Beginners and Beyond

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    It reminds me of a pic I have that you know well, from Grand Rapids...7 years ago?? Man, time flies.


    For the recent newbies who haven't seen it, I believe a photo post is in order. I should post the photos I have of me coming towards the finishing chute at Tunnel. I was so overjoyed to almost be done that I was trying to be all smiles. Until the moment I thought no one was looking. And it was all I had in me to not start ugly crying right then and there.



      I still make sandwiches with white bread and peanut butter for lunch at work sometimes. I am neither young or poor. I am, however, lazy when it comes to food and I usually make something similar for DS for his lunch.





        I should post the photos I have of me coming towards the finishing chute at Tunnel. I was so overjoyed to almost be done that I was trying to be all smiles. Until the moment I thought no one was looking. And it was all I had in me to not start ugly crying right then and there.




        Trying to not cry (and kind of laughing at the difference of the woman ahead of me):



          Y'know, I was thinking about it, and I've never really blown up in a half. The one in my head that was the most painful for last few miles, I just looked back at the splits and they were not too bad. Onemile is going to say it's because I'm not aggressive enough and sandbag my goals.


          I don't know. I haven't really blown up in a half either. I tend to have a good gauge on the effort that is sustainable and back off in the first couple miles if the effort is feeling too hard for the pace I want to run.


          You could try going out at a harder effort and you might surprise yourself. Or maybe you also have a good gauge of effort for a half. You've run enough of them.



            I don't know. I haven't really blown up in a half either. I tend to have a good gauge on the effort that is sustainable and back off in the first couple miles if the effort is feeling too hard for the pace I want to run.


            You could try going out at a harder effort and you might surprise yourself. Or maybe you also have a good gauge of effort for a half. You've run enough of them.


            I think I have a reasonable gauge for the right effort for the first 7 miles. The problem is I just don’t know what kind of day I’m going to have until I hit mile 8. At 8-9, either I struggle to hang on and end up with even splits, or find an unexpected amount of reserve in the tank and pour it on. I’ve had a few races with healthy negative splits, where maybe I could have gone out faster. Of course it feels so good to finish that strong.


            My upcoming half is going to be a real crapshoot, I have no idea what kind of shape I’m in.




              ugly crying 


              I think there may have been a worse one, but this is the one I can find on my phone right now.



              Half Crazy K 2.0

                How to blow up in a half:

                example 1

                example 2 

                example 3


                I don't have it in my log on here, but Baltimore 2013 was pretty bad too. I averaged about 9:30 through the first 6 or 7 miles and wound up with a 2:17 time.


                  Montreal marathon's organization is getting bashed by the elite.


                  Rock'nRoll is part of Competitor group, which was bought by Iron Man, which in turn was bought by a Chinese group. Registration prices keep going up, expenses are going down, and yesterday's experiences (50 minutes delay, course not well marked in some places, and all kinds of other stuff) are caused by that.


                  The worse part was that the course started the same for marathon and HM. After about 5.5 miles, marathoners took a loop of many miles (8 to 10?) and then reintegrated the same course as the HM. By then, they were not with people running at their pace. Not at all. Then there was the Olympic stadium part, which had narrowish tunnels to get to the stadium proper, full of people running much much slower than the 2:10-2:15 kenyans who were there. Then the course was splitting for the marathoners again, but it was hard to see the volunteers indicating the way in the giant mass of HM runners, and for the volunteers to spot the marathoners to show them the way. The course split again for a couple of miles, and merged back in again with yet slower HMers. It was a very bad designed course. A few weeks ago, some marathoners had spotted the problem and contacted the RD about it, but he obviously did nothing.


                  Not the fast marathoners' fault, not the slower HMers' fault either. Everyone registered for a race advertised as being professional, fun, and... (like all RnR races), but it was full of holes.


                    I don't know. I haven't really blown up in a half either. I tend to have a good gauge on the effort that is sustainable and back off in the first couple miles if the effort is feeling too hard for the pace I want to run.




                    The issue there though is now you're running  X number of seconds slower than you hoped or planned for, which makes the remainder of the race just a mental anvil.


                      I think there may have been a worse one, but this is the one I can find on my phone right now.


                      If there is I haven't seen it. This bad boy is golden though!


                        Before I was diagnosed with low ferritin, I signed up for a HM. I knew it would be bad, because my training had been awful, so I decided to just run it for fun. I still blew up badly.


                        Super B****

                          chasing the impossible


                          because i never shut up ... i blog



                            Super B****

                              How to blow up in a half... how's this?? I guess that can't technically count as a "blow-up," but still. Painful.

                              Not that you'd know it since for some inexplicable reason I am laughing.

                              chasing the impossible


                              because i never shut up ... i blog


                                My upcoming half is going to be a real crapshoot, I have no idea what kind of shape I’m in.


                                can't you gauge from your workouts? how do they compare to your last HM?