Beginners and Beyond

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      Ha! My brotha from anotha motha.



        This football game is a whole lot of fun so far. If you’re a Bears fan. Which I am.



          How to blow up in a half:

          example 1

          example 2 

          example 3


          I don't have it in my log on here, but Baltimore 2013 was pretty bad too. I averaged about 9:30 through the first 6 or 7 miles and wound up with a 2:17 time.


          That is seriously impressive! So awful.


          I'm with Onemile. No absolute blow ups come to mind, at least for HM. I either plan to run as a workout or have missed goal pace by 1-2 mins. I am purposefully not counting my first one which was a hot mess.


          My worst debacles, not counting my first marathon, was a 10 miler in Florida that involved puking and a 10k here that I finished 10 min slower than I should have.






            Lol. Yes. For sure twins.


              How to blow up in a half:

              example 1




              Wow, this one wins.



              Former Bad Ass

                Haha at the pics.


                Ran 5.50 at the indoor track which today was at 68F feels like 75 or so.  Then came home to finish the run outside in feels like 85F and a non-humid 67 dewpoint, ha.


                My legs are getting used to not being on a TM little by little.  Sadly I'll have to be on a TM tomorrow since it's hard to gauge 800m and 400m in an indoor track and fuck if I want to run them in feels like 90F.



                Former Bad Ass

                  In other news, my last day in the office is tomorrow and I just got four cases, one of them HUGE (my 6th giant chapter 11 in the last two years).  So I'll be working on that tomorrow.  Yay me.


                  We leave in less than 36 hours.




                    I think I have a reasonable gauge for the right effort for the first 7 miles. The problem is I just don’t know what kind of day I’m going to have until I hit mile 8. At 8-9, either I struggle to hang on and end up with even splits, or find an unexpected amount of reserve in the tank and pour it on. I’ve had a few races with healthy negative splits, where maybe I could have gone out faster. Of course it feels so good to finish that strong.


                    My upcoming half is going to be a real crapshoot, I have no idea what kind of shape I’m in.


                    I think the approach you described in the first paragraph is the right one. Isn't the idea behind that race to assess the kind of shape you're in?

                    The result can still disappoint some ( raises hand ) but I'm still glad I did it the way I did (went out at a pace I felt made sense, and when I felt the effort was too hard I slowed down some).  How to interpret that result, though, can be somewhat difficult Smile