3650 Miles in the Hurtlocker

I'm going to hurt myself (Read 3386 times)


    Nope, same course as the last few years.


    If there are high winds you'll only have to deal with them for a little bit. At some point it'll be at your back...which hopefully is on the way home!


    The Easter Seal 4 miler is in March and is two loops on the dyke and it's always windy.


      4 mile race this weekend. (sat)


      My Masters age PR is 27:16. I think I'm in shape to best that.


      I had some pretty good track workouts leading up to this. I'm thinking about hitting the track tonight to do 3x(4x400's on 30 sec rest) 400 recovery lap between sets. Yea or Nay?


      An outdoor track in Iowa on January 31st wearing shorts.

      Feeling the growl again


        An outdoor track in Iowa on January 31st wearing shorts.


        Weird, eh?


        The workout looks fine and you have plenty of time to recover.  I've never done that specific workout but used to do 3X(400-800-400) 60 sec between repeats and 3min between sets, similar comcept.  It was a ball-buster and we sweated lactic acid at the end of each set but we loved it.

        "If you want to be a bad a$s, then do what a bad a$s does.  There's your pep talk for today.  Go Run." -- Slo_Hand


        I am spaniel - Crusher of Treadmills


        Just a dude.

          An outdoor track in Iowa on January 31st wearing shorts.


          Similar here... I got a pretty good sunburn on my long run last Sunday. Over 50 degrees outside. 


          Normally I'd expect to be dodging snow piles... /shrug  Yay for global warming?!



          Getting back in shape... Just need it to be a skinnier shape... 

          Feeling the growl again

            Busted out a good one tonight. He'll yeah. 4 mile tempo in 21:38 (5:25 pace). That's just what the doctor ordered. Thanks for the kick in the you know what.


            Well I tried to one-up you but fell short.  Came through 2 miles in 10:48, but quit looking at my watch so I would not end up racing the effort and finished in 21:43.  It's been a crappy week with everything going on, so I'll still take that as a good sign.

            "If you want to be a bad a$s, then do what a bad a$s does.  There's your pep talk for today.  Go Run." -- Slo_Hand


            I am spaniel - Crusher of Treadmills


              That's still a great effort.  Mine was on a track so I had constant feedback of pace for about every 250 meters.  Makes it easier and harder all at once.  The hard part is to not turn it into race effort.  I'm winding down with this sinus crap that I've had since Saturday so hopefully by this Saturday I'll be in the clear.  The unfortanate part is where now doing the round robin in the house with it.

              Feeling the growl again

                That's still a great effort.  Mine was on a track so I had constant feedback of pace for about every 250 meters.  Makes it easier and harder all at once.  The hard part is to not turn it into race effort.  I'm winding down with this sinus crap that I've had since Saturday so hopefully by this Saturday I'll be in the clear.  The unfortanate part is where now doing the round robin in the house with it.


                Yup, did mine on the track as well.  Worse than the treadmill, IMHO.  Risk of racing was why I quit looking at my watch halfway through.


                You added the extra 32 meters onto the end, right?  Wink

                "If you want to be a bad a$s, then do what a bad a$s does.  There's your pep talk for today.  Go Run." -- Slo_Hand


                I am spaniel - Crusher of Treadmills



                  mbehr...Your nemesis from Iowa City is in along with the husband and wife duo who won both Male and Female last year. Should be a damn good race.

                    mbehr...Your nemesis from Iowa City is in along with the husband and wife duo who won both Male and Female last year. Should be a damn good race.


                    Sounds like it should be! Can't wait. From what I hear, last year's winner (Jeff) is a pretty good triathlete too. Between him, Tyler and Joel, that'll be some pretty good competition up front. What time you getting there in the morning? We'll be making the drive in the morning and will be dropping off the kids with Grandma before we go. You planning on going to the post race party too?

                      I haven't heard if Joel is in but if he is I'd love to watch you guys battle it out. I'll still be on 5th st when you guys cross the finish line.


                      Jeff Paul has Pro Triathlete status. Extremely strong biker but from the sounds of it his running has picked up. Not that he was a slouch previously. I biked with his training partner last night and he told me both Jeff and Jen are looking to take the wins.


                      I'll be there around 11:15 - 11:30. Either look for a GDMRDSNGLT from the swamp or the Half Marathon comittee maybe wearing a blue tech shirt that says "I Run Clinton". I supoose if they get those printed up I should wear it. I'd be the only one wearing a swamp singlet though.


                      Yes, I will be at the post race party. Don't look for me at the awards because I'll likely be on the 2nd or 3rd pitcher of beer.

                         both Jeff and Jen are looking to take the wins.



                        Of course they are, they're defending their titles this year.  I better be able to at least make him work for it!


                        Yes, Joel will be there as well.  He said he'll be there around 11 on Sat.  I'm going to try and hook up with him and Mike (Schmidt) when I get there.  I'll be sure to be on the lookout for you.  I'll probably wear my red singlet but that won't be until we line up.

                          So this in the swamp and also on facebook.  Both Candice and I have got some uneven shoe wear going on, and it's something HStreet has also had before, with a reason likely to be weak glutes. 


                          I'm going to be lazy and basically copy the pics and some text I wrote elsewhere, but any input from you guys would be really appreciated.  I can bore you with details of the pain/weirdness in my leg at some point if you need it too.


                          Shoes retired last summer are the ones with red (already showing some difference between right and left), the other were retired in January.  Both pairs have 400 and something miles on them.



                          To show the wear difference a bit more, this is the recent shoes...pain-free leg v pain-intense leg


                           "Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow.  Don't walk behind me; I may not lead.  Just walk beside me and be my friend."

                            What orientation does each foot have through the weight-bearing portion of your gait?  Splayed, straight-ahead, pigeon-toed?


                            Using any insoles (e.g. Superfeet)?

                            "I want you to pray as if everything depends on it, but I want you to prepare yourself as if everything depends on you."

                            -- Dick LeBeau

                              I think they are straight (but I guess one or other could splay)...they're not pigeon toed.  My knees want to turn in though.  I'll try and pay attention tomorrow, or get my husband to look as I run.   It's actually due to snow tonight, so maybe my prints in the snow will tell me.


                              No insoles or orthotics.  I used to wear orthotics (I ruptured two ligaments in my left ankle and got accessory navicular syndrome) but as the  ANS healed up I stopped using them...I did have a period of running with no orthotics and with even wear.  This stuff is more recent than the transition out of orthotics.


                              I may or may not have a leg length discrepency...one physio has said I don't, two have said my left leg is longer...I think my pelvis is also a bit tilted (but I don't remember which side is higher).

                               "Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow.  Don't walk behind me; I may not lead.  Just walk beside me and be my friend."


                                Hop - I spoke to my FIL (physician) about the leg length discrepancy and he said the vast majority of people have different length legs and it should not be the main cuase of the physical issues. Unless of course its say and inch or more.


                                Do you do any weight bearing exercise? Especially that which isolates one set of muscles. So for instance single leg presses or the sort. This would give you an idea of the weak side theory as far as say quads, calf and hams are concerned.


                                One thing to consider is that past injuries heal areas differently and can impact their performance. In my case a major calf injury on my left leg caused me some serious issues for many months until I finally determined a way to fix and strengthen the area. I now have to pay closer attention to it so as not to repeat injury or resulting post-healing action.


                                I guess this is realated to a recent injury? Sorry if I missed this part.


                                I know its not much help but then again I'm not much of a physician. Just a simple engineer.


                                BTW - nice of your husband to watch your running. I would bet he always follows you. Make sure to tell him to keep his focus on your gait. Wink

                                "He conquers who endures" - Persius
                                "Every workout should have a purpose. Every purpose should link back to achieving a training objective." - Spaniel
