3650 Miles in the Hurtlocker

2015 Second Quarter Weight Loss Thread (Read 31 times)

    W7 -  130.  Not sure how I'll lose the next 5.


    Interval Junkie --Nobby

      W7: 176 - finally a dent

      2021 Goals: 50mpw 'cause there's nothing else to do


      old woman w/hobby






        Will Crew for Beer


          Rule number one of a gunfight, bring a gun. Rule number two of a gunfight, bring friends with guns.


            "I want you to pray as if everything depends on it, but I want you to prepare yourself as if everything depends on you."

            -- Dick LeBeau

            Prince of Fatness

              No W8 weigh in for me, and I fear that W9 will not be pretty.

              Not at it at all. 


              old woman w/hobby

                Yes, I'll be dreading W9.





                Will Crew for Beer



                  I need to either eat less or run more. Or both. You'd think this would be easy.

                  Rule number one of a gunfight, bring a gun. Rule number two of a gunfight, bring friends with guns.

                  Just a dude.




                    Getting back in shape... Just need it to be a skinnier shape... 

                    Prince of Fatness

                      No W8 weigh in for me, and I fear that W9 will not be pretty.


                      I called that one.


                      W9 - 193.4

                      Not at it at all. 


                        W8 - 153.1

                          Backup to 131 this week. Visiting family and myself to blame for overeating, and not running respectively


                          old woman w/hobby

                            Yup, visiting relatives all week.  It's gonna be ugly next week and no scale here this week.




                              148 last week....

                              145 today. Amazing what being horribly ill can do.

                              And we run because we like it
                              Through the broad bright land


                                W9 - 152.0


                                Yeah baby!  I actually weighed 151.2 this morning but it seems that after an interval day (which I had yesterday)  I'm down a pound over what I really weigh. But there's no mistaking the fact that weight is trending down and fitness is trending up.  Seems like I'm always lowest in weight in the summer.  Here's a summary of my weight by month over the past 20 years (pulled from my RA log).  I"ve set a lot of my PRs in August.


                                1996 - 2015
                                Month AvgWgt
                                Jan 161.6
                                Feb 163.3
                                Mar 160.8
                                Apr 160.8
                                May 160.1
                                June 160.0
                                July 159.0
                                Aug 157.4
                                Sep 160.6
                                Oct 159.1
                                Nov 158.6
                                Dec 162.5