Beginners and Beyond

Sharing misery on the disabled list (Read 333 times)

Will run for scenery.

    Öski, my vote is valium yes, murder no.


    Good luck!

    Stupid feet!

    Stupid elbow!


    Caretaker/Overlook Hotel


      redrum -- oddly, I've never really had "spend time in jail" on my bucket list...


      Hmmmm....yes that is odd.     Actually, I was feeling quite perturbed last night as I caught up in this thread because I was otherwise having a nice bike ride w/ some newfound speed when I, not once......but TWICE had to shake my head in amazement at the cars who decided to NOT yield to me at a 4-way stop.  I dunno....maybe they thought, "I'm a vehicle, I'm quicker so I'll go first regardless of the fact that this guy is already pedaling into the intersection" and that lead me juuuuuuuuuuuuust about to the point of wanting to pull 1 or both of them out of their driver's side windows and pound them into the next life!!  (Lovingly, of course) 


      I swear, if I go down again and it's even, in part, due to a vehicle, the driver may very well come face to face w/ Jack Torrance.  Heeeeeeeeeeeeere's Johnny!!



      Hip Redux

        I survived!  Mandy was right, the needle wasn't so bad but I did get up close and personal with the doc.   And I went into my sensory deprivation  mode and made it through the MRI without a panic attack.


        I have the disk for my appt on Friday with the doctor, so I will of course take a look at them and try to diagnose myself. lol  Anyone else want to play guess the MRI image?



        Healed Hammy

          When I had my MRI for my hamstring tear in November, it wasn't too bad since I was only halfway submerged in the machine. Years ago I had a neck tumor inspected the same way and boy was it a tight space (entire body in the chamber).  Lots of talking myself off the edge of the cliff to avoid the panic attacks that time.


          Funniest thing though was at the recent MRI she asked what music I wanted, hip hop or oldies.  Hip hop in an MRI - get real.  So I chose oldies.  When is the last time you heard Captain and Tenille, John Denver, Sammy Davis, Engelbert Humperdink.  You would think with a million dollar machine they could at least include streaming radio or a few more choices.  Since I have the pleasure of paying for my MRI's thanks to Obama and his high cost health plans, that was a $4k trip I hopefully will not have to take again.


            Anyone else want to play guess the MRI image?


            Somebody call me?



            Refurbished Hip

              I survived!  Mandy was right, the needle wasn't so bad but I did get up close and personal with the doc.   And I went into my sensory deprivation  mode and made it through the MRI without a panic attack.


              I have the disk for my appt on Friday with the doctor, so I will of course take a look at them and try to diagnose myself. lol  Anyone else want to play guess the MRI image?


              I'm glad it's over with Oski!  Yeah, the docs kinda get a good view of everything down there...

              Running is dumb.

              Hip Redux


                I'm glad it's over with Oski!  Yeah, the docs kinda get a good view of everything down there...


                Hey at least he was cute. lol



                running is bad for you

                   Anyone else want to play guess the MRI image?


                  Oh I love that game!

                  Will run for scenery.

                    Kind of late, but if you ever need to do an MRI again, you could just pretend you're being stuffed into a ridiculous bear costume. 


                    Me, I've got no problem at all sticking my head into a dark constricted place (...pause while words sink in....) but I'm the world's biggest needle sissy. That's actually reason #1 why I am not a heroin junkie.  All the other downsides are minor in comparison.


                    Don't forget to post a blurred, partial version of your MRI for DaveP's little project.

                    Stupid feet!

                    Stupid elbow!

                    You Rang?

                      Yay Oski!  It's over and you haven't killed anybody (yet).


                        When is the last time you heard Captain and Tenille, John Denver, Sammy Davis, Engelbert Humperdink?  


                      Forget the tube.  This would bring out the mass murderer in me!


                      PR: 5k 25:01 (10/15) 10k: 57:44 (7/14) HM: 1:57 (5/15) FM: 4:55 (1/15)

                      Hip Redux

                        Kind of late, but if you ever need to do an MRI again, you could just pretend you're being stuffed into a ridiculous bear costume. 


                        Me, I've got no problem at all sticking my head into a dark constricted place (...pause while words sink in....) but I'm the world's biggest needle sissy. That's actually reason #1 why I am not a heroin junkie.  All the other downsides are minor in comparison.


                        Don't forget to post a blurred, partial version of your MRI for DaveP's little project.


                        LOL Alrighty, Dave, for your composite sketch!




                          That's some lean muscle ya got there O, I think. 

                          Hip Redux

                            That's some lean muscle ya got there O, I think. 


                            I just said to Mr. O "I look fat in these MRI pictures!"




                              Glad you have the MRI over with Oski. Good luck figuring it out though. I'm a medical professional and I can't figure it out. LOL. I've had plenty of MRI's so I'm kinda used to them. They don't usually freak me out.


                              AFM- Today I completed 3.56 miles on the elliptical trainer. I did 45 minutes and though I feel like I have the energy to run right now, I'm still very happy I was able to get in some decent cardio. It did not tire me out like a good run would. I'm pretty happy though I can do more than walk now. Tomorrow I'm going to physical therapy and I'm going to swim. Yay. My depression is still there, but I'm making a conscious effort to keep busy and create goals for myself.

                              Running is my mental-Ctrl-Alt-Del. 

                              Hip Redux

                                How long will you be in PT for, Hilary?


                                I am driving myself insane with not knowing what the MRI says.... Friday morning can't get here soon enough.