Beginners and Beyond

The Aftermath MonDAILIES (Read 42 times)

Hip Redux


    I wear pro sports teams shirts or jerseys even if I've never played for those teams.


    Heh. lol



    Former Bad Ass

      I have some shirts from races I DNSd and DNFd.  But most of the time they are ugly so I give them away.


      bluerun, I would just not do the race and not get a setback. Especially if the pace is going to stress you out.



      Super B****


        Take the rest, you've had an absolutely incredible year. No need to risk a setback at this point in the season.


        SETBACK!!  What exactly would you call a stress fracture?  It's impossible for me to be set back farther than I have been without being dead.  (Actually, that wouldn't be a setback, it would be a vast improvement.  I'll be going to bed now.)

        chasing the impossible


        because i never shut up ... i blog



          SETBACK!!  What exactly would you call a stress fracture?  It's impossible for me to be set back farther than I have been without being dead.  (Actually, that wouldn't be a setback, it would be a vast improvement.  I'll be going to bed now.)



          I have the perfect line for your siggy: The glass is not only half empty, it has a hole in it. lol


          Super B****



            I have the perfect line for your siggy: The glass is not only half empty, it has a hole in it. lol


            There IS no f*#%ing glass.


            (Yes, I know I said I was going to bed.  I can't sleep.  That's how bad I am at playing dead.  And since it's apparently not clearly discernible -- I am 100% serious.)

            chasing the impossible


            because i never shut up ... i blog



              There IS no f*#%ing glass.



              Golden! lol


                I got a shirt when I signed up for a race, nine months before the event.  They told me, "Wear the shirt all you can.  We need the publicity."  I didn't want to do it before the race, because it didn't feel right.  When I got injured and DNS, I really didn't want to wear the shirt.  But then I decided, "I paid for it.  It's mine.  Wear the damn thing."  And now I wear it all the time.  I got another shirt at a 6-12-24 hour race that had a 5k attached to raise some money to pay for the ultra.  The shirt only advertises the ultra, so I feel weird when I wear it, because it suggests that I'm capable of doing that kind of a race.  At the same time, I did run the 5k and I like the shirt (it's very bright, so on cloudy days I can be seen) so I wear it anyway.


                Bluerun - it will get better, you know that.  Your brittle bones suck, big time, but you still manage to run, and to run well.  Next year you start over, and you'll get the fun of new races and new PRs.


                  8 miles.


                    I registered for two Boston before I actually ran my first in 2013. I bought gear each time, before race day, with the logo and the year on it. I changed my mind and decided not to go in 2011 and 2012 (I'm like that with running. I do what I want in the moment I'm in. I don't want to be bothered with rules and principles). Anyway, I wear the tank for the 2011 race all the time. It's my favorite. I haven't been stricken by lightning yet.


                    If my happiness depended on my running, I'd be stressed all the time. So many things that can happen and have happened. I try to not put all my eggs in one basket when it comes to life. But I'm older than you, bluerun, and I guess I'm just happy to be breathing at this point... The good thing about your running is that you started young, so you have many years ahead of you. Many of us here started at a much older age and we have a more limited window of opportunity. We all have to work with what we are given. That said, it will get better for you, don't despair. It always gets better. It's like a law or something...

                    PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                            Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

                    18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010


                      Re the rules of wearing running gear etc.....who cares. do what works for you...the sport with the most ridiculous set of unwritten "rules" has to be baseball...there are some pretty obscure rules that are baffling to most fans...


                      anyway did 4 miles a little while ago then had some dinner...and now just got back from a dog walk...and i'm going to assume the patriots are winning...night night.

                      marathon pr - 3:16


                        Well I feel like I ran the hell out of my race yesterday, so there's that.  You know the sort of empty feeling where you're thirsty but drinking water doesn't seem to do the trick?

                        I just finished the last of three 13 hour days for conferences this year.  Thursday, Friday, and Monday were ridiculously long hours.  But I do have tomorrow and Wednesday off.


                        This pic from my race is cracking me up.  32 degrees at race time.  Would LRB and Dave even have been wearing clothes in that heat?


                        The tab on my bib was already starting to come off, and my chip was on it!  This was super scary for most of the race, that somehow I'd lose the rest of it and not notice.


                        Are we there, yet?


                          I have a shirt from a race I didn't even register for.



                          We even had a left over t-shirt race in Philly. As you crossed the finish line a volunteer tossed you a shirt left over from another race. It was then up to you to swap said shirt of one you like better and/or in your size. So there were lots of runners in the area wearing shirts for races they never registered for.  Oddly and in somewhat of a contradiction, in many races back then you didn't get your shirt unless you finished the race. I can remember one race where I was running with one of the girls on the HS xc team I coached. I had to bust my butt in the second half of the race to pass over 300 runners in the last 2.5 miles because I'd assured her she'd get a shirt and at the turnaround we were in about 700th place and only the top 500 got shirts. It made for very unusual negative splits, roughly 20:00 for the first 2.5 miles and 15:30 for the second 2.5.

                           2024 Races:

                                03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                                05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                                06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.





                          delicate flower


                            All I had to do was become a member on the Adidas site (, that is) to benefit from the black friday deals all week long. Maybe the .com site is the same.


                            MTA: I checked, it seems they have the same deal.

                            MTA2: Not sure, turns out when I type, it automatically redirects me to the site


                            I am already registered there and I didn't get an e-mail with this deal.  I got hosed.



                            Super B****

                              Of course it always gets better.  That way, the blow is more powerful when the same shit happens again.  (Nobody ever accused me of being an optimist, but at this point... I'd be flat-out stupid if I were.)


                              Anyway, I'm not going to do it.  Let the streak die in lieu of me, and I'll just go to bed on Wednesday night and stay there until Monday morning.

                              chasing the impossible


                              because i never shut up ... i blog