3650 Miles in the Hurtlocker

Who had a good workout this week? (Read 2359 times)


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    Kid and I hit the indoor track today and hit a buster brown. 1.5 mile warm up and then into it 4x100 <19, 6x200<38, 1200 time trial (4:15 and 4:17 for him), 3x400 <1:19, 6x200<38, 4x100<19 with 1.5 mile cool down. 400 recovery jogs and 2 minute rests between sets.


    We were hitting 18s, 37s 1:17s while still keeping under control. He's doing two of these a week (spaniel workout on Wed) and he's getting strong and fast. Nationals should be fun and hey I even am looking forward to my Indiana Masters Indoor Championships on May 1.


    "Buster Brown" ?

    It's a 5k. It hurt like hell...then I tried to pick it up. The end.


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      Friday ran 7mi easy with a running buddy, then when another person joined us, she pushed the pace, so we got 7mi steady-state after that, giving me, I suppose, one of my best long runs of the winter, by accident.  I hadn't expected either the speed or the distance that night, but was quite happy.

      It's a 5k. It hurt like hell...then I tried to pick it up. The end.


      Options,Account, Forums

        First marathon I've run hard in 20 months, a workout and fitness test. Passed some 30 people in the last 20 miles. Nobody passed me. Ran it as a training run for my 100 in May. Solid steady state for 16 miles, then slowed down a bit when the hills hit for the last 10 miles. Happy about the effort and the result. Feels good to be getting fit again.


        Good. So you can be both happy and tired this coming week. I look forward to jogging with you pretty soon.

        It's a 5k. It hurt like hell...then I tried to pick it up. The end.


        Good Bad & The Monkey


          I was in a pissy mood yesterday because of the ongoing grey skies and cold weather, and a couple of weeks of high winds to go with it. I needed to get in a long run to get my weekly milege up to 50 and before my supposed half-marathon race next weekend, which I might bail on anyway. But I didn't feel like slogging along for hours on a long slow run.. So I hit the indoor track and ran 36x400m at a very relaxed and floating 8k race pace (6:07), with 200 meter brisk walks in between, because honestly, stopping and walking is my favorite part of running. Total distance covered running+walking was more than 13.5 miles and I got to stop and walk 37 times in total, plus the workout lasted for well over 2 hours, so for my money, that counts as a long run.  I felt about the same level of beat-up and fatigue afterwards as I would have after a fast 2 hour long run. I'm sure that's the most 400's I've ever done  at one time.

          Retired &  Loving It


            Interesting workout.

            Feeling the growl again

              First marathon I've run hard in 20 months, a workout and fitness test. Passed some 30 people in the last 20 miles. Nobody passed me. Ran it as a training run for my 100 in May. Solid steady state for 16 miles, then slowed down a bit when the hills hit for the last 10 miles. Happy about the effort and the result. Feels good to be getting fit again.



              "If you want to be a bad a$s, then do what a bad a$s does.  There's your pep talk for today.  Go Run." -- Slo_Hand


              I am spaniel - Crusher of Treadmills


              Feeling the growl again

                So I hit the indoor track and ran 36x400m 


                Bloody hell man.  I've done 25 but you got me.

                "If you want to be a bad a$s, then do what a bad a$s does.  There's your pep talk for today.  Go Run." -- Slo_Hand


                I am spaniel - Crusher of Treadmills



                Good Bad & The Monkey

                  meh. Yesterday I did 105x400


                    meh. Yesterday I did 105x400



                    Not at 6 min pace. Hell thats Quenton Cassidy territory. Good one Cecil. Nice race monkey boy.

                    "He conquers who endures" - Persius
                    "Every workout should have a purpose. Every purpose should link back to achieving a training objective." - Spaniel



                      17 very hilly trail miles today -- with no hamstring pain. That's the best workout I've had since last summer. Napa Valley Marathon next week will be a real test. Was going to be a goal race, but it will be a training run.


                        22 miles on Saturday in building up to my first ultra attempt, making that my longest ever training run.  I think the 25/5 run/walk ratio works well for me and i didn't feel wiped out the rest of the day like I did with some of my long runs during marathon training.

                          If anyone ever asks how many 20 milers do they need to run to train for a marathon, I'll point'em to Trent's race.


                          Good Bad & The Monkey

                            I did run at least one long run. It was 16 miles. Five days before the race.




                              Not at 6 min pace. Hell thats Quenton Cassidy territory. Good one Cecil. Nice race monkey boy.


                              Quenton Cassidy - I had to look that one up. So he did 60x400m to go after a 4-minute mile? (Yes, I realize he was fictional). My own personal "Holy Grail" is the <5:00 mile. I wonder if I work my way up to 60x400m, if that might get me there? 



                              Edit: It just occurred to me that I'll turn 60 in 13 months. I've been trying to figure out something special to do to celebrate becoming a sexagenarian, but I do not want to run 60 miles. Maybe I should run 60 quarters . . .

                              Retired &  Loving It