Beginners and Beyond


SunDAILIES (Read 23 times)


    Very hot today, so I ran my 7 on the TM. 42.2 for the week.


    delicate flower


      imitating the anti-vaxers?



      This.  A bunch of CT restaurants are offering free drinks to vaccinated people who show cards, and anti-vax morons are complaining about HIPPA violations.  Of course these are the same folks who complain about the First Amendment when somebody gets fired for publicly making inappropriate comments.


      Half Crazy K 2.0


        This.  A bunch of CT restaurants are offering free drinks to vaccinated people who show cards, and anti-vax morons are complaining about HIPPA violations.  Of course these are the same folks who complain about the First Amendment when somebody gets fired for publicly making inappropriate comments.

        Maryland is starting a vaccine lottery next week. The HIPPA police are out in force. Apparently they are random numbering the MD vaccine records, the department of health will contact the winner and then the winner can decide if they want to accept.


        Here a lot of the local promos are for people who were vaccinated this month. I'd happily show my vaccine card for free shit.


        Former Bad Ass


          + 1.  I'd love to see all of the anti-vax folks screaming about their freedums being infringed upon and the HIPPA violations.


          Yeah, good luck with that. If this pandemic has shown anything is that people are fucking stupid.


          Dave, that's awesome.




            + 1.  I'd love to see all of the anti-vax folks screaming about their freedums being infringed upon and the HIPPA violations.


            Yep. And I’ll be interested to check out the % of people with wristbands at the starting line.



              A beautiful day for a game! Here's MrW ready to save me from a line drive. Kid got multiple balls and multiple autographs (surprised they still do this with Covid). And most importantly, a Tatis grand slam was what I needed to obliterate MrW in our head to head fantasy baseball match up this week.


                Nice seats!

