Beginners and Beyond


Post pop tart Sundailies (Read 46 times)


Run to live; live to run

    Just cuz



    Run to live; live to run

      Congrats Andrea on sticking with the race despite the tummy.  Great work every racer this weekend!

      Good luck to those running today!




        Smile thanks, I am kind of sore but not bad surprisingly.... not in the mood to run right now though I think that is more my stomach than anything lol.


        Good luck the NYC runners today, and other racers!!!!

        *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


        5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

        10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

        15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

        13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

         26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)


          This morning I was rolling in bed, couldn't sleep. Was 5:15 so I decided to get up. When I came to the computer it said 4:15. Completely forgot about that 

          So by 5 something I was on the road. Did 16 miles. My left hip was causing me problems. I used to swing my leg left and right when I had that before, but I tried something else today. I'd stop (leave the sidewalk and step on the grass) I'd jump sideways left and right as if I was jumping over a small object. 10 times and I'd hit the road again. That would fix the hip for a little while, then I'd have to stop and do it again. Overall I must have done this 10-12 times and then it didn't come back. I had run for about an hour then. So from then on, the rest was kind of a progression run, and finished with my last 3 miles at MP.

          You Rang?

            Ten Miles.  So happy Daylight Savings Time is gone.  I like to run in the morning.  I don't like to run in the dark.  In October, the sun rose so late in the morning, I found it challenging to get the midweek morning run in and still get to work by 9:00 am.


            PR: 5k 25:01 (10/15) 10k: 57:44 (7/14) HM: 1:57 (5/15) FM: 4:55 (1/15)


              SRD. Maybe I'll start some active recovery tomorrow.


              Gonna watch the NYCM until I fall back asleep.


                Ten Miles.  So happy Daylight Savings Time is gone.  I like to run in the morning.  I don't like to run in the dark.  In October, the sun rose so late in the morning, I found it challenging to get the midweek morning run in and still get to work by 9:00 am.


                Yeah being a morning runner my runs got to be ridiculous this past week where it was pitch black darkness.  So on the one hand I am happy about it but hate that it gets dark earlier in the evenings.


                Regarding the time change, so many of my devices changed on their own that I had to look at my wrist watch with manual hands to know what the hell was going on.


                As it was I only had time for 4 stinking miles before class and not the 8 with tempo mile repeats mixed in as I had hoped, blah.


                  No thread to follow our racers? What's going on here?

                  From the Internet.

                    No thread to follow our racers? What's going on here?


                    I know right? I came here expecting a stalking thread. Someone who is not on a mobile browser should get on that!


                    ~3.25 windy and wet miles, chilling at work in dry clothes now with a muffin, a chai tea latte, and NO five-year-old to harass me and force me to share the muffin 


                    delicate flower

                      'Morning!  Yep, some nasty wind out there today.  Since I am not running the NYCM, I got my lazy ass on a treadmill this morning.  8 mile shakeout.  Now I've got my large Dunkin coffee and the marathon on the TV.  Right now, I am doing A-OK.  Smile



                      Run to live; live to run

                        10.5 today



                        Former Bad Ass

                          11-12 miles today, an asthma attack and no medal. I am fine with it.



                          delicate flower

                            Between last week's MCM and this week's NYCM/Indy Monumental, I'm pretty freakin jealous of all the marathoning going on around here.  Yeah, yeah, I know mine us coming up, but still.



                              Between last week's MCM and this week's NYCM/Indy Monumental, I'm pretty freakin jealous of all the marathoning going on around here.  Yeah, yeah, I know mine us coming up, but still.


                              Marathons are always the most fun when other people are running them.



                                Well so much for technology.


                                I had a great run today, probably the strongest run I have had all year.   Did a 4 mile warm-up followed by 14.15 at GMP.  The only problem is that when I got home and plugged my Garmin in, it made a strange beeping sound and deleted my entire run history.  I remember the exact mileage but do not even have a clock time.    Grrrr.


                                I only recall that  the clock in the car was 8:45 a.m. when I got out and 11:54 a.m. when back so, so adjusting for the time it took to walk back/forth to the trail head, POP stop, and post-run cool-down, I guess  that the entire 18.15 run took around 3 hours.  I know my warm-up was around a 10:45 pace and, I was keeping my GMP pace under 10:00, except for two uphill miles (10:45 mile and 10:17-- I remember those splits).  My last 6 miles after I got through the uphill section were my fastest miles  -- all  between 9:20 (I remember that split) and 9:50.   I would guess I averaged somewhere around 9:45 or 9:50?  Im pissed at Garmin right now.  I'm kind of a numbers junky too, so it sucks not to have the break-down and be left guessing at my overall pace. 


                                I'm still all over the place, too, on how I want to pace my marathon.   I was hoping to draw some insights from the splits.   Ack.  


                                Life is good.
