Beginners and Beyond


Fridailies, come on everyone! (Read 37 times)



    Everyone was freaking out yesterday about the snow. 6-8 inches! Omg! It’s Wisconsin. It snows. It’s not even a foot. The roads were even miraculously plowed enough that I got my 17 miles in with 7 @ MP and 3 @ 7:45 pace.


    Nice LR workout!


    We got about 5". I can't believe all the schools closed

    Half Crazy K 2.0

      7 miles: 2 easy, 3 moderate, 2 easy. Foot doesn't fell any worse, just not 100%. I wish I could say I tripped on the most technical part of the trail, but it was the flat, east part.


      5 inches of snow would be mass panic. We've had closings this year for less than an inch. This area does not deal well with anything that falls from the sky.


      From the other day, coconut oil must have heating properties 


        5 inches of snow would be mass panic. We've had closings this year for less than an inch. This area does not deal well with anything that falls from the sky

        Usually 5 inches is business as usual but even Milwaukee public schools closed today and they never close. I think part was the timing of it but still.



          Nice LR workout!


          We got about 5". I can't believe all the schools closed

          Thanks! I think I prefer LR workouts to shorter stuff. Even though I never want to do them at first

          They all closed by us too. It wasn’t nearly as bad as it was hyped up to be


          Former Bad Ass

            About to watch the opening ceremony, but I saw the PR flag was there with one athlete. Cool.


            2.28 miles at OTF with 1-4% segments of 0.25-0.50. Then 4.01 miles before Pilates.



              3rd run of the day. Done.

              4th meal of the day. In progress.


                I attended (and participated) in a 1.5 hour long basketball practice with my son. I'm sure that counts for like 3 days of sprints and then some. Holy f*ck. At the end of practice coach kept on calling random people to the shooting line (I don't play ball, sorry I don't know the technical term) and if they made the shot, we were done. If not, it was a sprint out and back. After like the 5th missed attempt he upped the ante to if we missed it, 20 burpees. Oh FFS. The person missed. Burpees are hard. And this was at the END of practice. Sigh. So naturally I'm hydrating with wine.  Docket, I should really have made myself a martini but I'm somehow out of olives????? How does THAT happen.


                Shortii, that's a kickass workout.


                I also live in MN and people everywhere freak out all the time over a dusting. Last week I was all heavily sighing as i was driving (b/c, Cmon, PEOPLE, get your sh!t together!) until the person ahead of me spun out and went straight into the ditch. Well okay, then. Take your sweet time!
