Beginners and Beyond

2020 Dailies #190 (Read 27 times)


UM 45 Ohio 23

    190 is about how hot it felt this morning...4.5 miles in 73 degrees with pretty high humidity. But, it was mostly light at 5:30 and it sure beats running in the winter!


    Stay cool out there! 


    Former Bad Ass

      Morning! I have 7 with 3 @ MP on the TM at some point today. I'm covering for my boss today so I have a meeting of creditors to do this morning and I better not fuck it up because we record it, ha.


        Off and likely off for a couple of weeks.
        The Good News is from yesterday morning to this morning I lost 2.1 pounds😀

        The bad news is that’s likely just the swelling going down from my right thigh😐  I’ve been having trouble with the right quad for a couple of weeks so time to rest it.

        The other good news is the county rec center pools begin opening next week so hopefully I’ll start deep water running on Tuesday.


        And the additional good news the time off will give the buzz in the left ham to completely go away so eventually I’ll be back running dirt😀


          it sure beats running in the winter!


          I'm not sure about that.

          I ran 9ish

          Half Crazy K 2.0

            4 miles. I prefer winter to this crap.


            delicate flower

              I check RW and Eastbay every day for Cheaterflys and they have not been in stock at either place, or anywhere on the internet for that matter.  I read that a new color scheme should be out "in the near future."  They need to hurry the hell up.



              Super B****

                5.25 with ten laps of my newly discovered track to figure out how long it is. Still don't know that, but I guess it doesn't matter since I apparently was lucky on Sunday: turns out it's a walking mecca just like the other one. Except with just two lanes.

                chasing the impossible


                because i never shut up ... i blog


                  190 is about how hot it felt this morning...4.5 miles in 73 degrees with pretty high humidity. But, it was mostly light at 5:30 and it sure beats running in the winter!



                  Former Bad Ass

                    I check RW and Eastbay every day for Cheaterflys and they have not been in stock at either place, or anywhere on the internet for that matter.  I read that a new color scheme should be out "in the near future."  They need to hurry the hell up.


                    If the Alphaflys, they were up for sale for a minute in both places on Thursday. I missed it because I was getting a massage.



                    Former Bad Ass



                      My face exactly. Hell no.



                        I check RW and Eastbay every day for Cheaterflys and they have not been in stock at either place, or anywhere on the internet for that matter.  I read that a new color scheme should be out "in the near future."  They need to hurry the hell up.


                        July 31 according to the East Bay release calendar. But sometimes it changes as the date gets close and disappears.


                        I just snagged a pair of Alphaflys the other day. They sold out in minutes.


                        delicate flower


                          If the Alphaflys, they were up for sale for a minute in both places on Thursday. I missed it because I was getting a massage.


                          No, just the Vaporflys.  I would not have bought Alphaflys if I looked and they were in stock.



                          delicate flower


                            July 31 according to the East Bay release calendar.


                            cool, thanks.



                              I got out earlier today to beat the heat, but I'm pretty sure it beat me.  It was cooler and cloudy for the first half and then the sun came out from behind the clouds in all its fiery glory.  I prefer winter.  5 miles.


                                I ran 10.


                                It was a mental drag and physically I had no juice. It was one of those runs where you can't even explain how you did it.