50 and over 5k and beyond

September Runs & Workouts (Read 21 times)

Crazy Diamond

    MaryKay~Enjoy your trip to SF and wishing you all the best!  Run strong!

    NHRich~Beautiful scenery - you have so much to take in on your outdoor runs.  Great bike workout, too!

    Chantilly~You have definitely put in the marathon training this summer.  Run strong, and go get that 4:40 goal!  Furnace ... already???  It sure helps to remove the chill and dampness.  Hope the cool, not wet, weather hangs around for your marathon.


    Missed my 9 mile run on Thursday, got in a quick 7 yesterday before work. This evening, DS1 and I will run a local 5k as part of a team for our church.  Should be fun with village festival and music after the race.


    Run strong friends!

    Quo Vadis?


      Gito-  "got in a quick 7 yesterday before work."      Those 2 words are never in the same sentence when I write Deb!  quick, and 7. 

      Love all the festivals that Milwaukee has.  Enjoy!


      Chantilly-  Good luck on your marathon.  You've put in lots of miles, so follow your plan!


      MaryKay- enjoy SF, as well as the race!


      NHRich-  Very nice pace, and nice pic!


      I did get 7.5 this morning, but it wasn't quick.  The cooler, drier air certainly made it seem easer than the 4.5 yesterday.   so far this week has been good, even with another day or 2 nixed by lightning.  Still got about 24.


      Enjoy the cooler temps.






      NH Runner

        Sunday, 9/7... 6 mile railtrail run, walk / jogged the 1st mile to warm -up...12:25, 10:20, 9:50, 9:53, 9:48 and 9:32.    Met 9 different runners on this morning's run when usually I'm lucky to see even one...


        Hey Dan, nice week of running.    I wonder what percentage of the population can run 7.5 miles at any pace, don't sell yourself short, that's a nifty run in anyone's book....


        gito... yesterday's 5K sounds like a lot of fun, especially running with DS1.  Hoping we see a race report...


          rmcj001 nice 5 Km even with the time off. Tendon must be better, then.

          NH Runner Those are pretty good numbers for your 6 miles.

          gito57 Hope you have fun at the 5 Km with your son. (Is he the one with the big shoes?)

          justrundan Hope you don't get any more lightning. Your totals are good after so many days off.


          Race day ended up fairly warm by noon, 79F, so was glad that I wore a short sleeved shirt.

          I'm always panicked about which shoes to wear, because all of them hurt after 2-3 hours anyways.

          Ended up with a 6 yr. old pair of NB shoes with an insert and my left foot taped up, to try to keep the neuroma from hitting the pavement too much.

          Started out with a 29 minute 5 Km, too fast, so cut back for the next 5, crossed the 10 Km mark at 61 minutes, not feeling bad at all.  Sunny, but I wasn't hot. Crossed the HM mat at 2:16 and continued onwards, but left foot was starting to get painful.

          I stopped on a handy bench and removed the tape from my foot and loosened the laces which helped some.

          Around 3 hours I had to begin walking breaks.

          I had worn a little sign which told my new age group and received some nice compliments from other runners.  (you only look 50! .... You're such an inspiration!  Wink

          Finished in 5:04, but was 2/4 in the AG. 

          I had a good day and am very happy.

          "dancing on the path and singing, now you got away,

          you can reach the goals you set from now on, every day"

          Sonata Arctica






          Crazy Diamond

            You're such an inspiration!


             I had a good day and am very happy.


            Congratulations Chantilly!    You are my inspiration, too.  You're closing sentence says it all.  You've persevered through a few disappointing races this year, so happy the foot held out today and the neuroma was kept a bay.  Be proud of your accomplishment, 2nd/AG is awesome and looking 10 years younger is GOLDEN!  Enjoy a well deserved rest, we know you'll be back out there putting in the mega-miles soon enough!  Hurray Chantilly!

            Quo Vadis?


              I must have missed the tips for posting photos.  Could someone post them again?


              Did a 6.2 mile training run Saturday morning with DW alongside on her bike.  Still warm and more humid than we're used to here in SoCal.


              DD and I registered for the San Diego HM in March  This will be my second time (her first) running this event.



              This is one of the photos I took on my bike ride a few days before the race, it shows part of the HM course with some of the 300 year old oak trees the race was named after. Thanks Mary Kay for telling me how to post photos!



              PRs:  9/1/2012 Disneyland 5K 27:08,  01/06/2013 Resolution 15K 1:30:17, 03/10/2013 San Diego HM 2:18:05, 04/19/2014 ACT! Today 10K  51:54


                I had worn a little sign which told my new age group and received some nice compliments from other runners.  (you only look 50! .... You're such an inspiration!  Wink

                Finished in 5:04, but was 2/4 in the AG. 

                I had a good day and am very happy.

                CONGRATS Chantilly!!!  So happy that it was a satisfying race overall.  You worked so hard and it showed, WAY TO GO on the second place finish in the 'new' AG!!  Running keeps us young and you proved it!!  You rocked the course; smart running plan!!  YAY!! CONGRATS!!

                  DH and I returned last night from Philly.  My last run was last Mon. on the movil maze, 7.3 miles.  Tues:  Rest day, had physical and blood drawn.: all good Smile   Wed: Rest day: exhausted from early flight.  Thursday:  we played tourist all day in the heat and humidity.  Even had a fortunate private tour of the Powell house where the VIPs of the early times when the U.S. was established spent many hours socializing, dancing, etc. (e.g. Washington, etc.).  DH had a comprehensive review for 2.5 days; very intense, non-stop from 7am-5:30pm!!  Poor guy, he was totally wasted by the time he got back to the hotel.  This was a rare trip where I just went along for the ride.  Been to Philly before but always a conference.  Anyway, I touched base with one of the organizers of a running club to join them for a 'fun run' Thurs. evening. The short run was to the expo for the first PHILLY 10k event to be held on Saturday.  I had the best conversation with another dirt trail runner!!  Ran back to hotel before it got too dark.  Finished about 6 miles.

                  Got up Friday, ran just over a mile to get to the 'river trail' where 'everyone runs, walks, and bikes.'  I was totally drenched by then!! BIG red flag!! The HUMIDITY and heat were unbelievable!! It put northern MN to shame!!  Wished I brought my 2 bottle waist hydration pack; only had my hand-held one but smart to have 2 packets of electrolytes.  Took walk break at mile 2 and mile 4 but I was losing energy and feeling crappy, and difficulty breathing in the humidity.   Found a convenience store and bought/gulped down cold chocolate milk.  After 6 miles, walk breaks after each mile.  There is the delicate balance of under/over hydrating too so I was being cautious of my body temp.  Another female runner stopped at one of the water fountains where I was refilling my water bottle, "This humidity is ridiculous, my pace is off by 2 minutes, I can't breath and I live here!!" she says. I didn't feel so bad after that, LOL!!  After 10 miles, I had to lay down on a bench for about 2 minutes!!  OMG!! The last 2 miles were like running through deep sand as I made my way through traffic on the way back to the hotel, thankful for the traffic lights this time, LOL!!  Finished 12 miles!!  It took the rest of the day to recover!!  This was the first time EVER that I had some beginnings of muscle cramps when I tried to stretch!! That's scary!!

                  Saturday, the HEAT AND HUMIDITY was WORST!!  I didn't make it to the Philly 10k to volunteer at 5am .  Took another city walk, I was drenched, should have brought a towel!!  Took refuge in the A/C stores and shade.  The walk loosen my muscles. Even 'ran' up the 'Rocky steps' at the Museum of Art. CRAZY!!   Worked out (weights, elliptical) in the hotel facility when I returned.  Can you believe I ran on the dreadmill!?!  4.5 'recovery' miles of torture AGAIN, haha!!  Rest day Sun: DH still had to finish, 7am-12:30pm!!  I packed our stuff and waited, stretching as much as I can.  We left Philly about 3 pm.

                    Sorry for the prior LONG post, everyone.  Guess what?  Despite my whining of heat and humidity, my weekly mileage was 36 miles!! YAY!!  LOL!!

                    I have a dilemma.  Should I attempt running the FM on Oct. 11th?  I'm not feeling like I'm in FM shape in comparison to my other marathons I've run.  So I'm thinking of switching to the 26k (about 16.8 miles) which was added this year .......if I still can.  I know I can finish if I decide to run the FM.  I just do what I can till then.  But it won't be fast or pretty, LOL!!  I've only ran 13.5 as my longest run so far.  I can probably get in a couple of 16 and 18 milers before I need to taper.  Getting sick, recovering from being sick and other life interruptions, I was hoping at least run a couple of 20 and 22 milers by now.  Like I always say, there's always races.  But then winter is around the corner here and maybe, just maybe, I can run a FM in Nov.  There's the risk of injury if I get too aggressive with 'too much, too soon, too hard' at this point if I try to run more miles just to get back on 'schedule.'  We are leaving for WA this Saturday for about 10 days.  Not sure how my running schedule will be. I feel like my running has not been as consistent as it should be by now.  Thanks for any input, feedback, suggestions, etc.

                    NH Runner

                      Monday, 9/8... 8 mile mtn bike railtrail ride.   I'm going back and forth between runs and bike rides for now, trying to slowly get my legs back into running shape.   I'm pushing just enough to get a good aerobic workout during these rides, so far, so good....


                      Chantilly... you set a blistering pace early in your marathon and held on nicely when your left foot started to bother.   Congratulations on a fine race, you ran really well!     Ol' "What's Her Name" from Baywatch would kill to be able to run that well...


                      WDWrich... nice run!


                      az... you've run marathons already, so you know there's no substitute for miles in the bank.   As an experienced runner, you also know how to get through 26.2 miles, but I doubt you'd enjoy it much.   My vote's for running the 26K if you can get in, there's a distance you'd be ready for.     Too bad about the weather in Philly, but attitude's everything and yours let you make the most of it, good for you!


                        Thought I would reply sooner, but life sometimes gets in the way...


                        Fletch - Deepest sympathies and condolences.  Losing a parent isn't easy.  Hope you're getting some running in, always find it helps with stress.

                        Dan - some good runs and the race with DS - priceless.

                        Altair - Enjoyed the RR - congrats on job well done.  Liked the oak picture.

                        MK - Hope your run in SF was enjoyable.  AT&T is gorgeous park.  We were on the other side of the city racing (a wee bit cheaper...).

                        Chantilly - Any race you can walk away from...  Fine job on the marathon to overcome everything - sometimes finishing is what is all about.

                        AZ - Sorry about Odie, hope he's doing ok.  The trip to Phili sounds like it was a good workout!  Gotta be happy with those miles, especially given the heat and humidity.  I wouldn't sweat the marathon, especially if you can do one in November.  Do the shorter distance as part of the training for Nov.

                        Gito - How did the 5k go? Hope well.  The miles you've been putting in bode well for the winter series.  Yes, DW is still doing 1/2 a month at a minimum.  She saying that after she hits 5 years (coming soon) that she can start doing some 10Ks.

                        WDRich - DD and you in a 1/2, way cool.  Keep the training up and make sure DD gets her miles in...

                        NHRich - It is good to see you running again.  The plan seems solid to get back in to running shape.

                        Sluggo - Welcome to the group!




                          Ok,  just to make sure message got through...


                          Had last two weeks off work and kind of through me off a bit.  So, this past week there were 3 races that I wanted to do, you know about the 5K on 9/1 - this was just the warm up (and it was warm for this race).  Race #2 was Friday, Palo Alto Moonlight Run 10K.  Race #3 was Sunday, Lake Merced Half Marathon.  I've done a couple of races in a week and even a couple of races in a weekend, but haven't attempted 3 in 1 week before - so a new experience.  I've done back to back 10Ks last year and it went pretty well.  2 years ago, did a 5m race midweek followed by a 1/2 on the weekend that didn't go so well.  So, to say I had any idea how this experiment might go - well it just wouldn't be true.


                          On Thursday I finally got a practice run in and it went so-so.  So, I didn't have a lot of confidence for Friday's 10K.  I spent Friday trying to relax and keep the nervous energy under control.  To understand a bit, this is the 30th year for the Moonlight Run and DW and I have done everyone.  I have never run this race to my ability, not sure why - just things seem to go bad.  In '87 might have been in best shape, but sprained ankle 3 weeks before spending 2 weeks on crutches.  2 years ago this was my target race and got stung by a bee.  Last year let the weather affect me.  This year tried to block all that history and just run.  Weather was good, around 65F at the start and I lined up about 2 rows from the front.  Figured it would be best to get out front and avoid most of the crowd.  When the gun went off I moved out at probably a 6-6.5 mpm pace and maintained it for 1/2 mile before I eased up on the gas.  I don't run with a light and try to let my eyes adjust at night.  1/2 the people have headlamps and that actually interferes with the process.  We wind our way off the roads onto the bay trails and then parallel highway 101 until mile 2.  At that point we make a left turn heading directly to the bay.  DS1 who started with DW catches up to me shortly after the turn.  We running side by side mostly by ourselves.   We get passed by a couple of runners and then somewhere between 4.5 and 5 miles we get passed by another runner.  Sensing that we're slowing a little I go with the guy and DS1 doesn't.  I spend the rest of the race trying to catch this guy (unsuccessfully).  Every time I speed up a bit, he seems to sense it and go a little faster.  Just before we hit the turn around and the 5K racers join in a woman passes me and now I'm chasing two people.  When the woman gets close to the guy he accelerates more.  As we make the final turn I know I'm not going to catch either and feel a woman on my shoulder.  I start my final sprint and she doesn't or can't go with me and I put some distance between us, I hit the tape in 43:52!  This is an over 50 PR for me and official time of 43:49.  DS1 comes in about 30 seconds after and dumps water over himself.  We grab water to drink and the head out to cheer in DW.  DW finishes about 10 minutes later.  We check the results, DW is 3rd in her AG and I got 1st in mine!  Satisfied, we head out for a late dinner.


                          We were thinking we might skip the Lake Merced 1/2, but turned out DW at already entered it and forgotten.  This race is run by the Dolphin South End running club.  It is a small race (about 100 runners for the 1/2 and 80 for the 4.5m race) that circles Lake Merced 3 times.  For us old guys this is a very skilled set of runners, 2 years ago I was extremely humbled by the running a 1:48 half and finishing 12th (winning time for 50-59 was 1:21!).  This is not the easiest course and the runners are very fast.  I know I'm only running against myself in this one.  I don't know exactly how my legs will feel, they're not sore yet - but very tired.  They say go and I'm near the back, but smartly move forward.  Watch is visible for this race, so I have a good idea how fast or slow I'm going.  Mile 1 passes around 7:30 and mile 2 around 7:15.  At this point, I'm going slow down dude and ease up a bit.  A young woman I passed earlier catches up with me and couple of other guys.  I'm asking the two guys questions about what pace they trying to do.  They say 7:30 and then in the same breath, we're going a little fast.  Mile 3 clicks in at 7:37 and the 2 guys are now a bit ahead of us.  Turns out the woman is a Stanford physics student and this is her 2nd or 3rd half.  We're talking and I don't even notice when we started the 2nd lap.  Around mile 7 I'm sensing we're slowing a bit and pick up the pace.  She's unable to keep up and I'm pretty much by myself 'til the end.  As I hit the last lap I'm working on keeping pace up.  I'm now calculating how fast I need to go to get under 1:40 (my stretch goal). My calculations at this point are I'm going to be close.  Between mile 11 and 12 I get passed and just try to keep pace.  I'm regretting my decision to forgo the Gu I brought with me, knowing it's too late now.  Take the final turn and try to sprint across the parking lot to the finish.  The timing on this race is old school as one person calls out the number, as I'm crossing I hear him say Number 114 - 1:39:59.  I click my watch as I cross the line and it says 1:39:55!  This is my 2nd best time for a 1/2.  I start gulping down water and some food and wait for DW.  After DW finishes (just over 2 hours) we head to Chinatown to pick up some dim sum and then on to Hawk Hill to view the hawks on their migration path.


                          Don't know if I will ever repeat a week like this, but I'm a happy camper right now...



                          NH Runner

                            Tuesday, 9/9... headed out for an 8 mile run on the railtrail today, but went down hard after catching my foot on the wood flooring of the bridge at the 2 mile mark and ended up cutting the run short.    After I fell, I continued on for another half mile before deciding to turn back, then walked a half mile before running the last 2.


                            Falling is one thing, but I hurt my foot in the process, doggone it...   Nothing serious, but you'd think I'd know better...


                            Holy Moly Ray, what a week of racing you had!    What stands out to me is how little speed work you do and how fast you've gotten in spite of it.   Whatever you're doing is working, you're running really well!


                              Ray - Great job on the races.  I don't think I'd ever attempt 3 races in a one-week period.  That's quite an accomplishment, especially considering the excellent times!


                              AZ - I know your spirit is saying to go for the FM, but if it were me, I'd go with the 26k.  You're an experienced runner, and you know that pushing through the FM when not fully prepared (physically or mentally) may ultimately have negative consequences.


                              Chantilly - Great finish in the race.  2/4 in your AG is wonderful!


                              NH - Mixing biking and running is a good way to train back up.  That's what I did last year when I injured my Achilles and it really helped get me back on track.


                              Deb - How did the 5k with DS1 go?


                              Dan - Amazing how cooler/drier conditions make a workout feel so much better.


                              Ran 3 miles early this morning before the sun was up with our black lab, and added some sprints and stair repeats for good measure.  May do some trail running this afternoon while DW does her power walk on local trails.  Still need some help on posting photos...


                              PRs:  9/1/2012 Disneyland 5K 27:08,  01/06/2013 Resolution 15K 1:30:17, 03/10/2013 San Diego HM 2:18:05, 04/19/2014 ACT! Today 10K  51:54


                                WHAT A WEEK, Ray!! AWESOME races!! CONGRATS on the finish times   I'm not at all surprised that you did so great with the 3 challenges, I love it!!  And Congrats to DW and DS as well.  Love the RR and it did conveyed an incredible amount of satisfaction, that's what running should be about.  WAY TO GO!!  I remember last year I ran 3 HMs (2 technical trails and 1 road) in 5 weeks and I was burned out for a couple of months (mostly from training, not necessarily racing).  Kudos to DW for a HM/month!! 


                                Ray, NH Rich, WDW Rich:  Thank you so much for the perspective and the reality check, RE: my dilemma.  Even though each of us are at different levels of running, each of us also know, deep down inside, that our competitive spirit wants to do the best we can and anything short of that can be pretty disappointing.  I know I can 'FINISH' the FM but I also know it's gonna be a 'dragged-out' fight to the end.  My post-run recovery will most likely double.  Anyway, I made the switch from FM to the 26k (which is 16.1, not 16.8).  I can do that and like Ray said (and I say that too), treat it like a "training for Nov."  I've searched for FMs in Nov. and Dec. in MN, ND, SD, even IA but none that fits my schedule and/or distance I want to travel.  There is one in WI.  But then, DH did mention 'checking on the house' in AZ .  Again, I really appreciate your feedback.