Beginners and Beyond

The Boston Marathon (Read 98 times)


Former Bad Ass

    Thanks for the updates.  I cannot update anymore because we had a bomb threat and we evacuated the building. Sad



      Update:  Red Sox lead 5-1 in the 4th.


      Okay you got me with that one! lol


        Thanks for the updates.  I cannot update anymore because we had a bomb threat and we evacuated the building. Sad


        Oh for fucks sake. Some idiot just had to do it because it's 4/20!


        Former Bad Ass


          Oh for fucks sake. Some idiot just had to do it because it's 4/20!


          And the IRS is in my building.



          Seven Deadly Shins

            Yikes.What a-holes.


               And the IRS is in my building.


              Not touching that with a 39 and a half foot pole. lol


              Seven Deadly Shins

                Update on happylily: back on early pace past 15K. Sub-3:30 finish projected but this could change by the Newton Hills


                Are we there, yet?

                  For those who remember him, Gooruns went through the half in 1:29:46.

                   2024 Races:

                        03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                        05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                        06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.





                  delicate flower

                    Currently on pace for the following finish times:


                    Jay:  2:43

                    onemile:  3:20

                    B+:  2:54

                    Julia1971:  3:22

                    BruceD:  3:30


                    Our peeps are flying.


                    Update:  On pace for...


                    Jay:  2:45 (through 35K of 42K)

                    onemile:  3:21 (25K)

                    B+:  2:58 (35K)

                    Julia1971:  3:22 (25K)

                    BruceD:  3:31 (half)




                      Update:  On pace for...


                      Jay:  2:45 (through 35K of 42K)

                      onemile:  3:21 (25K)

                      B+:  2:58 (35K)

                      Julia1971:  3:22 (25K)

                      BruceD:  3:31 (half)


                      Thank you!


                      I have a feeling BP might crank it back up. He's a nut like that. 


                        Man, that women's finish was great. Des really hung in there but just didn't have the kick. For those who know a lot more than I do, what does she work on to compete with that?


                        ...and go B&B runners!


                          For those who remember him, Gooruns went through the half in 1:29:46.


                          Absolutely, sub-3:00 was his easy pace for a million years...and still might be!


                          delicate flower

                            The online coverage right now is is just the finish line camera view.  With the clock at 2:36, runners are just trickling in as the masses are still on course.



                              The online coverage right now is is just the finish line camera view.  With the clock at 2:36, runners are just trickling in as the masses are still on course.


                              Keep your finger on the screenshot button!


                              delicate flower

                                Traffic has suddenly picked up big time.
