Beginners and Beyond


Sunday no Fun Day (Read 35 times)



    Nice job in the heat! And onemile nice job getting back into it!


    Question for the masses: I start Higdon Intermediate 1/2/adding my own miles as fit this week, and I'm not sure how fast I should run my marathon pace runs.  Mcmillian puts me at like a 3:34 which is 8:11 per mile, but obviously it's my first marathon and my mileage is going to be low so I don't expect to run that fast. Should I "aim" for 3:45 and run my marathon pace miles at that pace? Or faster? Slower?


    Based on your half I'd put you around 3:40-3:45. But I agree with onemile's comments. Only to add that if you can't hold the 8:11, slow it down. But you should be able to. And yes we will be happy to set your goal when things get closer. Remind us of the race.


    From the Internet.


      Nice job in the heat! And onemile nice job getting back into it!


      Question for the masses: I start Higdon Intermediate 1/2/adding my own miles as fit this week, and I'm not sure how fast I should run my marathon pace runs.  Mcmillian puts me at like a 3:34 which is 8:11 per mile, but obviously it's my first marathon and my mileage is going to be low so I don't expect to run that fast. Should I "aim" for 3:45 and run my marathon pace miles at that pace? Or faster? Slower?


      IA with onemile, use it for now and run a tune-up later in the cycle. You can always dial the pace back a bit if it feels too hard - effort-wise MP should feel fairly easy for short stretches, will start to feel a bit harder and require a little concentration for longer stretches later in the cycle as you accumulate fatigue.


      One major caveat: Higdon doesn't have you run MP as part of a longer run, so if you can hold 8:11 for 8-9 miles on its own day, that won't necessarily mean you can hold it for 26.2 on lowish mileage. I did 9 at 8:10 as my longest MP run for last year's fall marathon cycle (my first); I got sick just before race day, but even if I hadn't I think 8:10 would have been too ambitious for my race pace that time around. I ran 3:48 with a puke break and some walking, and I think if I hadn't been sick 3:38-3:40 would have been tough but realistic. But sorting out that final pace goal is what the tune-up race (and training!) will help with Smile


        I am in Colorado hanging with the family. Hip/leg still funky, just keeping up the 1 mile streak and hoping that it heals. Tomorrow I join my sister and my dad and 50,000 other runners to run the Bolder Boulder 10K. It will be my dad's first race at age 70.

        From the Internet.

          I can't believe I ran a marathon last week. It feels like years ago. I can't wait for the next one!


          7.35 miles today. Probably 10-11ish tomorrow, since it's a holiday and all and I don't have anything else to do.

          From the Internet.

            I am in Colorado hanging with the family. Hip/leg still funky, just keeping up the 1 mile streak and hoping that it heals. Tomorrow I join my sister and my dad and 50,000 other runners to run the Bolder Boulder 10K. It will be my dad's first race at age 70.


            Aww!! Good luck and have fun! Big grin



              But sorting out that final pace goal is the most nerve-wracking thing you will ever do. 


              FYP. The hardest and most important part of the whole thing.



                I can't believe I ran a marathon last week. It feels like years ago. I can't wait for the next one!


                You are some kind of whack job.


                MTA: with all due respect. 



                Former Bad Ass

                  I would use what McMillan says now for training and adjust later if needed or for the race keep in mind your mileage will be lower than the average McMillan assumes but train with those.


                  From the Internet.


                    FYP. The hardest and most important part of the whole thing.


                    That is fair. Half the fun is questioning everything about it, even as you're running the race!



                    You are some kind of whack job.


                    MTA: with all due respect. 


                    That is also fair, haha! Big grin


                      Thanks everyone! I do plan on doing a HM 4-5 weeks out as well to get a better idea


                        Congratulations Runshortii. That was a well paced race.


                        D - I'm glad you were able to finish, despite your ankle acting up. I hope the knee behaved.


                        Z - has your father been training very long?  Have fun at the race.


                        It was a cool and cloudy day here. I ran a nice easy 12 miles, with a light rain about half way through.


                          Ginny, sounds like a nice run! My dad's been running for a couple of years now, not training for anything. This past Jan or Feb, he mentioned that his LR was up to 6 miles, so my sister suggested the race. Once he saw that there was music on the course and corrals for people at his pace, he was in.


                          Former Bad Ass

                            Congratulations Runshortii. That was a well paced race.


                            D - I'm glad you were able to finish, despite your ankle acting up. I hope the knee behaved.


                            Z - has your father been training very long?  Have fun at the race.


                            It was a cool and cloudy day here. I ran a nice easy 12 miles, with a light rain about half way through.


                            The knee is like it didn't run at all.


                            No more marathons

                              I am in Colorado hanging with the family. Hip/leg still funky, just keeping up the 1 mile streak and hoping that it heals. Tomorrow I join my sister and my dad and 50,000 other runners to run the Bolder Boulder 10K. It will be my dad's first race at age 70.


                              Just found out that my coach. Maggie Callahan, is running in the pro division of the Bolder Boulder.

                              You should jog a bit with her. Smile

                              Boston 2014 - a 33 year journey

                              Lordy,  I hope there are tapes. 

                              He's a leaker!



                                Just found out that my coach. Maggie Callahan, is running in the pro division of the Bolder Boulder.

                                You should jog a bit with her. Smile


                                I guess the pros start after the race so I may see her finish.
