50 and over 5k and beyond

September Runs & Workouts (Read 21 times)

NH Runner

    Saturday, 9/27... 5 mile railtrail run.  Walk / jogged the first mile to warm in 11:49, then ran 9:58, 9:52, 9:57 and 9:53.    I've made a significant running form change and think that's why I'm struggling a bit.   As often as I'm getting injured lately, a change will do me good...


    az... agreed on the advice and thanks.   No speed work for me for a while and when I do, I'll take a page out of Ray's training book by running hills and fast finishes at the end of runs.    Nice 10.2 miler, you're getting in some solid runs...


    The plums I picked Thursday were what's called "Prune Plums', small plums the size of a prune.    Anyway, I made a pie using 'em and it tastes pretty good...


      AZ - That's a nice 10 miler you got in there.  Like it!

      Rich - Staying healthy is the important thing.  You can't get better if you've got to take time off to let pieces heal.  There's an RA saying, "Run lots, mostly easy, sometimes hard".  You're doing fine, just keep it steady. Nice pie!


      Race today was latest start for a Zoom event (at least that's what the RD said) and it felt like it.  This was an urban trail run, which I think means no shade.  And just for sadistic pleasure they put a 200 ft climb just before the turn around.  The run is pretty, but be so late in the day you've got to contend with all the joggers, bikers and tourists.  5K started at 10AM and I got near the front and was leading for first 1/2 mile when a young man and woman passed me.  Was trying to relax, but my legs were saying "no way Jose" and at .75 mile another young man passed me.  At around mile 1 the 1st man to pass me is starting to fade a bit and the woman takes the lead.  I'm slowly gaining on the fading man and the other guy catches him.  As we approach the climb I catch the fading guy and the other 2 are out of site.  I hit the steps and we've caught up to the slower 10K runners, I'm doing my best to run up the stairs, but on the last flight I start walking the last 7 steps or so.  From there we've still got to go up, but it's a asphalt path and I start running again.  The gentleman is ahead of the woman at this point and he's on his way down and in the lead.  About 1/2 way between the stairs and the turn around I see the woman.  Just after that there is a group of women walking and I yell "runner coming" and 3 scoot over to the right, but one on left goes left, then right, then left until I run into her and scoot around her left  I hit the turn around and try to push the pace a bit while I'm not on the stairs.  See fading guy and give him a low-five.  Hit the stairs and try taking them 2 at a time, but they spaced just wrong for me and I have to slow down.  I sucking wind as I hit the bottom.  I've lost contact with those in front and I refuse to look back to see where anyone else is.  It's just hot and there's just a bit of head wind and I'm just grinding.  The only real thing to occupy my mind are the people to dodge, the dogs (their leashes) and how heavy my legs feel.  Finally see the finish and the kick isn't there so I just settle for a slight speed up as I cross the line in 23:42.  Not what I was hoping for, but results were encouraging 3rd overall, 2nd male and 1st in AG.




        Wow Ray, nice job!  Especially when you've got a walker dancing in front of you!     Yes, tough time to start a race in SoCal!


        NHRich-  Mmmmm, that pie looks good.


        As AZ said, the dentist appt at 10 got my butt out the door early enough for 10.7 this morning.  2 loops around the 5 mile circuit from my driveway, plus a little added.  So I went up/down the 2 decent hills twice.  Felt good to finish.  I'm a collector of stuff lying along the road, today found a working lighter and a stuffed Winnie the Pooh!


        This afternoon DW & I took her mother to an area in SW WI, near Mississippi, where there are lots of orchards.   MIL got to ride in front of convertible with me and DW took some motion sickness tablet, as the roads to this place are quite winding.  Beautiful fall colors along the way.  We went past 3 of the orchards because DW & MIL wanted to go to a specific one they had gone to when DW was young.  I've never seen a busier orchard.  Traffic stopped 1/2 mile from the parking and inched forward from there.  It was a madhouse inside their building.  The good part- the best warm apple cider donut I've ever tasted. 


        Rest day tomorrow, maybe a hike at state park.







          I never got to be a regular here but I'm still hoping to do that one day, esp. now that I have been exercising regularly.

          I did my last Long Run a weekend ago and this is my last medium run coming up then taper/easy until my HM in 2 weeks.

          I hope to be able to be a regular now that I feel more "experienced."



            I never got to be a regular here but I'm still hoping to do that one day, esp. now that I have been exercising regularly.

            I did my last Long Run a weekend ago and this is my last medium run coming up then taper/easy until my HM in 2 weeks.

            I hope to be able to be a regular now that I feel more "experienced."



            JO: Good to hear from you!!  ONLY 2 WKS to go!!  Same here, running a 26k (16.1 m) on 10/11  ".........exercising regularly" becomes a way of life, so glad you are hanging in there, WAY TO GO with your training!! Can't wait for the RR!!

              az... agreed on the advice and thanks.   No speed work for me for a while and when I do, I'll take a page out of Ray's training book by running hills and fast finishes at the end of runs.    Nice 10.2 miler, you're getting in some solid runs...


              The plums I picked Thursday were what's called "Prune Plums', small plums the size of a prune.   



              NHrunner:  a runner and a baker!!  WOW!! I love plums! Looks absolutely delicious .......perfect crust.  Ray gives out solid practical running, training advice from real life experiences which I find inspiring and do-able.  Tough to take some stumbles here and there but we finish strong and upright .

              Saturday:  Decided I need a recovery run and throw in a mtn bike ride to loosen up some muscles.  So took some of your 'training' and rode my mtn bike for 3 miles, then a 2 mile recovery run, another 1 mile bike ride, another 3.2 mile recovery run, and finished with a 2.5 bike ride = 5.2 running miles and 6.5 biking miles.  Warm 72 degrees and humid even at 6 pm but the slight breeze gave the cooling effect. Another gorgeous sunset.  Weekly miles:  'only' 23.5 ......but not bad for 'only' 3 days.

                Ray:  You ROCKED the race!!  Just AWESOME!!  CONGRATS on the finish and ALL THOSE MEDALS!!  Exciting RR .......how annoying those 'walkers' were!!  They either do that or form a 'Berlin Wall' that you have to get around.  That happened to me twice, had to 'advise': (for  next race) that it's like passing cars in traffic, you move to the right!!  (don't think they get it).  Anyway, it can zap one's energy but it's a matter of re-focusing which you regained ........YOU did great!!

                Dan:  Hope you had a good hike.  Nice of you to get a drive in .......in a CONVERTIBLE too!! (what model, year??)  Sorry about DW's car sickness with winding roads ........I love those!! The apple cider sounds like it was worth the drive!!  Training sounds like it is going well too.

                Deb:  Hope all is well

                NH Runner

                  Sunday, 9/28... 6 mile railtrail run, warmed the first mile, splits looked like this...11:08, 9:50, 9:34, 9:43, 9:43 and 9:36.


                  ray... I think your placement in the 5K says it all, lousy course and pedestrian traffic made it tough for everyone.   Really enjoyed your race report, forget your time, you ran an excellent race!


                  Dan... I made the mistake of going to the orchard during the week and missed out on the apple cider doughnuts, they only make 'em on the weekends.   Another solid run for you, 10.7 is awesome!


                  az... I've learned how to cook the things I like to eat, but that's about it...   Stews, breads, one pot meals and pies are my favorites, that plum pie in the picture is almost gone already...   Tell me, did the bike rides and easy runs help with recovery?   I'm taking the bike out tomorrow, my running muscles need a break...


                  Jo...don't be self conscious about your fitness, you're working to improve your health just like the rest of us, so jump in here and post away.    Like it or not, you're a member already.   A half marathon in 2 weeks, eh?   Good luck and enjoy!


                  gito... ???

                    Sunday, 9/28... 6 mile railtrail run, warmed the first mile, splits looked like this...11:08, 9:50, 9:34, 9:43, 9:43 and 9:36.

                     az... I've learned how to cook the things I like to eat, but that's about it...   Stews, breads, one pot meals and pies are my favorites, that plum pie in the picture is almost gone already...   Tell me, did the bike rides and easy runs help with recovery?   I'm taking the bike out tomorrow, my running muscles need a break...


                    NHrunner:  good split times on the 6 miler!  Love comfort foods in the winters, stews are my fave! The pie would have been inhaled in an hour around our house .  The photo makes it so tempting, good shot!  I think the way I interchanged the bike/run/bike method loosen my muscles but I think I shouldn't run more than 2 miles at a time for a recovery run (and no more than 6 miles), then bike 2-4 miles in between.  I was trying to rush it as I was losing sunlight; also the post-run/bike stretches were longer, muscles and joints appreciated those .


                    Today, the threat of rain got me out the door early afternoon; and we may be going out of town plus weather predicts the chances of rain is going to be higher tomorrow so I ran the dirt road to the lake, back and forth again and around the fairgrounds as well.  Humidity was cool, about 62 degrees, cloudy with a slight drizzle now and then, and pretty breezy with 10-13 mph wind!  Not complaining at all.  Finished 12 miles, YAY!!


                      Hello Friends.  Remember me?  First, let me say thanks for all of the kind words, thoughts and prayers as we dealt with my FIL's sickness and passing.


                      It has been over a month since my last post, so I will not even try to completely cover all of the happenings.  You have had such great races and workouts, I would surely miss some if I tried to cover them all.  A few things I did want to mention... Adkkev - so sorry to hear of your father's passing.  I hope the family is doing well.  And AZ - I know from your posts what a great dog Odie was.  So sorry about his passing.


                      Here's the condensed version of my situation.  This Achilles injury has been AWFUL.  I injured it on August 6th.  Finally ran 2 miles on September 6th, with only a little pain.  Two days later, ran 2.5 miles, but hurt pretty bad the next day.  Didn't run again until September 16th, when I did 3 miles.  5 days later, 3.5 miles.  Joined the gang for the speed work last Wednesday morning, just because I really missed the camaraderie of the group.  I was smart enough to forego the speed work, and just turned it into a slow 5 miler.  3 miles again this past Friday.  This morning, I joined one of the group members for a 4.25 mile, combination road/trail run.  So far, the Achilles feels good.  I've set strict rules for myself for the next two weeks, at least:  1) no runs longer than 6 miles, 2) nothing faster than 9:30 pace, 3) no running on consecutive days.  Other than that, I'm icing and using the foam roller regularly.  I hope to ramp back up with my miles  by the end of the year.  No races planned at this point (Outer Banks HM in November is down the drain ).


                      I mentioned in an earlier post that I DID have more upbeat news to share. I guess you could say that this past year of running has changed my life...in many ways.  From a personal fitness standpoint, I feel better than I have since my teenage years. From a career standpoint, I've decided that I am tired of chasing sales and commissions, and would like to spend whatever working years I have left, doing more to help others.  So......I have quit my job at the radio station, and I am now attending school full time, working towards an AS Degree that will allow me to be certified as a Physical Therapist Assistant.  Also, in mid October, I will be taking the exam from the Aerobics and Fitness Association of America (AFAA) to be certified as a Personal Trainer.  I have already been working with a small, local fitness studio (helping with their marketing, for now), and will start training clients as soon as the certification comes through.  My hope is to work with elderly clients, developing personalized plans to help them maintain their strength, mobility and flexibility...to better enjoy their retirement years.  I will do the training work part time, both during my physical therapy schooling, and after I am working as a Physical Therapist Assistant.


                      Sorry for the LOOOONG post. At least you know why I have been AWOL.  You are such a supportive group of friends.  And I'm going to be leaning on you for that support for the next few years.  Hopefully, I can post on a more regular basis...but probably not until after this weekend.  This Sunday, our oldest daughter will be getting married.  Between school, wedding preparations, and studying for the Personal Trainer exam, I'm busier than when I was working full time .  BUT....I'm a lot happier, too!  


                      I'll check in again soon.  Happy Running!!


                        Jo- Good to hear from you.  As AZ said, post here often, we love to hear about your runs and your preparation and the Race Report!  Good for you.


                        NHRich- This orchard had 4-5 people working in the kitchen just making donuts!  They had a limit of 1 dz/adult and they were flying out of there.  We  just bought one each to get the warm ones!  They could be addictive!

                        Nice splits on your 6 miler!!!


                        AZ- nice 12 miles!  Where is your race in 2 weeks?  The convertible is 2011 Volvo C70, officially DW's car, but she lets me drive if we are together.  The hard top convertible is nice.


                        Found out that an old HS classmate is running the Rails to Trails on Nov 2.  She does triathlons and does them well, so I won't be keeping up with her!!


                        Have good weeks everyone!







                          Jo - Sounds like you're doing great!  Don't be shy, we won't bite (at least not too hard...)  Keep us posted and let us know how the race goes!

                          Dan - The race was fun, and the "dancin" walkers another story in the book, but I'm up north near San Francisco.  The race was in the Marina district going towards the Golden Gate Bridge.  Which is why there were SO many walkers, bikers.  It was an absolutely beautiful day to be out and everyone was!  No shade on the course and even tho was high 60's, it was just too hot.  Donuts sound great!  The convertible sounds fun. HS friend sounds fit, should be fun to run the same race with her!

                          Az - Some good miles in there this weekend.  I like the bike/recovery run.  Only 23.5 in 3 days?!  That's a solid week with 7 days of running!

                          NHRich  - I keep seeing that pie and it keeps making me salivate.  You got some solid work done this weekend, keep it up!

                          Fletch - It's really good to hear from you  and no we haven't forgotten you.  I'm not sure we forget anyone in this group.  Those are some major changes!  Gotta admire the courage it takes to make that type of decision.  Wish you all the best and keep posting - we all learn from each other.

                          MKay, Debra, WDRich - Hope you are all doing well and can find time to post...


                          Sunday was a long day.  DS1 and his SO were doing an Olympic triathlon in Santa Cruz and had to pick up there packet early, so we left the house at 5AM and made the hour drive over the hill to the coast.  They were doing the race as a team, but neither had done any training and took a bit of reminding to get them to check equipment.  They did really well considering and beat all their projected times in each phase.  I was probably a bit too encouraging of runners at the finish and i've got that deep froggy voice today.  After lunch in Santa Cruz we got home in time for me to catch the football game and then I went for my run.  Weather was cool, but muggy and watch seemed a bit off so kept adding distance and speeding up.  Ended up doing 9.4 miles (no hills) in 1:14:58.  A Great workout to go with a very good day.




                            NH Runner I wish I was there for some of that pie! Have a good bike ride.  Your leaves must have all turned on the trail.

                            rmcj001  There must be a race practically every weekend near you.  L.u.c.k.y!

                            You're in shape this year…another good result!

                            justrundan Fresh warm donuts would be good.  That sounds like a busy place! Has your wife ever tried dried ginger for motion sickness?  I found it useful going through the Rockies.

                            Jo_ Good to hear that you are still training.  Good luck on your race.

                            az2mntrail Nice "brick" workout, there! Good total for 3 days.

                            Fletch_NC You're brave to try a career change at this age.  Sounds good to pursue your interests and not keep slugging at a job you're not happy with. Hope your daughter has a lovely wedding.


                            I had a nice holiday over the weekend and finished my 6 hour race with 27.5 miles….seem to be stuck on that number for some reason, since my previous one was 27 miles also.

                            This was a small race held on a track, which made it easy for me.  I could change my shoes at any time, but the neuroma was not too happy until after 2 hours, then it felt ok for awhile.

                            But I ran the last hour in my sock feet,   because the tops of my foot were hurting from the laces, no matter how loose I made them.

                            Anyways I finished first female (5th overall) and received my very first trophy, ever!

                            Went out to a steakhouse for supper then flew home.

                            "dancing on the path and singing, now you got away,

                            you can reach the goals you set from now on, every day"

                            Sonata Arctica







                              Ray - Excellent 5k!  To finish that close to the top overall is a real accomplishment.


                              NH - The pie looks wonderful.  Would really like a piece.


                              Dan - Fall colors are the best.  Wish we had some here in SoCal.


                              Fletch - Good to hear from you.  The Achilles will heal all the way, it just takes time.  Hang in there!


                              AZ - Wish we had some rain.  Instead, it's getting warmer- up to the mid 90s by Fri/Sat.


                              Chantilly - Congrats on the race and the excellent finish.  27+ miles is okay in my book!


                              Got in 6.4 miles with a good hill at mile 5 on Saturday.  Next race for me is a 10k on Thanksgiving.  It features "Challenge Hill" at mile 5, so I'll continue to include hill training for the foreseeable future.  Weekday early am (pre-dawn) maintenance runs this week before heading off to work, and alternate day 1-hour workouts in the weight room.


                              Cheers everyone!


                              PRs:  9/1/2012 Disneyland 5K 27:08,  01/06/2013 Resolution 15K 1:30:17, 03/10/2013 San Diego HM 2:18:05, 04/19/2014 ACT! Today 10K  51:54


                              NH Runner

                                Monday, 9/29... leisurely 6 mile bike ride on the railtrail today.   Meant as a recovery ride, we'll see how well it worked when I run tomorrow...


                                az... you're knocking it out of the park lately, nice 12 miler!


                                Fletch... you did a great job getting that Achilles tear behind you, that's not an easy injury to deal with.   I think you're onto something with this career change too, you only go around once, so good for you and good luck!


                                dan... thanks!   I admire anyone who's trained enough to do a triathlon, it's something I've wanted to try, but probably never will.   Maybe running is your classmate's worst event and you'll leave her in the dust.   We can hope, right?


                                Ray... how 'bout those '9er's, eh?   They got the win, but Kapeirnick (sp) didn't make it easy...lol   Nice day and nice run!   And ditch that watch!   Did I tell you about my bike and mechanical counter?


                                Chantilly... I can't imagine running 27.5 miles on an oval track, what a run you had!   And the last hour in socks only?   Be proud Chantilly, you ran a heck of a race!    And yes, the railtrail's all lit up with the colors of Fall, I love this time of year...


                                Thanks to everyone for the compliments on my pie.   My granddaughter showed up after school today and polished that baby off...