50 and over 5k and beyond

January runs & workouts (Read 20 times)


    Rich- running across that sled probably made it seem like Alaska!


    Chantilly- you are doing awesome, piling on the miles. 


    Ray- are you sure you didn't get "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly" mixed up with the Packer game!? 


    quick, but not fast 3.3 this evening.  Had to get home and complete office work.  Guess I should get at that. 


    run strong everyone, a warm spell is coming, eventually. one more sub-zero night here.







      Rich - good run on the trail.  And a nice pic.  We obviously don't see those around here!

      Chantilly - Awesome - 14 miles on the track!  You asked about the dogs...we have 3 rescues.  Bella, the lab/boxer mix, would love to run with me, but her bad knees and hips won't cooperate.  Wickett, the shih-tzu, is too short legged, and even if he wasn't, he's too lazy to run!  That leaves Brady, a terrier mix, about 55 lbs.  He LOVES to run with me, and is in great shape.  I take him about half the time, but he's stubborn and would just keep running until he dropped.  I'll notice him limping if we push too hard, so I have to regulate him a little.  I was going to post a picture of them, but couldn't get the post to work.  Guess I need to enlist some computer help from the 6 year old kid next door.

      Ray - I like the Gump run.  They're quickly becoming my favorite workouts.

      Adkkev - good work on the tread mill.

      Debra - Hope the cold's better.  I'll make it unanimous...love the chicken cacciatore.

      Art - nice multi-tasking...cross-training/yard work!


      Rest day for me on Monday. Tried to get a run in between late meetings yesterday, but it just didn't work out.  We'll call it a USRD.  Warmed up to 40 here today.  3.6 miles around town.  Little slower pace.  The knee just didn't feel right.  Didn't want to push it. Followed it with a 1 mile cool down walk with DW and the dogs.


      Hope everyone is experiencing a little bit of warming over the next few days (except Ray and Art, who would probably appreciate a little cooling).  Stay safe.  Have fun.


        Rich - we were up visiting our son in Alaska five years ago @ Christmas & we took a walk at Creamer's Field (old dairy farm now a wildlife refuge and recreation area), saw several people out ski-jouring and then as we walked along we heard this faint sound & suddenly we were passed by a dog sledder & his team - wow, they were fast!!


        5.25 dreadmill miles this evening.  The dreadmill is getting a little less dreadful now. 

        Crazy Diamond

          adkkev-It's great to have access to a treadmill or indoor track when the temps get dangerous.

          Ray-Great running for you, and early congrats on hitting the 1 million mark! It's only a head cold for me, but I do have a history of severe migraine headaches.  Not so much since I began running, though!  Excellent, eclectic movie list.  I'm a soundtrack collector, many of those are  my favs!

          Chantilly-14 miles -- You are simply amazing!  What type of shoes help the MN?  More cushion, open toe box?

          Rich-Beautiful run, and the dog sled must've been a sight to see!

          Dan-When I think of all the actual work I could be getting done instead of the dreaded paperwork! Good for you getting the 3 miles in.

          Fletch-Those tendons and ligaments have been awaken with your running.  Wise move to tread gently as they are urged into use and made stronger.


          Wish I could share the chicken cacciatore with all of you, it was yummy!  Perfect meal to cook and enjoy during the winter.  Thanks all for the get well wishes.  The 2 days of rest helped, yesterday ran 5 miles at the indoor track.  Walked 2 miles since I had extra time before picking up DS2 from rehearsal.  Presently the temp at -12 F.  Warm up predicted for the weekend.


          Run strong friends!

          Quo Vadis?


            Fletch- good idea not to push it.  I've read that aches that pop up during a run and go away after you stop or by the next day don't necessarily mean you need to cut way back, but those pains that persist from one run to the next usually require some rest and maybe more.


            Debra- you are really making good use of your Pettit pass!


            adkkev- nice job on the TM


            woke up extra early this morning;it was -17 and calm at 0430 out in the country.  I was tempted to put in 3 miles on our country roads just to experience it, but then I really woke up and came to my senses.    Quickly got dressed and got all my work stuff, work clothes and came inthe the work out room and did 5 mi on the TM as I watched the morning news.  Finished and at the office by 0700.  At the TM workout last night I found out they plan to refurbish the workout room.  It's an old room formerly used by the physical therapy department, so they will strip it down to the walls, repaint/decorate it, get 3 new/barely used TM and an elliptical, some free weights and a flat screen TV.  Should be good to go by next winter!


            Plan to head north to Shawano WI this weekend for some time with DS & DD and spouses at a cabin north of there.  Should be good family time; hopefully I'll be able to get a run in the north woods sometime Saturday.


            Run strong friends.







              NH Runner like the photo of the Huskies!

              justrundan  have fun in WI. It'll be scenic in a cabin in the winter.

              Fletch_NC sounds like nice dogs you have there. Must be fun on the walks.

              adkkev soon you'll be back outside...

              gito57 Good to hear you are feeling better and doing well on the track mileage.

              I bought an OTC arch support that I put in my left Kinvara 4 shoe. The right foot doesn't have a neuroma and it doesn't like arch support.  I can still wear my Newton shoes, just not every day.  Can't wear any of my NB shoes while running,  I tried massage and acupuncture on the (chronic) neuroma, but it doesn't seem to respond to anything but time.


              6 miles on the track.

              "dancing on the path and singing, now you got away,

              you can reach the goals you set from now on, every day"

              Sonata Arctica






              NH Runner

                Thursday, 1/09...  with the air cold and the wind blowing, I stuck to the railtrail again today to escape the wind.   Yesterday I ran, today I went skiing.  4 miles.    We're supposed to warm up tomorrow, then rain this weekend, so I'll either be on the highway or the treadmill.   I really enjoyed seeing the dog sled yesterday, what a treat to see that many dogs working together and obviously having a ball.


                Fletch... I'm curious about the shoes you're wearing, have you been fitted with running shoes by a pro?


                Nice runs everyone!!


                  Rich - I hate to admit, but I am running in a pair of off-the-rack Asics.  Not the cheapest, but certainly not fitted for me.  When I first started, I figured that would be ok until I determined whether I would really stick with this or not.  But after 4 months, I'm committed.


                  Based on the little research I have done, it appears that I may overpronate (shoes wear more on the inside). I did have my gait analyzed by an associate at Dick's Sporting Goods, who agreed with the overpronation.  I know that probably does not qualify as a "pro," but that's what's available in my small town.  However, there's a running store (www.raleighrunning.com) a little over an hour from here.  Sounds like I should make a trip there to get their analysis.  Or can a local foot specialist do that? I'm open for suggestions.  The persistence of the knee pain, along with some foot, ankle, and sometimes hip/groin discomfort on the same leg (no problems on the right leg), makes me think it may not be just normal aches and pains. Should I start with shoe fitting, or a trip to a foot doctor, or my gp?

                    Hi fellow runners!  So far I've managed to run 4 days in a row!  The SUNNY days have been glorious here, temps in the 40s, some gusty wind now and then but the trees along the trails are wonderful windbreakers.

                    Sun:  8 miles; Mon:  6 miles; Tues:  5.5 miles; Wed:  6.7 miles, today: rest day.

                    It was a struggle NOT to run today but I'm listening to my body.  Yesterday, I ran later than I planned to and the wind picked up and stirred up something in the air that my nose was running faster than I was, LOL!!  Throat is a little dry too, and I've been sneezing ........  I don't feel bad, no fever or chills so I'm thinking 'allergies?'  Never had them until the last couple of years, not sure if it's 'age' or living in one place for 10 yrs. It's in the high 30s here, partly cloudy, but pretty windy so I don't mind taking a day off from running.

                    Rich:  what a gorgeous photo of the dog sled!!  I'm jealous that you are really cross training between running/skiing.

                    Chantilly:  you are so consistent with your running, just awesome!  Do you have a race in mind?

                    Dan:  lucky you, getting a new workout place at your workplace!!

                    Deb:  winter colds are so depressing, glad it didn't last too long.

                    Fletch:  agree that you  are smart in taking it slowly, but staying disciplined in your running. You're hooked for sure!! I'd see a foot doc, then get a shoe fitting.

                    adkev: become one with the dreadmill, LOL!

                    Ray:  you're amazing!


                      5 more on the treadmill.  I thought it was supposed to warm up ... 7 degrees is not exactly what I'd consider a "warm up".


                      I have heard that the northern lights are supposed to be pretty good over the next few nights ... not sure if we'll be able to see them here in the NE/Upstate NY.  Not that I can even stay awake past midnight either ...


                      Nice running everyone!!

                      Crazy Diamond

                        adkkev- Hopefully  last of the TM runs, warm up is coming soon.  Saw the northern lights twice this past summer while camping.  It was incredible over the water on Green Bay.  Hope you're able to catch it!

                        AZ- Great running for you this week!  Hope the allergy  symptoms clear up quickly.

                        Fletch-A visit to your nearest running specialty store is definitely worth the trip for a gait evaluation and buying your first pair of shoes.  You may want to check out a couple running shoe manufacturer's websites, too.  Most have a "shoe finder" feature.  It helped educate me on the running shoe "lingo" before I went into the store.  Not sure if you have access to a Sport Medicine clinic, many offer gait analysis and footwear recommendations.

                        Rich-Enjoy the warm up!

                        Chantilly-"it doesn't seem to respond to anything but time" - I've heard that about Morton's neuroma.  Good you've found what works for you.

                        Dan- My folks had a cottage north of Shawano!  Good times there in every season.  Have a wonderful time with your family!


                        Great running everyone!  Ran 4 miles and walked 1 mile at the indoor track.  So happy they added a third lane, with the frigid temps it's been really crowded at times.  See a lot of fellow runners from the winter race series there, so it's always fun.


                        Run strong friends!

                        Quo Vadis?

                        NH Runner

                          Fletch...it's possible your shoes are causing your knee pain.  There's a lot of discussion in the running community about what we should be wearing when we run and I hope others will chime in here with their perspective.


                          If I were in your shoes, (pun intended ) I'd buy a pair of cheap water shoes and take 'em for a run.   The way they're made, they won't try to control the way your foot lands, so won't interfere with your body's natural foot strike.  Nothing more than a rubberized slipper, they're an inexpensive way to see if your shoes are causing your pain, if you get through the run with no pain, then obviously we're onto something.


                          I know from discussions here that a lot of us have gotten away from conventional running shoes, so this little test might tell you a lot.


                          Friday, 1/10...  the weather wasn't as predicted, so I jumped on the treadmill for 3 miles.  Nice easy pace...


                          Az... you're doing great!  Good luck with the sniffles!

                          adkkev... chin up, there's a warm-up coming!   And no, the Northern Lights will probably not be visible through the storm clouds we've got coming...lol

                          Gito... you're lucky to have the track, sounds a LOT better than a treadmill!

                          Crazy Diamond

                            Rich-I'm always grateful for the indoor track, but esp. this winter. It's 443 meters, slightly cushioned, 3 lanes and around 50 degrees inside. The track surrounds the speed skating oval, which surround 2 hockey rinks. During public skate there is music playing. Always a lot going on. Public skating, figure skating, hockey games and speed skating training. Last evening, 2006 Olympic speed skating (1000 m) Gold medal winner Shani Davis was running the track while DS1 and I were there. Nice guy.  It is also a safe place to run.  There were a few violent assaults this past year against women runners on our city's beautiful trail system.   There is the ever-present threat by inattentive drivers and the potential attack of unleashed dogs in the urban setting I live in.  It's a shame, the thought of safety has to factor into each and every time I choose when and where I wish to run.  I'm not an alarmist, but lately in discussions with fellow runners, it seems these occasions are becoming more frequent.  Be careful out there friends.


                            Great suggestion to Fletch (and the rest of us)  about non-conventional options in footwear.  I have never thought about it, although I'm barefoot in the house always!  My current shoe is not classified as minimalist, Brooks PureFlow2, but is much less structured than the shoe I began running in, Brooks Defyance and Saucony Guide.  Still not sure it's the shoe for me, I loved the original version.  It's a system of trial and error to find what works for each of us.


                            Yikes - long post.  Sorry folks.  Walked 1, ran 5, walked 1 at the indoor track.  Freezing rain today.  45 minutes strength training in the evening.

                            Quo Vadis?


                              Fletch - I'm definitely in the minimalist camp.  When I wore conventional shoes you could look a the bottoms and see the wear on the inside of the heal and right under the big toe.  After 4 years now of running in Vibram FFs even my walking shoes show signs of supination.   Only problem is it takes awhile.  4 years later and I still get injuries - but, I'm still running and couldn't really prior to the switch.  The foot is a very complex system, built mostly on muscle.  Take the padding away and let the muscles do what they were designed to do.  Doctors told me not to run in my 30's because of a bad knee.  Now I run a lot and my knee hasn't felt this good in a long time...


                              Chantilly - fitbit is like a pedometer on steroids (well, at least more convenient).  It is meant to be worn all the time, even has a sleep function (measures your sleep and restlessness).  It counts steps and floors.  Kaiser used to have an add recommending that we all get 10000 steps a day and that is what the fitbit comes programmed for.  Their website does all kinds of calculations and reports and it automatically uploads the data (Yes, the NSA knows how much I exercise).  I like it a lot.  Nice running and take care of the foot.


                              Rich - The first dog in the picture looks like 1 of our 3 dogs!  Way to get the run in on the TM!


                              Debra - Nice to have an alternative to the TM!  Nice run and the track sounds nice.


                              Dan - enjoy the time with DS and DD!   Sorry about the Packers, I like Aaron Rogers, even if he did play for Cal...


                              Adkkev - the treadmill work continues.   Good job!


                              Az - Thanks, but I'm not.  Way to get your runs in.  Hope the allergies cleared.


                              Wed. 4.5 miles with work buddy (44 minutes).  Thursday 7 miles in 56:20.  Today 10.2 in 1:24:54.




                                Freezing fog kept me off the road early this morning.  Freezing rain kept us from heading north to the cabin this evening.  We may head up tomorrow for a short visit if the roads have cleared.  When the road report on the state site says the interstate is "ice covered", I stay home.Maybe time for a short run in the morning?


                                Fletch- I'm probably more in the traditional camp when it comes to running shoes.  I've had 2 pair of Brooks Ghost, currently running on the 7's.  My wear pattern is pretty even, so my stride may fit well.  I have a neutral stride, they tell me at the running store.  I did have trouble with pain in lower legs when I first started running, but a change in the stride took care of that.  I land on my mid-foot rather than heel foot as I previously did, and that seemed to make the difference.


                                Have a great weekend folks!
