Beginners and Beyond


Fridailies, come on everyone! (Read 37 times)


    Really? I'm first


      And I was two sets of lifting because people kept hogging my third machine and then 30 minutes on the exercise bike at level 13 hill setting. same as it always was.


      Former Bad Ass

        I took today off and I was glad the shutdown instructions say to stay home if you had off anyway, since the government closed and open while I was asleep.


        I have OTF at noon and then Pilates and 6 (for the day) tonight.



          Run commute day. I might make it a triple and run during soccer practice this evening. If I don't I'll spend 90 minutes watching 11 yo girls at soccer practice on a low and narrow wooden bench in an elementary school gym.


            I dropped my tablet last night and broke the screen. I have insurance but will have to front the $835 replacement cost then get reimbursed minus the deductible ($112).


            The bad part is I can't get into it to copy the hard drive, so I might lose everything on it.




              And I was two sets of lifting because people kept hogging my third machine and then 30 minutes on the exercise bike at level 13 hill setting. same as it always was.


              Get off my lawn!


              LRB, that sucks. When i had my purse stolen, they also made me buy a replacement one first, submit my receipt, before they reimbursed me (minus the deductible). Hope you don't end up losing everything.


              I finally am fever free.  So naturally I ran 6 miles on the TM. I'm going to start guzzling coffee (or maybe Mt. Dew (as per Whiskers)) so I can feel more human.



                I use Right Guard Xtreme Sport Gel for chafing. It's never failed me. It's a tip I picked up from ScottyDog 20 years ago. I've tried Bodyglide and a few other similar ones and they work okay, but the Right Guard gel leaves a dry, frictionless surface that seems to last forever and I like better than the greasier stuff. Except the Right Guard kinda dries out my toes and I might get RunGoo or something like that just for toes.


                Are we talking about the deodorant, here?


                  Rest day is the best day! My longest running stretch so far with 8 days in a row and everything is feeling good. No sickness here <knocks on every surface nearby, wood or otherwise>



                    I finally am fever free.  So naturally I ran 6 miles on the TM. I'm going to start guzzling coffee (or maybe Mt. Dew (as per Whiskers)) so I can feel more human.


                    Glad you are feeling better!


                    I am not a coffee drinker and only occasionally do wine or beer. My vice has always been soda... although I have been successful in recent years with limiting myself to only a can or 2 on the weekends. However, sometimes when you are having one of those days, a Mt Dew makes all the difference   And they are free at my work so temptation can be tough.


                      I was feeling cabin fever (stuck inside after the ice storm plus being sick) so I decided to go for a run even though I'm not healthy. I was fine while running, but as soon as I got back inside, I started coughing again. It was worth it though. Six somewhat hilly miles.


                      Cy - I'd go for a run too rather than sit on the bench.


                      delicate flower

                        Work is so busy AHHHHH!  I didn't eat lunch until 2:30 and had to make time.  But enough about that....2600 yard swim done before work, and a short run on tap tonight.


                        So there I was looking over next week's training schedule...looks interesting, some different stuff next week.  Then I see the 5,000 yard swim Thursday.    The Ironman swim is 4200 yards and was my longest ever.  So take that and add 15 minutes.  I may need arm replacement surgery after that one.


                          Work is so busy AHHHHH!  I didn't eat lunch until 2:30 and had to make time.  But enough about that....2600 yard swim done before work, and a short run on tap tonight.


                          So there I was looking over next week's training schedule...looks interesting, some different stuff next week.  Then I see the 5,000 yard swim Thursday.    The Ironman swim is 4200 yards and was my longest ever.  So take that and add 15 minutes.  I may need arm replacement surgery after that one.


                          I think I would drown on purpose.  I can't even imagine.


                          6.5 this morning.  Less of a struggle than yesterday, but I mostly just wanted to be done.  I apparently really need a Friday.  In addition to my body being tired, my brain has decided to check out of life.  I just spent an hour on the phone with a client only to realize later that we spent that entire time talking about another client's documents.  This is next level idiotic on my part.    I haven't felt this stupid (and embarrassed) in a long time.  I sent a groveling apology with assurance that the phone call will be no charge.  This day needs to end before I eff up anything else.


                            I am done with work and am now enjoying my favorite beer in the whole wide world at my favorite watering hole. 🍺


                            It's been snowing non-stop since whenever it started and is pretty much a mess out there. I still think it's more hysteria than anything, I mean come on, it's Michigan, news flash; it snows in Michigan. This is not our first rodeo people, act like you've been here before.



                              It's been snowing non-stop since whenever it started and is pretty much a mess out there. I still think it's more hysteria than anything, I mean come on, it's Michigan, news flash; it snows in Michigan. This is not our first rodeo people, act like you've been here before.


                              Everyone was freaking out yesterday about the snow. 6-8 inches! Omg! It’s Wisconsin. It snows. It’s not even a foot. The roads were even miraculously plowed enough that I got my 17 miles in with 7 @ MP and 3 @ 7:45 pace.



                                Everyone was freaking out yesterday about the snow. 6-8 inches! Omg! It’s Wisconsin. It snows. It’s not even a foot. The roads were even miraculously plowed enough that I got my 17 miles in with 7 @ MP and 3 @ 7:45 pace.


                                I'm imagining it is like when we get 0.01 inches of rain.


                                Stay safe everyone!
