Beginners and Beyond


How Many Days Per Week Do You Run? (Read 135 times)


Drink up moho's!!

    3 to 7 days a week.  But i prefer a 5 day run schedule.


    M - SRD

    T - run

    W - run

    Th - run

    F - SRD

    Sa - run long

    Su - run longer

    Ball of Fury

      I do know 2 people who have BQ'd using the Run Less, Run Faster program, which I believe is running 3 days per week.

      PRs:  5K 22:59, 10K 46:54,HM: 1:51:15


        I feel like the slacker in the group, I usually do 4 days, maybe a 5th at times.  However I have been healthy the whole time, loss the weight I was looking to loose and making progress in mileage and speed.  So in other words I am a happy and content slacker.

        Ron's PRs 5K 24:14 (12/07/2013); Half Marathon 1:53:33 (5/26/2013)



          I'm just wrapping up a 17 day streak. My body was telling me to take a rest day and it's good to take one the day prior to a 5k anyways. I wouldn't mind running every day, just right now I don't think it's physically possible for much more than 2 weeks of solid training without a break.

          - Andrew



            I've been spreading about 40 MPW over about 5 days/week.  Might add another day in this summer but at this point, I think I really need the two days of rest to have quality runs the rest of the week.


              I've been doing 6 days a week usually...though I'll throw a 5 day in about once a month.  As the weather warms up, I may start doing 5 regularly again.


              "We do not become the people who this world needs simply by turning our backs on anyone we don’t like, trust, or deem healthy enough to be in our presence. "  ---- Shasta Nelson


                3 to 7 days a week.  But i prefer a 5 day run schedule.


                M - SRD

                T - run

                W - run

                Th - run

                F - SRD

                Sa - run long

                Su - run longer


                This is what I am starting to lean towards.  My running has never been very consistent due to pain, but I like this schedule ever since doing Higdon's HM plan.








                Squidward Bike Rider

                  Normally, 5 days with rest days on Monday and Friday, but as of March, it's been every day.  I'm doing the "Run Every Day Challenge" on Facebook.  I just do very slow recovery runs on my normal rest days.


                  Squidward Bike Rider

                    I run at least 5 days a week. However, the past 3 weeks I've been doing a "streak" (2 miles run or walk, 50 pushups, 50 situps minimum every day) so I've found myself doing a 2-3 mile recovery run in lieu of a 2-mile walk some days. I've found that if I TRULY take it easy most days, I can run 7 days with no issue. I've run every day since last Friday (including a 5k race last Saturday) and I haven't felt fatigued yet.


                    Of course, I'm only running 35-40 mpw, not 50+ like most people running 6-7 days a week.


                    I agree with Jan.  That's awesome mileage.  No wonder you've been running awesome lately.  I myself didn't start consistently doing that mileage until last year, and I've running for almost 7 years.  Further proof that just running more improves your times. Smile



                      I agree that the likelihood of walking at some point in the marathon is greater if you're running 3x/wk, but it isn't a given if you're coming to running with a fair amount of fitness from other activities.


                      I would say my 3 days/wk of yoga kept me in a pretty good state of fitness; it was not the gentle meditation kind, but a very intense workout. And I stayed completely injury free, never really any pain or soreness. At least until ~mile 19 of the marathon, when everything seized up.  Although I slowed to a very light jog, I pretty much avoided walking other than through the aid stations, and finished in a fairly respectable 4:16. But I am determined to do more marathons & eliminate (or minimize severity of) bonking, and increasing run frequency & mileage are a big part of the formula (or slow down, I guess). Although the training has certainly been less pain-free. I can thank/blame RA forums for that. Smile



                        Just to balance things out, I'll chime in.  As a new runner, I thought I was doing well to get to four days a week.  Running mileage is only 15-20 mpw.  I'm building my base, but slowly as I'm coming back after 8 months off due to injury (pelvic sfx) and I really don't want to have another.  I also walk every day 2-3 miles as I have a dog.  Before I was injured, I was training for a half, and I was running 5 days, so that's my next goal, but I don't think I'm ready for that yet.


                          This is what I am starting to lean towards.  My running has never been very consistent due to pain, but I like this schedule ever since doing Higdon's HM plan.

                          I did that last year.  For where I was in my running life, it worked extremely well.


                          Great stuff going on here from everyone!


                          Jan, I never thought I would say this, but I am actually toying with the idea of running doubles when marathon training starts later this season.


                          Cherie, it's funny that you decrease your days when it heats up while some of us increase them!


                          Dave, as your body gets used to running more frequently, those pains will go away.


                          cmb, did you break your ankle while running a nine hour marathon by chance?  Wink


                          MJ, aside from the day of the week you rest, my current training mirrors yours.


                          Jack, when you run more days, the body keeps right on ticking.  So long as you treat it right.


                          Good luck on your race tomorrow Scott!


                          Kristin, nice to see you checking in!


                          Hey Nickleback fan, what up doe!


                          Ron, there are no slackers, just people doing their own thing.


                          Glad to see you back at it Ginny!


                            Normally 4 days for me but I play football (soccer) every Saturday so if we count that then 5. I try to do a long run on a Sunday and then take Monday off and usually something random comes up in the week (lately its been weather) making me miss another day. Running a day after playing a full footy match has its challenges though, usually takes a few miles to get rid of all the aches.

                              3 to 7 days a week.  But i prefer a 5 day run schedule.


                              M - SRD

                              T - run

                              W - run

                              Th - run

                              F - SRD

                              Sa - run long

                              Su - run longer


                              This is me except I try to do my longer on sat and 10 on Sunday.


                              Try to get mid 40's per week right now.

                              ”Failing to prepare is preparing to fail.”

                              “Whether you think you can, or you think you can't--you're right.”



                                Normally 6 or 5, occasionally 7 or 4 Wink


                                I try to keep my quality days intact, but recovery runs are subject to change.  My work involves a lot of walking, standing, and lifting, so I never really spend an entire day being sedentary.
