Beginners and Beyond


With the winter we had, who can complain about the Sunny SunDAILIES (Read 43 times)

Jack K.

uʍop ǝpᴉsdn sǝʇᴉɹʍ ʇI

    Dew point 59. There. I said it.  I just got back from five easy miles. DW is out running 16 because she is all in. It should be another good day of World Cup action. Because DW is Dutch I a rooting for Holland and in the other match I am rooting for Costa Rica. Costco is calling but that will have to wait until 3:00 or so. My shower, chair, and newspaper await.  Have a great day.


    LRB: That was some workout you did yesterday.

    Lily: I am officially liking my Newtons. It feels strange when I wear my other shoes. Smile

    Baboon: Have fun with Team Oski.

    Hi everyone else.


      Dew point 59. There. I said it.  I just got back from five easy miles. DW is out running 16 because she is all in. It should be another good day of World Cup action. Because DW is Dutch I a rooting for Holland and in the other match I am rooting for Costa Rica. Costco is calling but that will have to wait until 3:00 or so. My shower, chair, and newspaper await.  Have a great day.


      LRB: That was some workout you did yesterday.

      Lily: I am officially liking my Newtons. It feels strange when I wear my other shoes. Smile

      Baboon: Have fun with Team Oski.

      Hi everyone else.


      Another Newton baby! Yeah us! 


      Your DW is Dutch? I love the Dutch. They're cool people. However, I can't take side because they're playing Mexico and I love Mexico as well. But go Costa Rica!

      PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

              Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

      18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010


        Back from my 7.5 mile swim run!  Man that thing was tougher than leather...although I managed to run it way too fast.  Not sure if that's the result of an increase in fitness or stupidity.


        I'd say fitness and a tiny bit of cockiness. Because when the first one grows, the other follows...

        PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

        18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010


          I live in a dry heat place, so dew points are not an issue.  It's going to be 96 degrees today with a dew point of 40.  So bone dry and hot.  Then its predicted to be 101 tomorrow.  Next weekend's Hernia Hill race is going to e a scorcher.  Traditionally it doesn't start until 9, which means by the end of the race it's going to be over 90 degrees.  The organizers should be pleased -- they love the death march vibe.


          I've got 6.1 miles planned which will put me at exactly 1000 miles for the year.

          Life is good.


            Dew point 59. There. I said it. 




            Just wait until you start running "R" pace workouts, you're going to love it!


            Blue, so running in dry heat the only difference is you don't get the wet muggy feel that we do?  And did you ever get the next batch of chicks you were expecting?  Your internet peeps need to know these things. 


            lil I will go with stupidity.  lol Seriously though I should have been slogging along, but the pace put a lie to that.  When I have taken a jump in fitness in the past, it shows up in my easy pace first so I will keep an eye on it.


            Former Bad Ass

              Ran a little over 2 hours this morning. 24 km and change.


              I was thinking about the Dew Point at some time during the run, hehehe. Perspiration is a means of thermoregulation. Evaporation of sweat has a cooling effect on the skin. Evaporation of water demands a lot of energy and it "uses" some of the heat from the skin as an energy source, thus the cooling effect.


              The evaporated sweat goes in the air. The more this ambiant air is saturated with water, the less it will be able to hold more.


              On very humid days, when our body produces sweat to cool itself down (while running for example), if the air will not accept any more water, then there is no evaporation of sweat, and no cooling effect. The water just rolls on our skin and drops on the ground.


              Why am I writing all this? back to my run. I was thinking about the Dew Point. Although it is a better indicator of how humid it feels, I think relative humidity is a better indicator of how effective the cooling effect of sweating will be. Whatever the Dew Point, if the relative humidity is 100%, you can sweat all you want sista', ain't gonna do no good.


              You asked for it Big grin


              BTW I'm no meteorologist or anything. Just a runner who has time to think. This might be wrong, but someone will have to prove it to me


              I agree with most of your analysis.  The only part I disagree (and the articles disagree as well) is that most of the articles I have read indicate the dewpoint is a better indicator as to how well you can cool yourself while running, rather than relative humidity (mostly because it's relative to the temperature while the dewpoint is an absolute number).  100% humidity does not affect you much until  the temperatures are hot (60F and 100% or 65F and 100% humidity humidity does not affect your sweating capacity, for example).  For example, in the areas closer to the equator, because they are so hot, it will be hard for you to find 100% humidity unless it's early in the morning, yet these areas are the most humid in the world.








              I need some lunch, especially while I watch the Netherlands v. Mexico match.  Will include some avocado and chips and salsa to the mix. 



              Former Bad Ass


                Another Newton baby! Yeah us! 


                Your DW is Dutch? I love the Dutch. They're cool people. However, I can't take side because they're playing Mexico and I love Mexico as well. But go Costa Rica!


                Me either.  I think Netherlands will win because they are ranked higher but in soccer, nothing is final.



                  For whatever reason, I did not care for the first Transformer movie.  In fact I think I left the theater before it was over, so I obviously have not seen a single of sequels.


                  I say that to explain today's movie choice of How to Train Your Dragon 2. 


                  Hey, a G gotta eat yummy pizza and drink good ass wine at least twice a month yo.




                  Former Bad Ass

                    For whatever reason, I did not care for the first Transformer movie.  In fact I think I left the theater before it was over, so I obviously have not seen a single of sequels.


                    I say that to explain today's movie choice of How to Train Your Dragon 2. 


                    Hey, a G gotta eat yummy pizza and drink good ass wine at least twice a month yo.





                    You Rang?

                      Just came back from ten sleep deprived miles with the Snails along Huntington Beach.  I didn't get to bed until midnight, and the Snails start promptly at 6:30 am.  I hung with a nice young lady named Maria who is looking to run a 4:00 marathon.  Nothing like running with faster people to drag a faster run out.


                      My weather?  Nothing special..... KSNA 291553Z 20005KT 10SM OVC015 22/16 A2989.


                      PR: 5k 25:01 (10/15) 10k: 57:44 (7/14) HM: 1:57 (5/15) FM: 4:55 (1/15)


                      Former Bad Ass

                        Just came back from ten sleep deprived miles with the Snails along Huntington Beach.  I didn't get to bed until midnight, and the Snails start promptly at 6:30 am.  I hung with a nice young lady named Maria who is looking to run a 4:00 marathon.  Nothing like running with faster people to drag a faster run out.


                        My weather?  Nothing special..... KSNA 291553Z 20005KT 10SM OVC015 22/16 A2989.


                        Is that a running group?  Love the name.



                          i have no idea what the dew point is but the weather is just fine...6 miles this morning....have a good Sunday everyone.

                          marathon pr - 3:16

                          Slymoon Runs

                          race obsessed

                            Slept in...

                            6 miles this AM dew point 73.  Bleh


                            Former Bad Ass

                              You and Ric's post are mirror images of each other, LOL.





                              delicate flower

                                Morning ride turned into a morning run.  Wife and Oski biked, me and Mr. Oski ran.  8 miles at 7:56 pace.  Certainly a harder effort than I would have done on my own, but I think I am finally fully recovered from my marathon and half marathon.  Feeling good.  I'm going to head out for an easy bike ride once this bacon cheeseburger with fries digests a bit.

