                    Plus I just watched the video from Karlsruhe, which suggests that it's possible for someone to chop over 2sec off their 1500 time, even if they're running near the top of their age group Smile


                    Not a great video - they cut away to field events. But it is here: http://www.letsrun.com/news/2014/02/video-genzebe-dibaba-355-17-world-indoor-1500m-record-karlsruhe-germany-world/

                    "If you want to be a bad a$s, then do what a bad a$s does.  There's your pep talk for today.  Go Run." -- Slo_Hand


                    I am spaniel - Crusher of Treadmills



                    Options,Account, Forums



                      MTA:  Good riddance to the old record, as it was set by a known doper.



                      Most of the all-time 1500 times above hers are Chinese from the 90s, it looked like - wasn't that a bunch of Chinese mid-distance female runners under Ma somebody, who all dropped out when dope-testing was introduced, making them all seem suspicious?

                      It's a 5k. It hurt like hell...then I tried to pick it up. The end.

                      Feeling the growl again

                        Good ol' Ma claimed it was turtle blood or something like that but yeah, all of those times were his athletes, run in a very short window of time when those same athletes could never approach them either before or after (talking across all the women's distances now), and most of them were run on Chinese soil away from the closer prying eye of international regulation.



                        Most of the all-time 1500 times above hers are Chinese from the 90s, it looked like - wasn't that a bunch of Chinese mid-distance female runners under Ma somebody, who all dropped out when dope-testing was introduced, making them all seem suspicious?

                        "If you want to be a bad a$s, then do what a bad a$s does.  There's your pep talk for today.  Go Run." -- Slo_Hand


                        I am spaniel - Crusher of Treadmills


                          5-mile tempo: 627, 601 (uphill), 546 (downhill), 602, 601


                          Nice to be able to run with the freedom of no expectations.

                          And we run because we like it
                          Through the broad bright land


                            Kid and I hit the indoor track today and hit a buster brown. 1.5 mile warm up and then into it 4x100 <19, 6x200<38, 1200 time trial (4:15 and 4:17 for him), 3x400 <1:19, 6x200<38, 4x100<19 with 1.5 mile cool down. 400 recovery jogs and 2 minute rests between sets.


                            We were hitting 18s, 37s 1:17s while still keeping under control. He's doing two of these a week (spaniel workout on Wed) and he's getting strong and fast. Nationals should be fun and hey I even am looking forward to my Indiana Masters Indoor Championships on May 1.

                            "He conquers who endures" - Persius
                            "Every workout should have a purpose. Every purpose should link back to achieving a training objective." - Spaniel


                            Feeling the growl again

                              Kid and I hit the indoor track today and hit a buster brown. 1.5 mile warm up and then into it 4x100 <19, 6x200<38, 1200 time trial (4:15 and 4:17 for him), 3x400 <1:19, 6x200<38, 4x100<19 with 1.5 mile cool down. 400 recovery jogs and 2 minute rests between sets.


                              We were hitting 18s, 37s 1:17s while still keeping under control. He's doing two of these a week (spaniel workout on Wed) and he's getting strong and fast. Nationals should be fun and hey I even am looking forward to my Indiana Masters Indoor Championships on May 1.


                              Sounds like C-R Jr is going to burn up some Mondo.

                              "If you want to be a bad a$s, then do what a bad a$s does.  There's your pep talk for today.  Go Run." -- Slo_Hand


                              I am spaniel - Crusher of Treadmills



                              Good Bad & The Monkey

                                First marathon I've run hard in 20 months, a workout and fitness test. Passed some 30 people in the last 20 miles. Nobody passed me. Ran it as a training run for my 100 in May. Solid steady state for 16 miles, then slowed down a bit when the hills hit for the last 10 miles. Happy about the effort and the result. Feels good to be getting fit again.