3650 Miles in the Hurtlocker

April Racing Thread (Read 1407 times)

Hawt and sexy

    I guess I should check in. I had the pleasure of hyothermia during my race. I didn't realize how bad until I got back to the hotel room. I also had my hip lock up on me. I had to walk for three miles, but I made it in just before the 5 hour mark. I was DFL, too. Good times. I love Ganset though. It was very well run. You guys should do that thing.

    I'm touching your pants.

    I look my best blurry!

      I guess I should check in. I had the pleasure of hyothermia during my race. I didn't realize how bad until I got back to the hotel room. I also had my hip lock up on me. I had to walk for three miles, but I made it in just before the 5 hour mark. I was DFL, too. Good times. I love Ganset though. It was very well run. You guys should do that thing.

       I have a friend that I met at ZAP fitness this summer who ran Ganset.  She is from that area but lives in State College, PA now.  She said it was awesome.  She had a great race.  I would love to do it sometime. 

      Feeling the growl again

        Sorry for Boston - What happened? 


        3:27.  Heh.


        I met up with KevinHutchins before the race and we planned to go for 2:37 with a "bit" of time banked in the first half due to the favorable conditions.  Except for a slightly fast 2nd mile (5:40) we stuck to plan and I felt really good....all the way to 16.  Then my calves started to tighten up, bad timing as I could not use them on the hills.  Slowed a bit but thought I would be ok if I just got myself over the hills.  Then when we started downhill again the cramping moved up to my quads and my legs quickly became non-functional.  I've had painful cramping AFTER marathons, and heard stories about how incredibly painful it can be....well I found out for myself.  It was very painful...I've pushed myself through a lot in marathons but this was not doable.  I walked from 22-25, taking 19-20min/mile and spending considerable amounts of time sitting on the curb waiting for the pain to decrease to where I could run without hyperventilating.  Any attempt to jog led to a worse bout so I just kept walking.


        Just before 25 miles it passed as quickly as it came.  I worked from a slow jog to a good run again over the last mile, blowing by like 150 people in the straightaway.


        I'd be more upset but I am really pretty happy....not at the miserable end of the race but at the fact that I did not have to take a nap at 10 miles.  I really felt good running for the first time in 2 months.  Once my legs recover in a week or so I think I can really start building into real training again.

        "If you want to be a bad a$s, then do what a bad a$s does.  There's your pep talk for today.  Go Run." -- Slo_Hand


        I am spaniel - Crusher of Treadmills


          ^^ Sweet!


          MTA: Well, not the horrible cramping part.  The last bit, though, is good news.

          "I want you to pray as if everything depends on it, but I want you to prepare yourself as if everything depends on you."

          -- Dick LeBeau

          Was it all a dream?

              It was very painful...I've pushed myself through a lot in marathons but this was not doable.  I walked from 22-25, taking 19-20min/mile and spending considerable amounts of time sitting on the curb waiting for the pain to decrease to where I could run without hyperventilating.  Any attempt to jog led to a worse bout so I just kept walking.




            Sounds brutal.  Way to go after it though! With the weather conditions, it would have been a shame to not at least give it a shot, right?


            And hey, most people have to choose between running and spectating the Boston marathon.  You got to do both Wink

              Tiny refinement on my goal, if you please. Sub 3:08:45. This training cycle has been a big steaming bag of crap, and there's absolutely no evidence to support this goal, but there it is. That's my goal. Running is stupid and so am I. Should be fun.


              MTA: The beer part has not changed.


              Well, I was right. It was stupid. 3:22:36. Bad hamstring played nice for the first 10 miles, and then it didn't. Fitness not quite there either. And, well, let's just call it "post-race intestinal distress" kept me away from the Crossroads and the beer, too. That sucked. Still though, I went there, I did that thing. It was stupid and terrible and great and amazing all mixed together. I'll be back.

              A list of my PRs in a misguided attempt to impress people that do not care.

                Sounds brutal.  Way to go after it though! With the weather conditions, it would have been a shame to not at least give it a shot, right?




                And at least you have the right attitude about it. You did what you could with what you had.



                   It was stupid and terrible and great and amazing all mixed together.


                  Heh. Aren't they all?



                  Feeling the growl again


                    And hey, most people have to choose between running and spectating the Boston marathon.  You got to do both Wink


                    SNAP.  Heh.  Yeah, honestly most of that time I was too busy getting annoyed with the massive headache the crowd was giving me (I tried to stay right to the edge to not impede the thickening hoards of runners) and the cold....it was a little warm running but just slowly walking I got pretty cold.


                    Thanks, yeah, I'm just not the type to go there and go for "just finish" from the start, just like last fall when work screwed my training I have to at least try to put something reasonable down or I might as well stay home.  I'm just happy I can -- hopefully -- start training again in a week or two.

                    "If you want to be a bad a$s, then do what a bad a$s does.  There's your pep talk for today.  Go Run." -- Slo_Hand


                    I am spaniel - Crusher of Treadmills


                      I'm just happy I can -- hopefully -- start training again in a week or two.


                      Who were you kidding when you changed your goal to "show up and finish"?  You sure put down a reasonable effort given the factors you had to deal with.  It's still too bad on the timing with mono and where your training ended up.  On the bright side, you know what the issue was and sounds like you're ready to getting things back on track.


                      You know, the best part of post-marathon recovery?  You still get to train for the "other" activities that are important...like the beer mile.Big grin 

                      Feeling the growl again

                        Who were you kidding when you changed your goal to "show up and finish"?  You sure put down a reasonable effort given the factors you had to deal with.  It's still too bad on the timing with mono and where your training ended up.  On the bright side, you know what the issue was and sounds like you're ready to getting things back on track.


                        You know, the best part of post-marathon recovery?  You still get to train for the "other" activities that are important...like the beer mile.Big grin 


                        Damn straight.  I'm on my third beer tonight, though they're taking a tad longer than the target 10-15sec.


                        Part of the reason I removed any time goal was I needed to get it out of my head.  I knew roughly what I was going go do anyways -- and did it -- but if I felt bad I could not have some silly time goal driving me to do stupid things.  

                        "If you want to be a bad a$s, then do what a bad a$s does.  There's your pep talk for today.  Go Run." -- Slo_Hand


                        I am spaniel - Crusher of Treadmills


                          April 30th Get In Gear 10k, sub 40. 39:30?


                          This is granted that my head/face/mouth/teeth feel better and I can actually feel normal running sometime in the next week. Hoping to float by on what's left from marathon training I guess.



                            Hey Spaniel - sorry to hear about your Boston Sad


                            Candice - get the hell better and go kick that 10k's ass.


                            I'm in for a 10k on Monday (25th).  Initial reaction was to put sub 40 as a goal.  Now I've got a bit of a reputation for slightly dumb goal setting but even I get the utter stupidity of that one for a girl who can't quite seem to break 20 for 5k at the moment!  So sub 41 it is.  But don't be too surprised to see a "went out too fast and crashed" type race report.


                            ANZAC Day Road Races - 10k - goal sub 41

                               So sub 41 it is.  But don't be too surprised to see a "went out too fast and crashed" type race report. 


                              You won't know unless you try!  Go get 'em.  Good luck!  Big grin

                                42:24.  Ugh


                                Not even too fast and crashed.  Just too crap and crappier.