Beginners and Beyond


October Goals (Read 59 times)

Jess runs for bacon


    Is there anyone here who hasn't heard how this turned out?


    Big grinBig grinBig grinBig grinBig grin29:25Big grinBig grinBig grinBig grinBig grin


    Yes, but I can say congrats again. Congrats!!!


      1) I run a full and half within 8 days so want to plan running that week wisely


      2) I'm bailing on cliff bars, and experimenting with gu so hop that goes well.


      3) 130 miles


      4) make my 22 this week


      I made them but am not happy about eating enough before the marathon and fueling so will keep working on that.


      delicate flower

        1)  Another HM PR (10/12)

        2)  Have a solid duathlon (10/27)

        3)  200 miles

        4)  Try not to stay awake to see every Red Sox playoff game to the end




        Although I blew off the duathlon.


        Jess runs for bacon

          1) Get over 100 miles this month

          2) stay on track with marathon training

          3) Course PR at Runner's World Half

          4) Enjoy myself at the rest of my races this month


          1) Missed but got sick, NBD

          2) Dropped training all together, but happy

          3) not just a course PR, but a Hm PR!

          4) enjoyed them all!


            1. Stay healthy

            2. Survive my first marathon taper

            3. Put myself in a position to run a solid debut marathon

            4. Setting a new 10K PR would be nice


            1. Healthy? - check
            2. Survive taper? - so far so good
            3. Ready for debut marathon? - I did what I could.  The hay is in the barn.
            4. 10k PR -  check - beat my old PR by a minute

            2013 goals: 800m: 2:20 | mile: 4:59 | 5k: 18:59 | 10k: 39:59 | HM: 1:32 | Marathon: 3:20


              1) Continue to manage my "delicate" hip/glute

              2) Get mpw consistently back into the 40-45 range

              3) Stay consistent with strength training and martial arts for cross-training


              1) So far, so good.
              2) Last four weeks have been 44, 41, 45, 44, and this week should be 47ish.
              3) Skipped ST Tuesday when I wasn't feeling great, but otherwise I've done each twice a week, plus a couple of yoga classes.


              Yay, me!

              20,000 miles behind me, the world still to see.



                1.  Check - Evansville Half Marathon : 2:04:48
                2. Check &  Check
                3. Check
                4. 104 for October - Check


                Post 'em folks!


                1. PR under 2:10:00 at the Evansville Half Marathon
                2. Stay healthy and injury free
                3. Have fun
                4. Stay above 100 miles

                *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


                5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

                10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

                15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

                13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

                 26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)


                  I didn't post October goals this month because I have not been around much.  Work has me so freakin BUSY!  Anyway they are the same every month so I can post my results.


                  1 - I made it though the month injury free and that is always my biggest goal.

                  2 - Keeping it fun.



                    My goals:

                    1. Run sporadically, short distances, in pain.
                    2. DNS Detroit Marathon 10/20.

                    3. Finally see an orthopedic & come up with some kind of plan of action for my f%&*ing knee.



                    1. Not achieved! Have been able to run consistently 3x/week, lately ≥6 miles/run, even broke 10 once. Last 3 weeks were all >20 miles. Knee pain has been minimal. (Knock wood.)

                    2. Check.

                    3. Meh. Actually started to feel a bit better a week before my appointment, at which I got a cortisone shot, and have been doing better since. Issue appears to be a slight meniscus tear, so options are (a) surgery or (b) hope it gets better on its own for some reason. So far going with (b). Doing OK but still nervous about ramping up too much, and that it will just come back.



                    Are we there, yet?

                      1. Run 180+ miles

                      2. Race Towpath 10K under 1:02, hopefully under 1:00

                      3. FE with everyone at Towpath

                      1. Ran 198.2 miles

                      2. Race was postponed due to non-functioning Federal government

                      3. FE with those who came even though  the Towpath races were postponed

                       2024 Races:

                            03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                            05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                            05/25 - What the Duck 12-Hour

                            06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.





                        1. Stay healthy!

                        2. Drop some weight

                        3. 50+ miles/week


                        1. Done!

                        2. Pretty sure I have, but won't know for sure till I get home tomorrow and weigh Sat morning, been on work travel the last 2.5 weeks.

                        3. Had one 44 mile week, but followed it with 69 and 73 mile weeks to wrap up my second 260 mile month in a row, I'll take it. Smile


                        My running blog

                        Goals | sub-18 5k | sub-3 marathon 2:56:46!!


                          Hooray for not meeting your #1 goal! Smile



                          1. Not achieved! Have been able to run consistently 3x/week, lately ≥6 miles/run, even broke 10 once. Last 3 weeks were all >20 miles. Knee pain has been minimal. (Knock wood.)

                          2. Check.

                          3. Meh. Actually started to feel a bit better a week before my appointment, at which I got a cortisone shot, and have been doing better since. Issue appears to be a slight meniscus tear, so options are (a) surgery or (b) hope it gets better on its own for some reason. So far going with (b). Doing OK but still nervous about ramping up too much, and that it will just come back.


                          PS- Other Dave, nice mileage!

                          Bin Running

                            1. Don''t  get injured.

                            2. 200+miles

                            3. Run at least MP on 32K race (20 Oct )


                            1. So far so good.

                            2.  200.2M.. I did force it a little though.. Have a newboarn in the middle of the month with a 14M week.

                            3. Didn't quite pull it off..

                            2015 Races

                            2XU HM - 29 Mar

                              1. Completely recover from injuries.

                              2.  Run within 2 minutes of last year's 10K PR at Cartersville 10K

                              3.  Run 100 miles or greater


                              1. I believe so.

                              2.  Overslept so did not race. Did run a 6 mile training run that day.

                              3.  Ran 123.3 miles  Smile

                              “Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.” - T.S. Eliot
