Beginners and Beyond


A serious question which I can't believe I'm posting on the internet... (Read 99 times)


Former Bad Ass

    I have nothing to contribute to this thread. But I'm so glad I run in the evening most of the time!



      you really *don't* need to get online before your morning run.  I know how easy it is to get sucked into reading a bunch of stuff; just say no!! Smile  I mean, you're going to sign on here to log the details of your run afterwards anyway, right?  So just read/respond to stuff then. 


      Tss,tss. Bad advice. We want to know before, and after your run. Heck, some people here even want to know which movies you've seen and what you've had for supper the night before, what you plan on having for breakfast, and what you've had for breakfast. The run can wait a little 



        Tss,tss. Bad advice. We want to know before, and after your run. Heck, some people here even want to know which movies you've seen and what you've had for supper the night before, what you plan on having for breakfast, and what you've had for breakfast. The run can wait a little 




        5k - 22:53  (May 2015)

        10k - 50:00 (unofficial; part of 20k race, March 2015); 50:33 (official; July 2016)

        HM - 1:48:40  (Apr. 2015)

        Half Crazy K 2.0

          getting on the internet is a way to pass time while waiting for the coffee to do its job. Or take whatever device with you while you TCB.


            Yes you can do it! Carry TP in case the PM visits.


              getting on the internet is a way to pass time while waiting for the coffee to do its job. Or take whatever device with you while you TCB.

              Fair enough, but it's so easy to get sucked into something (for me it's reading a book rather than getting on the internet, but same idea) and then realize you were supposed to be out the door 20 minutes ago.  Now if I'm "waiting" before using the bathroom I do small things with a clear ending point; fold that laundry from yesterday, switch out whatever books/papers I need for work from my bag, etc.    *shrug* that's just me though.


              5k - 22:53  (May 2015)

              10k - 50:00 (unofficial; part of 20k race, March 2015); 50:33 (official; July 2016)

              HM - 1:48:40  (Apr. 2015)


                I don't really have any advice as far as using the bathroom, but, just a friendly reminder that you really *don't* need to get online before your morning run.  I know how easy it is to get sucked into reading a bunch of stuff; just say no!! Smile  I mean, you're going to sign on here to log the details of your run afterwards anyway, right?  So just read/respond to stuff then.  That could save some time.



                I was actually going to try some new things to save time this morning, like drinking espresso and NOT getting online, but then I decided to take a URD because my knee felt wonky after yesterday's LR.  So I just sat around with my coffee and newspaper this morning.  Although I did ponder this thread quite a bit while I picked up after my dog in the backyard.  He sure is the lucky one, not having to worry about privacy, toilet paper, etc.

                Half Crazy K 2.0



                  I was actually going to try some new things to save time this morning, like drinking espresso and NOT getting online, but then I decided to take a URD because my knee felt wonky after yesterday's LR.  So I just sat around with my coffee and newspaper this morning.  Although I did ponder this thread quite a bit while I picked up after my dog in the backyard.  He sure is the lucky one, not having to worry about privacy, toilet paper, etc.


                  When we still had our dog, that really added time to the morning. She was very stubborn in her older years about taking care of her business. So DH and I had to out-stubborn her, which meant wandering around the back yard for 15-20 minutes while she pondered the perfect spot to take care of her business.


                  I think the getting out in the am also depends on your schedule for the rest of the day. During the weekend, I just can't make myself move quickly in the morning. I like being leisurely. Of course, then my run winds up being miserable since by the time I left at 10:30, it was already hot & humid.


                  Return To Racing

                    I stretch for a few minutes while my EZ Kup brews my coffee, then I eat a PBJ toast, then brush my teeth, shave, read the paper while watching CNBC/Today Show, then I wait 2 hours for DW to wake up.  She can be ready in 15 minutes depending if poo monster wakes up with her.



                      I saw a gastro on a follow up while I was training for 26.2, I happened to mention pit stops and he gave me 3 otc things to take. They solved my problem. The marathon and long runs after that went well along those lines anyway.



                      What, you're not going to share this choice info?




                        What, you're not going to share this choice info?

                        No as 1 of the 3 isn't a long term solution.
