Beginners and Beyond


Should a 5k in March have a water aid station? (Read 193 times)

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    Did a St. Patty's day race Fun run/walk and some folks were complaining that there was not water on the course...


    When do you need to have water on a 5K (temp/humidity)?


    I saw at least 3 camelbaks.  Can't be sure they had water in 'em though....




    Pigtail Connoisseur

      My opinion as a runner:  NO.  There is zero need for water on a 3-mile run.


      My opinion from the management side is a bit more forgiving...  Once temps start getting into T-shirt weather for the masses, yes.  Purely from a liability standpoint.

      Something witty


        My opinion as a runner:  NO.  There is zero need for water on a 3-mile run.


        My opinion from the management side is a bit more forgiving...  Once temps start getting into T-shirt weather for the masses, yes.  Purely from a liability standpoint.

        I have to respectfully disagree. I think that most of us don't need water (I never stop at 5k water stops), but I see plenty of people stop at them when they have them plus there are a lot of walkers. I ran a T-Day race last fall that didn't have water. I was surprised they didn't mostly because it was a race that had been around for a while.


          In this day and age, many of the runners we see at events have never run before in their life, they just show up and think that they can do it.


          Yes, 5k's should have aid stations.  To not have them would be borderline criminal considering the shape that some of the people are in who sign up for these things.


          The question of whether one needs water during a 5k is a whole 'nother topic.

            So where is that point? 70 deg highs?


            There were walkers with kids on the course for 1:15:00.  I could see a few of them brought their own water bottles .  We waited for one lady who breastfed her baby .25 miles from the finish.  Guess she really wanted to have that post run beer....




            Pigtail Connoisseur

              If it's going to be in the 50's or 60's, it's pretty much a given that there needs to be water.  For the exact reasons stated above.


              People coming to a running forum are at least doing some form of research and are potentially aware of what's involved.  However, as others have said, people nowadays expect others to care for them 110%.

              Something witty



                Only 5K Marathons all others, no.

                You people have issues 

                  For any beginners (and I'd bet my last piece of baklava that there would be more than a few at a 5K), I'd say yes.


                  From my personal experience, it took months until I was ready to run three miles without hydrating along the way.


                  Wickedly Average

                    Yeah, one water stop just past the halfway is appropriate. If it's cool out, only a few will go for it. If it's hot, quite a few will. Remember, the 5K runners aren't all seasoned vets, so there will be people wanting water regardless of what others think they should need.

                    Tom (formerly known as PhotogTom)

                    5K - 25:16, 10K - 55:31,  15K - 1:20:55,   HM - 1:54:54


                    Fear is a Liar

                      I think it should be available. Personally I don't use or need it. I hydrate before a race, I may rinse my mouth just before gun time. Right after the race I'm usually not in the mood to drink or eat - especially if I'm calling dinosaurs. But it should be available for others - they supply food at the end of a race so why not a little water during?

                      I'm so vegetarian I don't even eat animal crackers!


                        I will admit to taking water from an aid station, in a 5K, when it was snowing, in April, starting temps in the low 20's.

                        I am not proud of it, but it was my first and I thought I needed it.


                          You kind of lose perspective, especially hanging around these forums. But I was brought back to the state of the common folk recently when a friend posted on Facebook "I just ran ONE FULL MILE, without stopping!!" And of course she got a ton of likes & "you go girl" & "wow amazing" type comments. (I personally liked the fact that she felt the need to add the last part of the statement.) But if she does ever get to a 5k, she will have shown more dedication & commitment to her physical fitness than the average American, and I'm pretty sure she will be happy for a water stop. Not sure whether she will need a Gu.



                            I participated in a 5K last Dec.  It was my second one.  I live in Vermont and it was around 35degF that day.  There was a water stop.  I wondered why it was there.  Who could possibly need water so soon into a run??  How soon we forget what it's like to not be able to run very far.

                              My initial response that popped in my head was:  No.


                              However on second thought, not everyone does their 5K's in the teens or twenties as far as time.   I have friends who are out there closer to 40-50 minutes, and a water table at the half-way mark is nice for them.   In summertime, absolutely.  But in March?  Not so much...

                              The Plan '15 →   ///    "Run Hard, Live Easy."   ∞


                                I'm convinced I could have shaved off 12 seconds had there been a water stop on my last 5k marathon.
