Beginners and Beyond


Hartford HM recap (Read 73 times)


delicate flower

    (Direct copy n'paste from L&O and I feel shame for the ho'ing)


    Today is six weeks and one day out from the Philadelphia Marathon aka my goal race.  Today's race was my final tune up race.  I set my HM PR a month ago.  Today I just wanted to run a good race, hoping to PR.  It didn't have to be a big PR, but a PR would tell me my training is going well.  It's worth noting that I ran a 10 mile race a week ago at an honest but not all out effort.  I cut the miles a little this week and probably sacrificed a whole 20 miles for this HM.  I don't think my legs were fully recovered from last week.


    For the last few days, I've felt a little off and my runs have been sluggish.  Turns out I had a cold coming on.  I started to really feel it yesterday but was in denial.  I spent a good part of last night tossing, turning, and coughing, and woke up really feeling it this morning.  I got through the race ok today, but as I type this report I am rapidly declining.  I don't know if the cold hurt me at all today, but it couldn't have helped.


    Race weather was 48 degrees and a steady rain.  Lovely.  DW and I got there 90 minutes early and did our best to stay warm and dry.  I ran a one mile warm up and felt pretty good, and reported to the seeded corral five minutes before gun time.  I love starting up front.  Saw a bunch of runners I know and exchanged well wishes.


    My races recently have been a lot of fast starts and late fades, so I did my best to run smart today.  PR pace was 7:14, so I tried to keep my paces between 7:10 and 7:15, figuring that might net me a one minute PR if I didn't fade.  I felt good the entire race, and while the last few miles got hard like they should, I finished the race strong.  My previous HM's this year were me hanging on for dear life the last few miles, but today I got faster and passed a whole bunch of people the second half.  That felt great.


    1- 7:05

    2- 6:55

    3- 7:07

    4- 7:12

    5- 7:26

    6- 7:07

    7- 7:05

    8- 7:16

    9- 7:13

    10- 7:12

    11- 7:19

    12- 7:05

    13- 7:06

    .25- 6:18


    This course measures long on my Garmin.  DW and Cousin Rachel got the same distance.  My Garmin half splits were 7:09/7:08.  Pretty happy about that.  My official pace was 7:13.  BOOOOO!  If my Garmin finished at 13.1 miles, I would have PR'd by 1:02.  Dammit.  I don't know how much this head cold or the weather conditions affected my race, if at all.  I ran a good, steady effort and felt strong start to finish for the first time in quite a while.  The faster/slower miles directly correspond to hills.




    1:34:29 (9 second PR)

    OA 229 / 5881

    AG 21 / 361


    I'll take it!  DW ran a four minute or so PR (2:08).  We got the hell out of town as soon as she finished because we were freezing our asses off.


    Thanks for listening.



    delicate flower

      Mile 12.5 and feeling good.


      I thought I'd lose the arm warmers and gloves, but wore them the entire race.  I was soaked.  My friggin shirt looks like a dress.


      I like the trinkets, and this is a nice one as these things go.




        !!!!First Post!!!!!

        Awesome job! A PR is always great! 

        *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


        5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

        10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

        15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

        13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

         26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)


          Sounds like a well run race with a negative split (per Garmin). Great job!


            Why aren't you wearing the Hitogamis, you ho?!


            Congrats on the PR. Just a tiny one, but I agree that must be a good sign that training is going well. Recover, train, then rock that bitch!


              Those are beautifully executed splits, Baboon. Congratulations on the PR! Now rest a little and try to recover completely from that cold before your next quality run.

              PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                      Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

              18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010


              delicate flower

                coolstorybro:  Around mile 3.5, a guy next to me asked what our pace was.  His Garmin locked up and wouldn't unfreeze (must have been a 620 rofl rofl).  We were holding a 7:00 pace through the race at that point, but I told him I was about to dial it back a little because I was ahead of pace.  He thanked me, and off I went.  About 20 seconds after I crossed the finish line, hunched over a railing and sucking wind, he came up to me, patted me on the back, shook my hand, and thanked me for running a strong, steady race.  Turns out he ran a little behind me and paced off me the last 10 miles, getting himself a nice PR.  I thought that was pretty cool and I was happy to help another runner get a PR.


                Jack K.

                uʍop ǝpᴉsdn sǝʇᴉɹʍ ʇI

                  Perfect. In a steady rain, no less. Get your rest and kick the cold, things are looking good for Philly.


                    Congrats! Good job.


                      Those are beautifully executed splits, Baboon. Congratulations on the PR! Now rest a little and try to recover completely from that cold before your next quality run.






                      delicate flower






                        Since you asked, I had a packet of oatmeal, a banana, and a cup of coffee for breakfast.  For in race fueling, I had a gel before the start and a gel at mile 6.  I took one cup of water during the race.


                        Thanks, guys!!


                        Anonymous Guest

                          Awesome! You ran a great race. I can tell you that it finally did stop raining, approximately four and a half hours after the start. I finished in 4:27:57....


                          I predict good things for you in Philly.

                          Coaching testimonial: "Not saying my workout was hard but KAREN IS EVIL."


                          Upcoming races: Hennepin Hundred - October 2024

                          Check out my website and youtube channel


                          Former Bad Ass

                            Well executed!  Congratulations on the new PR!


                            Slymoon Runs

                            race obsessed

                              Well done Baboon!


                                Congrats again on the PR!
