Beginners and Beyond


Pride of Pooler 5K (Read 63 times)


Team TJ

    I ran the Pride of Pooler 5k this morning.  Their slogan says "everything's cooler in Pooler", this morning was cool.  This race started and ended at Pooler Elementary School and was very well hosted by the school staff.  The race route was hilly, an oddity for the Coastal Empire, as it is naturally flat here.  My goal for today's race was my first sub-30 finish and shortly after we started I began to doubt that.  When we hit the 1 mile mark, I reconsidered when I glanced at my watch and saw I had completed it in 8:49 (this fat boy's first sub 9mm).  Unfortunately I couldn't quite maintain that pace for the remainder of the race, however, I did manage to finish in 29.27!!!!  This was a PR by 1.56!


    Happy, happy, happy!

    Running for TJ because he can't.



      Great job Robert and a big congrats on the PR! It's so tough to reign things in at the start and even with experience it doesn't get any easier. Awesome job on the huge PR and it's been amazing to see how you're gaining as a runner.

      Train smart ... race smarter.


        You have come such a long way in a very short time.  And the fact that is was on a hilly course means there are more crumbs on the table to be had.


        Go get 'em next race!


          Awesome job!  Ditto on the hills mean faster times to be had.

          Just B.S.

            Great job Robert!


            delicate flower

              Rock n roll.  Your fastest mile and your fastest 5K.  That's a hell of a day.  Congratulations, Robert!



                Congrats on a great race.


                Keep up the good work!

                  A sub 30:00 on a hilly course.  I'm raising a frosted mug in tribute to your performance!  Keep it up.

                  “Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.” - T.S. Eliot


                  Barking Mad To Run

                    Yay, Robert, congrats on that sub-30 5K, way to go!

                    "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt

                      Great job Robert. I had a 5k today as well with a lot more hills than I was expecting. Way to push thru and get that sub 30!

                      First Race

                      Hot Chocolate 5K Chicago November 4, 2012 30:17

                      Second Race

                      Penguin in the Park 5K Decatur Illinois March 23,2013 27:08



                        Dude, you got your sub 30.  That's outstanding.  You have entered a new realm of possibility at that distance, and can now seek to climb down in to the 20's.  Keep it up.








                          Nice job!  Soon enough you will be running all 3 miles at that pace, I'm sure! Smile


                            Great job on the sub 30.  Congratulations!


                              Congratulations on the new PR.  Way to go.


                              Fear is a Liar

                                Congratulations on going sub-30!

                                I'm so vegetarian I don't even eat animal crackers!
