Beginners and Beyond


Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers (Read 212 times)



    Given the circumstances it is understandable.


    This tragedy hit close to home for us because so many members of our running community were there.  I mean, we don't know each other in the traditional sense, but we do know each other and we are a family.


    Now that all of our friends have been accounted for, we can turn our thoughts and prayers to the victims.


    Very well said, Rick.


    I was touched that you guys took the time to stalk some of us. And I was touched by your concern for those of us running Boston. We really are like a family here.


    I still have not heard from runwell, though. He finished around the time of the explosion. I hope he and his family left the finish area right after he crossed the finish line. I am worried about him. We met at the Athletes village and exchanged some friendly words and good luck wishes. I'd like to hear from him today.


    Finally, my heart aches for the city of Boston and all the people who were injured and of course, the families of the victims. Also, it aches for those who witnessed such horrific acts, and for the poor runners who did not get their moment of glory after working so hard to train for this race. I was safe in my hot bath when I heard the two explosions and I told my SIL that it sounded like bombs. Of course, we shrugged if off, thinking it must have been some construction work. But unfortunately, when we heard within minutes the hundreds of sirens from fire trucks and ambulances, we knew the worst had happened.


    This morning, the sun is out again on beautiful Boston. I can hear birds singing. I'm going out all day to explore the city. I know how resilient Americans are and I will act like one today. Boston will shine again. The criminal(s) will pay for this.

    PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

            Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

    18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010


    Former Bad Ass


      Given the circumstances it is understandable.


      This tragedy hit close to home for us because so many members of our running community were there.  I mean, we don't know each other in the traditional sense, but we do know each other and we are a family.


      Now that all of our friends have been accounted for, we can turn our thoughts and prayers to the victims.


      Well said, LRB.


      Ball of Fury

        Very well said LRB and HappyLily!  I know it is a bit overshadowed by the tragedy, but HL, I did want to take a minute to tell you congratulations on a fantastic race yesterday!  I hope you are able to somewhat enjoy your time in Boston, which is a beautiful, beautiful city!

        PRs:  5K 22:59, 10K 46:54,HM: 1:51:15


        Team TJ


          Given the circumstances it is understandable.


          This tragedy hit close to home for us because so many members of our running community were there.  I mean, we don't know each other in the traditional sense, but we do know each other and we are a family.


          Now that all of our friends have been accounted for, we can turn our thoughts and prayers to the victims.


          Well said, LRD.  I will also say, having been a member of the running family less than two years now I don't think I could have picked a better family to join (runners).

          Running for TJ because he can't.



            Today was a day for heroes in Boston.


            Perfect words.


              nevrgiveup,  on the night before the race as my DS and i stood in the middle of Boylston St., in front of the Copley T entrance waiting for my DD to join us,i looked across the street at the medical tent and thought of you, and how very awesome it was that you would give so selflessly of yourself to others.  I had no idea!  Later, on Monday night as i lay sleeplessly in the hotel room, i thought of you again. I was shocked by what i had seen and felt and knew how much more difficult it had been for for you.

              God bless you and i add my humble and profound gratitude.  Be well

                Very nice put LRB.

                Don't call me Buttercup!

                  nevrgiveup,  on the night before the race as my DS and i stood in the middle of Boylston St., in front of the Copley T entrance waiting for my DD to join us,i looked across the street at the medical tent and thought of you, and how very awesome it was that you would give so selflessly of yourself to others.  I had no idea!  Later, on Monday night as i lay sleeplessly in the hotel room, i thought of you again. I was shocked by what i had seen and felt and knew how much more difficult it had been for for you.

                  God bless you and i add my humble and profound gratitude.  Be well



                  Slow and steady wins the....  wait a second! I've been lied to! 

                  Love the Half

                    Thank you so very much for being there.  I nearly ended up in the medical tent after the race with some fairly violent cramps and I am extremely grateful I declined the invitation to be wheeled in.  Please don't be afraid to reach out for help if you need it as you deal with the aftermath in the coming weeks and months.

                    Short term goal: 17:59 5K

                    Mid term goal:  2:54:59 marathon

                    Long term goal: To say I've been a runner half my life.  (I started running at age 45).


                      Thanks guys. <3

                      Running is my mental-Ctrl-Alt-Del. 
