Beginners and Beyond

Sharing misery on the disabled list (Read 333 times)


    Oh, I forgot, total time from injury until now was 3 months.


      I'm currently suffering thorugh a hamstring/sciatic like pain.  


      What helped mine was doing yoga 2-3x/week for a few years. YMMV.


      Will run for scenery.

        No trouble at all from the knee at the moment (knock on wood), but base building all over again still kinda sucks.


        Zel, the good news is that even though some of your strength and aerobic fitness may have declined a bit, all of the other (super-important) adaptations your body has made are probably still in place.


        I was surprised after 4-ish months off over the winter how "solid" all my various joints and bones and ligaments etc. felt compared to when I was really starting from scratch.

        Stupid feet!

        Stupid elbow!

        Hip Redux

          I have done nothing but build since starting running 3 years ago.  Most of the injuries are not even directly running related, but they stop me from being able to run.


          Run for four month, injury, run for four months, injury, run for four months, injury.


          I give up.



          Super B****

            I have done nothing but build since starting running 3 years ago.  Most of them are not even directly running related, but they stop me from being able to run.


            Run for four month, injury, run for four months, injury, run for four months, injury.


            I give up.


            That sounds like me.  I've been running for four or five years but probably only have a couple of years' worth of progress to show for it, if that.

            chasing the impossible


            because i never shut up ... i blog



              Hip Redux


                No you don't.


                Yeah, I know.  But one of these days I might!



                  Oski, bluerun, I am so sorry you are having to deal with this over and over again!


                  Lurch- I still have faith that sub-2 will be yours! Smile


                    As far as giving up I had a 5 year period where I only topped 1k once. Patience was not 1 of my traits the first 3 years and I kept trying to rush through injuries. The last 3 years have worked out well, after adjusting to a longer term approach. I changed my landing from heel to mid foot which I wouldn't advise trying, but there might be 1 small change that you can make which may help long term. Good luck.

                    You Rang?

                      Lurch- I still have faith that sub-2 will be yours! Smile



                      Gee thanks Zelanie.  Perhaps I should not dismiss my goal time quite so easially.  Thanks for having faith in me.


                      The pain in my butt has lessened, and Docket, I am under the care of a chiropractor.  She is a 5 foot nothing and a hundred pounds soaking wet.  I'm 6' 6" and 225 lbs, and it's really interesting her method of adjusting my lower back.


                      PR: 5k 25:01 (10/15) 10k: 57:44 (7/14) HM: 1:57 (5/15) FM: 4:55 (1/15)


                      Former Bad Ass

                        LOL.  I do have a vertebrae out of place near my butt that needs adjusting every other week or so.  He calls it a J-Lo, which is why my butt is perky (the other stuff is falling due to age, mind you, LOL).


                        Hoping it gets better.  Sciatica is usually the result and not the cause of the problem, so hopefully, she will find what ails you and get you back in one piece.  Do your best on the HM and who knows?




                        Gee thanks Zelanie.  Perhaps I should not dismiss my goal time quite so easially.  Thanks for having faith in me.


                        The pain in my butt has lessened, and Docket, I am under the care of a chiropractor.  She is a 5 foot nothing and a hundred pounds soaking wet.  I'm 6' 6" and 225 lbs, and it's really interesting her method of adjusting my lower back.


                        Hip Redux

                          How's everyone doing?




                            I had thought I was back, running for about a week, until last Thursday when I had to abort a run after a mile. I was perhaps trying to do too much too soon (ramping up the miles fairly gradually I thought, but maybe not enough, and ran 7 of 8 days). Took a few days off & tried again this morning. Got a whopping 2.3 miles in; not too awful but it is definitely still there, and I was reluctant to go any farther. PT continues, not sure whether it is doing anything (are you ever?). She had no issue with me running when I felt well enough, but suggested to avoid running consecutive days as well as anything stressful like hills (didn't need to tell me twice about that one).

                            We'll see how it goes. Feeling pretty depressed....



                              Gonna try to run after a week of down time.  I feel terrible not running... it feels like they PF in my left foot that was almost gone actually got worse while I was taking time off.  Weird.


                                My pelvis hates me.


                                It's mutual.


                                Bluerun, are you having problems with your previous stress fx?  Or new fractures?


                                The reason I ask, is that after almost nine months of running without issue, I'm feeling my pelvis again.  Not where I broke it before, but the other side.  So far, it's very low level pain, but it's there, and it shouldn't be.  I'm freaking out, because it took 8 months last time before I could run without pain.  Again, I'm training for a HM, and I really want to run it.  I don't know what to do except wait and see.  But how long do I wait?  I feel like I want to try to run, so I can have a definite answer, but I'm not sure I can handle the answer.  If it's a stress reaction, rather than a fracture, how long do I need to rest it?