Beginners and Beyond


Saturated Saturdailies (Read 33 times)


    I ran 14 with 2x10 min @ 7:00 with a 3 minute recovery, 3 miles down and then 2x5 min at 7:00. I hit the first segment but that was it. Not sure if it’s just the cold and my muscles not wanting to work


       I'll send you some sun if you send me some speed 


      It would be great if that were possible. The internet would be one big ass wishing well, like, "Anybody got some hills I could borrow for tomorrow's run? something in the 4% grade range would be great" or "I got a tempo run coming up, I need it 40 and overcast. Somebody help a brother out". Even Damaris could get in on the party, like, "Yo D, it hasn't rained here in weeks, send up a monsoon and I'll drop 55 degrees in your lap".


      Former Bad Ass

        Deal!  LOL.


        6 TM miles done.



          I took a 15 minute shower after my run, something that isn't even remotely possible during the week. Hell, I'm lucky to get 5 minutes most mornings. Then my lazy ass took a power nap. Woke up and decided I was hungry. So I went to Meijer and bought all of the food. And now I'm going to eat it.


            I ran 14 with 2x10 min @ 7:00 with a 3 minute recovery, 3 miles down and then 2x5 min at 7:00. I hit the first segment but that was it. Not sure if it’s just the cold and my muscles not wanting to work


            MRT. RIP. lol



              1. the one thing that saved me this week is I had a RP for 5 of my runs'


              2. now it's supposed to snow 3-5 inches tomorrow


              1. That is so awesome you've got a couple RPs that match your speed so well. I need a RP whose speed is closer to mine. I really love running with my RP, but she is so fast. I always end up exhausted after running with her.


              2. Nooooo! Sad 



                It would be great if that were possible. The internet would be one big ass wishing well, like, "Anybody got some hills I could borrow for tomorrow's run? something in the 4% grade range would be great" or "I got a tempo run coming up, I need it 40 and overcast. Somebody help a brother out". Even Damaris could get in on the party, like, "Yo D, it hasn't rained here in weeks, send up a monsoon and I'll drop 55 degrees in your lap".


                LOL Big grin


                  I ran 14 with 2x10 min @ 7:00 with a 3 minute recovery, 3 miles down and then 2x5 min at 7:00. I hit the first segment but that was it. Not sure if it’s just the cold and my muscles not wanting to work


                  Ugh, sorry you had a crappy end to the run. That's still a damn nice workout.


                    8 miles w/my SIL. The trail looked clear when we started, but there was a lot of ice the further we went and it was thick. I agree with you, Cy. I’m so over the ice.   But since we didn’t want to go Bambi, we walked the icy areas.


                    Big grin


                    I'm over the ice, too.


                      6 miles in a lovely 35 degree rain. The sidewalks & trails near work were clear yesterday, but the ones near home are mostly ice. So I split my time between running in the street & dodging cars, and running back & forth on a short stretch of sidewalk that was clear. And some hopping back & forth between street & sidewalk. Good times. I‘d certainly like to find something better for my LR tomorrow. Maybe actually drive to my work route. There’s probably something closer, and things are still melting, but I just have no idea.


                      Yay on the first part! Is your forecast calling for warmer weather to melt off all the snow?


                        I had planned on my long run this morning (just 12 miles but with some quality) with RP but he bailed last night. Then for the 3rd night in a row, DS was coughing every 30 seconds for the entire night so no one got any sleep. We've taken him to Urgent Care twice in 24 hours but it seems to just be a mix of his asthma and a cold so not a lot we can do. My overly dramatic nurse husband was on the verge of taking him to the ER several times last night but I'm glad to have convinced him otherwise. They'll just do the albuterol treatments that we can do at home.


                        I do not run well on little sleep so will put off the LR until tomorrow. I did 7 super easy miles instead although if you looked at my HR, you'd think it was HM pace.


                        Sad Sorry about all the lack of sleep. It's killer. And 7 easy miles after a night of no sleep is still amazing--nice job getting it done.


                          I ran 9'ish on the treadmill. It was such a mental battle to get it done. I had multiple conversations with myself (in my head, luckily not out loud Big grin ) about just stopping early. Or stopping for a few minutes to walk, then resume. But I got it done, albeit with a couple random bathroom breaks. I started watching The Matrix for some stupid reason. Then after 45 minutes I wisened up and started watching Homecoming, the Julia Roberts series on Amazon Prime Video. Have any of you seen it? I watched 2.5 episodes and am wondering if it'll be worth it. I watched some random show on Netflix a couple years ago that was about 10/12 episodes long, and the last show was the stupidest show I have ever watched in my entire life. I was so mad at myself for wasting all those hours. But then I talked to others who ended up liking it. Go figure.


                            Oh and I was going to say, thanks to Cy for mentioning doing the Myrtle Routine the other day. I made a spreadsheet with all the things I want to incorporate (that I've been telling myself I'm going to do forever--like a super basic strength training routine, the Myrtle routine, and some stretching) and crazily enough, now that there's checkmarks for me to check off, I've been actually doing those things. And the weird butt/hammy discomfort is already easing. So, thank you!


                              I started watching The Matrix for some stupid reason.


                              This is one of my favorite movies of all time. The premise of the first entry laid the groundwork for a mind blowing trip, and then them fuckers proceeded to flush it all down the toilet in the two that followed. Such a waste.


                              Fighting senescence

                                Cuz I'm a newbie runner (again) I really, really wanted to go out and run today.  It was the first dry, relatively clear day not terribly cold, in our area for a long time.  But I had promised DS and his family to do Pokemon Go Community Day and then watch the two dear grandsons after.  I ultimately passed on Community Day, thinking that I might sneak in some TM running, and promised I'd still watch the kiddos.  Then by the time I had finished a cooking project (Swedish meatballs, cooking's one of my other loves), there wasn't time for a run.  I'm bummed.  But the boys were great, and I do enjoy time with them, too.  Life's so full of choices!

                                Happy Garmin newbie

                                Renewing my interest in running, sloooowly
